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Posts posted by dsmith44

  1. Hello everyone.


    At this point I want to step back from supporting this docker container, I don't use it personally at all. That was clear with the recent update that I just pushed without testing it at all, sorry but as I said I don't use this and have no interest in it anymore.


    For 99%+ of people the plugin is better and should be used. 


    For the 1% of people doing odd things, you have some choices to make.

    • Some of you take over the management of this, it's easy, run a script, push to docker hub
      • I'l work with you and good folk at Unraid on how to best manage the transition as I have no idea
    • You individually use the script to build your own images
    • Something else - ideas on a postcard

    I'm going to put a date of the end of June for the last updates I will push to this, so after that unless someone wants to pick this up it will go stale at that point.


    • Confused 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Duckers said:

    Hoi, tailscale is now all set up on my end, unraid as exit node, i can browse the web and everything. But i can't seem to access unraid's webui or anything. Nor browse the shares over SMB with x-plore. docker logs shows it's accepting, but still can't access anything of the server.

    Please use the plugin instead.


    This is only for specialist use cases now.

  3. On 3/31/2024 at 1:38 AM, rama3124 said:

    Do we still need to modify the listening interfaces on network settings to get the unraid webui to work? And does the go file still need to be modified to get it to work on restart? 


    Please check that the plugin isn't a better fit for you. 


    This is only really for specialised use cases at this point.


  4. I have tailscale set up using the plugin, thanks for this - it is great.
    I can access my unraid gui fine when I am on the move. I am wondering if there is a way to somehow access docker containers by their name, e.g. http://portainer ? This would enable me to remove the cloudflare tunneling I have set up to access my applications at my domain, and instead just always access through TS. Cheers

    This is the support thread for the docker container not the plugin.

    I think you want to be here http:// https://forums.unraid.net/topic/136889-plugin-tailscale/
    • Thanks 1
  5. I cannot for the life of me get this to work with my samba shares on Unraid... It USED to work, but it hasn't worked at all for quite a few versions.
    Here is my setup:
    1. Installed Tailscale on my Unraid with this docker container (also set available as an exit node)
    2. Installed Tailscale on my Laptop
    3. Set up a DNS via Talscale blah-blah.ts.net
    4. Connected both machines via Tailscale
    5. On my laptop I've tried //TOWER/storage (cannot find) and mapping a network drive. eg. //tailscale_ip/share1, http://tailscale_dns/share1 and basically every single combination.
    It was some many months ago I could simply go into my Network Locations in Windows and just type //TOWER and all my shares would show up. Now after an update of Tailscale or Unraid etc. this no longer happens. I could also map the network drives with simply: //tailscale_dns/share1
    Nothing like this works anymore. It seems to try and connect because there's a lag whilst it attempts a connection but I just keep getting errors from Windows like:
    It never even asks me for my share username and password.
    Please someone, some help? Doesn't matter if I set to use an exit node or not. What could I be missing?
    This seriously should be as simple as installing Tailscale on both devices, turning it on and then adding the share... That's meant to be the point of Tailscale.
    EDIT: Could this be the issue? Something wrong with Unraid itself that changed during an update? 
     to work flawlessly. Just install on both machines and don't even need to set any extra settings. I could mount things no problem. After a few updates of Tailscale and Unraid it just stopped working.
    As I said, this used

    At this point @plantsandbinary I would stop using this and install the plugin instead.

    This is really for special used cases using docker and private networks only now.

    I would also try using ip addresses only to exclude dns issues in the first instance for troubleshooting.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi,
    newbie question:
    I am running tailscale in docker and it works quite fine. Only weird thing for me is that when I am connecting to server via tailscale I am automatically logged in into Unraid. Should it work like this or it's issue with configuration? How to change it?

    Please use the plugin. This is only for use in specialist cases now.

    However there is nothing to automatically log you in provided by tailscale so issue will be elsewhere.
  7. Hi.


    I have updated the top of this post to indicate that people should now use the plugin in almost all circumstances. It's just a better user experience for most use cases.


    I will continue to update this for at least the next six months, and longer of people are using it for reasons that the plugin cannot support such as private docker networks. If you are using it for something else please do let me know in advance. Also if anyone else wants to jump in to help, it's super simple, please let me know.


    At this point I will not answer any support questions for access to unraid over this container, please use the plugin, it's better, even I'm using it. Well I may asnwer them, just to point people to the plugin.


    I'd like to thans all those that have helped support people since I set this up, which was initially just because I wanted tailsacle for myself, I wasn't expecting so many people to use it.




    • Thanks 1
  8. On 7/30/2023 at 4:48 PM, nicksphone said:

    it seems apart from updating verions hes given up helping use the plugin instead of the docker it works fine.


    Let's clear a couple of things up.


    I have never provided the support for this really, I did this to scratch my own itch when there was no tailscale for unraid. I will continue to update this while it is used. 


    So I haven't changed what I'm doing, I've only ever updated versions.


    Other kind folk have supported people using it, with occasional input from me if I have time.


    Now that there is a plugin you are totally within you rights to use that, and indeed I will likely be updating the front page of this to suggest that unless you are using tailscale to do funky fun things with groups of docker containers you probably should.



  9. On 6/20/2023 at 4:24 AM, K1LLA_KING_KING said:



    The fact that you can ping your client device tailscale address form unraid, but no vica versa suggest ACLs/firewalls.


    Have you set any custom ACLs in the tailscale admin interface?

    Have you done anything to unraid with firewalls?

  10. 1 hour ago, dianasta said:

    Hello @dsmith44 ,


    There is a new tailscale version 1.44.0 could you please kindly update the docker?


    Thank you very much!


    Please see previous discussions. Latest will not be moved for a few weeks.


    1.44 is available if you want to manually pick it.


  11. The advertised-routes option is not officially supported, that is about routing all your traffic back to Unraid before it goes to the internet.  So in the first instance I'd remove that from UP_FLAGS until you get basics working.


    Also Tailscale shouldn't need a port forward.


    From the device connecting can you ping the tailscle IP address of the unraid server?

    If you can, then something else is stopping the web interface working.

    If you can't then can you ping the device from unread?



  12. Hi.


    At the end of a backup all the files have root:root ownership and permissions of rw-r----- (640).

    Is this intended as it makes them unreadable to my backup system?


    I assumeI can fix this with a post run script, but wanted to check if that's the right approach.



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