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Posts posted by bluesky509

  1. Thank you for the reply. I should have waited for it... I ended up going a long route.


    I realized that I think I changed the UUID. I googled but couldn't find an easy way to recover from my mistake. So I just cleared the new drive/formatted etc and made it the new pool drive. Had to reinstall dockers then copied over the appdata files over. Then formatted that drive and have it running unassigned with a VM which is now popping up a 'UDMA CRC Error count' error. I need to look into adding a second pool drive now.

  2. Looking forward to 2FA for root.

    I am now able to access gui via local IP bypassing security notice. My Servers says I'm online and with local access enabled but now the hash url isn't working.


    Also, it says it doesn't recommend port 444. Are their ports that are recommend?

  3. 9 minutes ago, DevXen said:

     So I disabled SSL and the IP address worked but would not let me sign in. however tower/Main still worked and was logged in. so i enabled ssl again and now its forwarding to the unraid.net page instead of the local IP. Hmm.

    I found I am now only able to access unraid via a different computer that I originally had used to set this feature up. I can access it via hash or local IP but am unable to get to it from other computers on the network. Re-enabled remote feature and trying to get access via forums won't connect either. Plugin says it's working!?!?!


    EDIT... Working again. Not sure why it wasn't working before.

  4. 3 minutes ago, DevXen said:


    i can access it with: https://IP:port   but since my local ip doesn't have a ssl. it has a big warning in Firefox. Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead. that i have to accept the risk each time.

    Tried that route. Not working.

  5. 20 minutes ago, DevXen said:

    So i got it all up and running. - Except now when i go to tower/ or [ip address] it changes it to the unraid.net page. is there a way to access directly it on my local network inside my network and from the unraid.net page outside of my network?

    Same questions. Disabled the plugin after disabling/logging out of the feature and now getting redirected to the hash URL. Currently unable to access GUI.

    Any way to get it working again? Seems this needs a way to allow easier LAN access.

  6. On 12/31/2020 at 3:41 AM, Spoonsy1480 said:

    nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem": BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:fopen('/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem','r') error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file)

    I got this error yesterday and I can not find out how to fix everything was working fine I kept getting emails saying my certificate was about to expire


    Ok fixed it wiped old config and reinstalled now everything is good

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Having this issue. It's been working great for months without issues and suddenly this comes up. Tried to reinstall but same issue. Want to avoid starting from scratch. Only recent issue is my usb flash drive was messing up so took did a repair on a windows PC, restarted unraid and everything was back.

  7. On 5/4/2020 at 2:50 AM, Squid said:
    Apr 24 20:45:31 Tower kernel: EDAC sbridge MC1: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR
    Apr 24 20:45:31 Tower kernel: EDAC MC1: 1 CE memory scrubbing error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#2_DIMM#0 (channel:2 slot:0 page:0x44721c offset:0x0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 -  area:DRAM err_code:0008:00c2 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:4 rank:1)

    Memory error.  Check your system event log for more info.

    Thank you. Are there any hints as to which of my 2 memory sticks may be failing? it's been a long time since I ran memtest86 but I remember it would take a long time to run.


  8. "Fix Common Problems" plugin detected error:



    Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged


    Posting my diag. log here as the plugin suggests and hoping someone could take a quick look.

    I am not having any obvious issues at the moment. Everything seems to be working fine.




  9. Hello,

    First thank you! I finally found a docker with vpn that I could easily get working with organizr+LE.

    I do have two questions:

    1. How do I remove the username/password prompt? I tried changing it in unraid but the settings just get overridden. I see the credentials are in the settings.json file. Can I simply change the following to remove credentials and the login prompt?
      "rpc-password": "",
      "rpc-username": "",
      I am using auth_request /auth-# for my security
    2. Is my setup/understanding of the mappings correct?
      Should /data also be in my appdata folder?
      === File structure:
      === Docker:
      /data		<-> .../user/downloads/
      /downloads	<-> .../user/downloads/
      /watch  	<-> .../user/downloads/watch/
      TRANSMISSION_DOWNLOAD_DIR	<->	/downloads
      /config 	<-> .../user/appdata/Transmission_VPN
      ===  Inside Transmission:
      	Download to: <-> /downloads


  10. On 3/14/2019 at 3:15 AM, bluesky509 said:

    Run command below:

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='UniFi-Video' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'JVM_MX'='2000M' -p '1935:1935/tcp' -p '6666:6666/tcp' -p '7004:7004/udp' -p '7080:7080/tcp' -p '7442:7442/tcp' -p '7443:7443/tcp' -p '7444:7444/tcp' -p '7445:7445/tcp' -p '7446:7446/tcp' -p '7447:7447/tcp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/unifi-video/':'/var/lib/unifi-video':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/UnfiVideoShareForStorage':'/var/lib/unifi-video/videos':'rw' 'pducharme/unifi-video-controller' 


    2019-03-14 03:13:16.272339 [warn] PUID not defined (via -e PUID), defaulting to '99'
    2019-03-14 03:13:16.527023 [warn] PGID not defined (via -e PGID), defaulting to '100'
    2019-03-14 03:13:16.628321 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
    Starting unifi-video... (unifi-video) checking for system.properties and truststore files...
    Waiting for mongodb to come online..... done.

