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Everything posted by rednoah

  1. If you want to use my docker images, then you need basic command-line skills. Running docker will automatically download images from Docker Hub. It'll work on any Linux device regardless of whether or not it's Unraid. e.g. docker run -it -v $PWD:/volume1 -v data:/data rednoah/filebot -script fn:sysinfo EDIT: Creating docker-template files for the community repository for my docker containers is left to the unRAID community. I'm happy to accept pull requests.
  2. My docker images cater to that use case: https://hub.docker.com/r/rednoah/filebot/
  3. libchromaprint-tools includes the fpcalc tool and all it's dependencies.
  4. Alternatively, you can try these: https://hub.docker.com/r/rednoah/filebot/
  5. I've been playing with docker myself and libmediainfo seems to have a few transitive dependencies that may not have been installed on a minimal docker image. This directive will add lots libraries to the image: RUN apt-get install -y mediainfo libchromaprint-tools
  6. Has anyone managed to get libmediainfo.so working? The generic 64-bit Linux binaries don't seem to work on unRAID.
  7. It's probably a container issue. By default, on Linux, depending on your filebot.sh options, you might find them here: ~/.java/.userPrefs You can change the default location by passing in certain Java system properties: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1320798/1514467
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