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Posts posted by superderpbro

  1. I have all my important stuff backed up in multiple places. It totals less than 30GB. I could lose everything on my server and technically be ok. But it would be VERY annoying, heh. 


    6 year old HDDs is just asking for trouble. But no .. no reason other than age. Parity drive is 47517 (5y, 5m, 2d, 21h) old. So are most of the others. 

  2. Most of the cheaper drives seem to be SMR these days. Would that be OK for me if i don't write a lot of data all the time? I really don't write to the array all that much. I do a small amount of, torrenting and NZBing, directly onto it though. Anything else I need to worry about with SMR? Should i just spend the extra on CMR?


    All of my current drives have been spinning for almost six years. I want to replace all of them before problems start. I want to keep all my data. I don't want to rebuild each drive one by one. My luck that would kill enough drives to loose data. What is the best way to do this?


    Also, my current cache SSD is at 42TBW and also has nearly six years of power on time. It's an MX300 275GB. Crucial says its endurance is 80TBW. If I buy some new drives should I also replace it? Was looking at a cheap 480GB BX drive.. I don't really need the DRAM of the more expensive ones. Again, I don't write too much on the cache. It only runs a few dockers (PLEX, Sonnar and NZBGet) and a single, very low use, Win7 VM. I don't even write to the SSD and then use mover. I just write directly to the array.

    Cheers :)

  3. Thanks. Can unspecified read errors cause corruption? I've tested every file, that had a checksum or torrent to recheck, that MC says is on disc4. They are all ok. I checksum a lot of stuff, but not everything. :(


    I don't really trust using this server with a questionable disc anymore. How do i just remove it permanently? I dont need the space. Keeping the data of course, heh.

  4. Well, i had planned to down size. I have 5 6TBs (1 parity) and only 2.8TB of data on the server now. I stopped hording. 


    Plus i I feel like my drives are so old I'll kill one during the rebuild lol


    Could I somehow take it out of the array? Take what data I can off it, put the data into the correct shares (of the other drives), and never add it back? I don't need it. lol



  5. Woke up to an email from my server saying 23 read errors on 1 disc.


    Event: Unraid array errors
    Subject: Warning [UNDERP] - array has errors
    Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors
    Importance: warning

    Disk 4 - WDC_WD60EZRZ-00GZ5B1_WD-WXN1H26LW7ET (sdg) (errors 23)




    Didn't have time to take a look until now. I'm in the middle of an extended test on the drive but I've attached the diagnostics.


    Funny.. I was just thinking the other day that I should replace all discs before something goes wrong. My server has been running without problems for longer than I usually like to run spinning discs (most discs have been spinning for 5.5 years-ish). I feel like buying all new discs (including cache SSD) and copying everything over... but money is tight and I'm not even sure how to go about doing that, lol. Sucks not knowing which, if any, files may be corrupt on the disc with errors. :/


  6. Is there a way to use this for Blue Bubbles? I have tried many times and whenever i get up and running imessage does not work. When i try any of the spoofing giudes i cant get past the "check coverage part" .. actually, i've never been able to get past that part when following the video guide... I always get this .. 


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