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  1. I followed the steps above (which was only slightly different than the clean install I tried before in the "Getting Started" guide) and still get the same "not syncing/VFS" error. For now it seems like 6.8 is out of the question on my system until the underlying issues get resolved. For what it's worth I'm also using an intel i3, same as the original poster. No issues found in memtest. Safe mode also not working.
  2. I had the exact same experience and error going from 6.72 to 6.8. I reverted by plugging my usb key into a windows machine and copying all the "previous" version folder contents into the root folder. I then tried the upgrade again and had the same failure as before. After this I tried a fresh install of 6.8 (after formatting my usb) and then copied my backup "config" folder contents into the fresh install. Same panic message. For now I have reverted to 6.72 because there is clearly something very wrong with 6.8.
  3. binhex, I followed the FAQ again but still had no luck. I decided to try delugevpn instead and it's working great. I noticed STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key was there by default on delugevpn, which I think is where the source of my problem was. Looking at my original rtorrentvpn docker, for some reason the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key was not present at all by default. I went and looked at re-installing rtorrentvpn and the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD key is now present by default. I don't know what happened between when I originally installed it a year ago and now to cause that key to not be present, since I generally keep my dockers up to date by checking once a week. Anyways, working now, so I'm happy!
  4. Hoping to get a shining beacon of light to help me with my rtorrentvpn issue. I am having trouble getting port forwarding working and I can't figure out why. I am using Private internet Access VPN and the binhex-rtorrentvpn docker. I've been using this docker for a while with limited success; it has always said my port was closed, and on torrents with a low number of seeds or peers I'm usually not able to connect to any/many peers. Typically this doesn't matter since I am downloading newer/popular torrents with lots of seeds. I finally decided to try and figure out what the issue is. ruTorrent claims the port I am using is closed. PIA supposedly supports port forwarding, and I have been using nl.privateinternetaccess.com and port 49160, however rutorrent has the red icon indicated the port is closed. Looking at the FAQ here: I figured it was because I did not have "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD" enabled. I did not see this value present in the docker advanced settings so I added it myself (was this the correct action to do?) Config Type: Variable Name: Key 18 Key: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD Value: yes Description: Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD However even after doing this and restarting, the port is still showing as closed. I tried switching to ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com which is also port-forward capable, and changing the port to 51111 in rtorrent.rc. After restarting the docker I see the new port in rutorrent but the port still shows as closed. Can anyone shed some light on this issue or point out if i missed a step? Thanks! Edit: is it also just possible the port checker tool built into rutorrent is borked and the port is actually open? Is there an alternate test method I can use?
  5. I ran into the same issue today. I can no longer use US-based locations in PIA since updating my client? I was originally using US-EAST and tried changing to Chicago, neither of which worked. Supervisor.conf said the following: 2017-06-25 18:21:16,659 DEBG 'rtorrent-script' stdout output: [warn] Port forwarding is already activated on this connection, has expired, or you are NOT connected to a PIA region that supports port forwarding And generally kept restarting: 2017-06-25 18:58:57,457 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] OpenVPN restarted I ended up changing to nl.privateinternetaccess.com to get it working again but would prefer to use a US-based location (I am in Canada).
  6. I thought I had this figured this out on my own... I thought perhaps certain settings like this had to be modified directly in rtorrent.rc for it to actually stick... I was wrong even doing the following in rtorrent.rc still causes rtorrent to set its global down down and up to "102400" when the docker restarts: # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited. download_rate = 48000 upload_rate = 150 Also other settings that I initially thought were sticking, like download folder and auto-move when completed directory also seems to be resetting... which is very frustrating as I can't figure out why. Edit: Nevermind. It was a combination of permission issues on rtorrent.rc, bad values being set, and the scheduler plugin overriding my settings. I think I'm finally good and using rtorrentvpn now! Thanks binhex!
  7. I am trying to move from deluge (standard) to rtorrentvpn as I've recently signed up with PIA for torrenting. Deluge's scheduler plugin has always seemed lackluster which is why I want to give rtorrent a try... I am able to get the docker started and the VPN connection appears to come up and I can add/remove torrents... however the configuration doesn't appear to be saving certain values. Every time it starts I need to configure the Download and Upload bandwidth limits. Once in a while trying to apply new configuration settings I am seeing: "error,getsettings XMLRPC call Failed" Values like the scheduler and download/automove paths appear to be saving, it's just other values are not.
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