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Everything posted by goblinhunter

  1. I've just updated to the new Docker image, and for some reason when I use my local NZBHydra server as a provider, searches are showing no results in Watcher. I can see from the logs that it is hitting my server, and results are being returned by NZBHydra, but Watcher doesn't seem to use them: INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:33,973 core.newznab.search_all: SEARCHING: http://nzbhydraurl:8008/api?apikey=APIKEY&t=movie&imdbid=movieid INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,071 core.sqldb.get_search_results: Retreving Search Results for ttmovieid INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,075 core.sqldb.get_movie_details: Retreving details for ttmovieid. INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,079 core.sqldb.get_marked_results: Retreving Marked Results for ttmovieid. INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,081 core.sqldb.get_distinct: Getting distinct values for ttmovieid in SEARCHRESULTS INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,083 core.updatestatus.movie_status: Setting MOVIES ttmovieid status to Wanted. INFO 2017-01-01 05:35:39,084 core.sqldb.update: Updating ttmovieidto Wanted in MOVIES. If I configure it to talk directly to a third party indexer, it does then show things as found, however I then hit the blank screen issue others have logged.
  2. I've been using the nzbgetvpn docker for some time now and it's working fine, except for one issue. I use NZBHydra for aggregating indexers, and when I send a link from here to NZBGet to download, it fails because it can't get to this URL on my local network, it's looking for something like, it will sit and try to fetch this for a while and then fail. I assume this is because it is trying to go out the VPN to get to this URL, which it should not do. I have the LAN_Network variable set to Anyway to configure it to not use the VPN for local addresses?
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