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Everything posted by tortorlo

  1. Another question: Despite what is written in your image homepage, it seems the flood version installed in your image is the latest release (i.e 1.0.0) and not the latest git master commit. Would you consider changing this and actually taking the latest master commit instead? If not, would you have some advice on how to update your container afterwards? I tried the following, but flood did not start, and I didn't really know where to look for clues. root@Syno:~# docker exec --tty --interactive my_rtorrent_container bash cd /etc/webapps/ git clone https://github.com/jfurrow/flood.git flood_git cd flood_git pacman -S --needed make gcc --noconfirm # Now needed compile a flood dependency npm install --production # config-backup.js creation probably useless as it was already copied as the actual config.js cp config.template.js config-backup.js sed -i "s~host:.*~host: '',~g" config-backup.js sed -i "s~sslKey:.*~sslKey: '/config/nginx/certs/host.key',~g" config-backup.js sed -i "s~sslCert:.*~sslCert: '/config/nginx/certs/host.cert',~g" config-backup.js sed -i "s~dbPath:.*~dbPath: '/config/flood/db/',~g" config-backup.js sed -i "s~floodServerHost.*~floodServerHost: '',~g" config-backup.js chmod -R 775 . chown -R nobody.users . cd .. mv flood flood_orig mv flood_git flood Restart container Thanks
  2. Hi Binhex, As far as I understood, your image does not offer https access to flood. Is this something you'd consider? There is already an nginx running, it could be the ssl endpoint for flood too. Also, is this security issue (which I don't really understand) relevant to your image? https://github.com/jfurrow/flood/issues/589 Kind regards,
  3. Hi, So, for the record, I've been using your rtorrent image in which I added the tracklabels plugin, for more than a month with around 900 torrents and 3 or 4 trackers. Things are stable, no issue so far. Maybe you could think about giving it another try? Cheers
  4. Ok, good to know, if I see strange behaviors, I'll remove it first, before finger pointing rutorrent or your image :-) The code plugin hasn't been modified since years, so unless it only revealed instability caused by something else you might have fixed, I wouldn't expect changes.
  5. Yes, that's what I did when I realized that the plugin dir was accessible in the rutorrent config dir. I just wonder why restarting rutorrent was not enough to see the plugin, and I've had to restart the entire ocntainer. Oh well.... But still, it would be a nice and easy addition to the image.
  6. Hello Binhex, Thanks a lot for your work. I'm so happy to have switched from a Synocommunity rtorrent package to your image on my new DS916+. So much easier to upgrade the DSM or the package. In fact, this is even the reason why I bought this 916. I especially love the possibility to choose the user to run as, and the joined vpn, although not tried yet. I have one question and one suggestion: Compared to the Syno community package, I miss the tracklabels plugin (https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent/wiki/PluginTracklabels). Would you consider adding it? I definitely don't understand what is the use of Privoxy in your image. Could you please give a small explanation? Kind regards
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