    I was able to restart without issues. It seems it happens when unraid is restarted.



    Just wondering if anyone noticed anything wrong with my setup? I had a power outage and on restart it couldn't find system.properties so I eneded up reinstalling from backup.

  11. 15 hours ago, fryfrog said:
    -v /data/unifi-video/data:/var/lib/unifi-video \
    -v /data/unifi-video/videos:/var/lib/unifi-video/videos \


    Can you show your run command? When you `docker exec` into it, you should be looking at `/var/lib/unifi-video` and `/var/lib/unifi-video/videos`.

    Run command below:

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='UniFi-Video' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'JVM_MX'='2000M' -p '1935:1935/tcp' -p '6666:6666/tcp' -p '7004:7004/udp' -p '7080:7080/tcp' -p '7442:7442/tcp' -p '7443:7443/tcp' -p '7444:7444/tcp' -p '7445:7445/tcp' -p '7446:7446/tcp' -p '7447:7447/tcp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/unifi-video/':'/var/lib/unifi-video':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/UnfiVideoShareForStorage':'/var/lib/unifi-video/videos':'rw' 'pducharme/unifi-video-controller' 


    2019-03-14 03:13:16.272339 [warn] PUID not defined (via -e PUID), defaulting to '99'
    2019-03-14 03:13:16.527023 [warn] PGID not defined (via -e PGID), defaulting to '100'
    2019-03-14 03:13:16.628321 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
    Starting unifi-video... (unifi-video) checking for system.properties and truststore files...
    Waiting for mongodb to come online..... done.

    I was able to restart without issues. It seems it happens when unraid is restarted.



  12. 3 hours ago, fryfrog said:
    -v /data/unifi-video/data:/var/lib/unifi-video \
    -v /data/unifi-video/videos:/var/lib/unifi-video/videos \

     ^ Docker paths are passed in like that, w/ the *outside* path first and the *inside* path second. Your post doesn't actually show the exact way you're passing them in, just path = path. And they're *reversed* from how they should be if you were reading them right from the `-v` argument.

    It looks in a specific place for that file and clearly isn't finding it. Because the insides of a Docker container get nuked every time they're updated (or even restarted if you use `--rm` like I do), you lose your config every time. I think you've got your setup wrong.

    Can you show your run command? When you `docker exec` into it, you should be looking at `/var/lib/unifi-video` and `/var/lib/unifi-video/videos`.

    Sorry, i'm still new to this... How do I execute a "run command" exactly?


  13. 17 hours ago, fryfrog said:

    @bluesky509, it sounds like you're not passing in an outside folder for the config to get saved in and so every time you start up, it looks like a fresh install. But the paths you've shown clearly indicate you are, unless you've passed them in that order which would be the *opposite* of correct. You need to do some troubleshooting.

    The first thing I'd do is look in that outside folder while it is running, is the file there? If it isn't, you've found your issue and need to figure out what is wrong w/ your path mapping. You could `docker exec` into your container and see where the file *really* is and what you've mounted into it.

    Not sure what you mean by "passing them in that order".

    Would me not having a cache disk (it's in future plans) affect anything? I don't normally use /mnt/cache for that reason. All files are currently where they are supposed to be. The system.properties file does exist inside /mnt/cache/app... 

    In that past I've tried using custom path but the issue issue would occur.


    I "docker exec" into the docker and /mnt is empty. /var/cache/unifi-video has hls folder (empty) and exports folder (2 videos inside). I didn't see any other files elsewhere.


  14. Thanks for the docker but it's really frustrating me lately...

    Anytime the docker has to be restarted for whatever reason (restart server, power outage etc.) UniFi-Video docker stops working. The only error in the unraid log is always the same saying it can't find system.properties and resorts to a default file I suppose. The webGUI pulls up the login window but the credentials won't work. The only solution is to reinstall and restore from backup. I only use the default docker settings. I have a another Windows PC I use for home automation and I'm wondering if it would just be easier to install UniFi-Video on that, but I would like to keep the docker if I can just get it to work right.



    (unifi-video) WARNING!!!! system.properties cannot be found..restoring from : /usr/lib/unifi-video/etc/system.propetties


    Docker Mappings:

    /var/lib/unifi-video = /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi-video/
    /var/lib/unifi-video/videos = /mnt/user/UnfiVideoShareForStorage


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