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Everything posted by davejaca

  1. Thanks for the translation! Will try ipvlan on 6.10 and if no success will remove static IPs.
  2. Hi All, I have been having sporadic crashes on my latest Unraid system (this is after an extremely stable experience on my older system) and am looking for assistance in trouble shooting the issue. Usually logs show no error but the latest crash caught some information which I was hoping for some assistance in diagnosing. From the outside it seems like the system just locks up, WebUI doesn't load, no shares are accessible, SSH is not available and it doesn't respond to ping. I can still access the IPMI on the mobo but on prior events this seemed to have locked up as well. Crash extract and diagnostics attached - any ideas?! For additional info, my Uptime Kuma alert shows all dockers went offline around 5:34 - 5:36AM. Thanks! crash.log diagnostics-20211204-0732.zip
  3. This was my question: "I believe there is a bios available that supports the iGPU in addition to BMC, it is said to only available directly from you (ASRock support)" and the reply: "Provide you with the latest beta BIOS version L2.34 " I made the assumption that it does! Doing a preclear at the moment so will test in a day or so and report back if anything looks off.
  4. Hey Guys, I requested the latest bios from Asrock prior to finding the link in this thread, they provided L2.34, link below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkcfvata0t2wasv/E246D4U2.34?dl=0 Have not tested myself yet but thought I would provide for others. Thanks! DJ
  5. Thought this may be the case but was surprised the system was still starting up (even after a reboot) without it connected. I will try a few more remote reboots and see if it comes back. I am fairly sure it's a USB2 port as it's an older server mobo with the interal USB. Thanks for confirming!
  6. Hi All, I am having some strange behavior with my system running 6.8. Right now what happens is the system will boot fine, dockers and all services start up, I can ssh into the system, but I can not access the Web GUI and under the boot folder (viewed via terminal) no files are showing up. Accessing shares via smb does not seem to be working either. Not sure where to start since the system seems to be working other than these issues. Unfortunately the server is remote to my current location so can't do any dis/reconnecting of drives, any other ideas of what I could try? Thanks!
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