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Posts posted by the1poet

  1. On 7/12/2023 at 1:52 PM, jarkle said:

    Like the title says. Is it possible these errors were caused by the upgrade? Attaching diag.


    Hey, I've been experiencing the same issues since upgrading my primary server to 6.12.x. Didn't before the update. Might have to role back as well :/

    2nd time this week. Deleted my docker image and restored data, but not going to bother if it seems there's bugs with this release.

  2. On 10/20/2020 at 3:27 PM, Devar said:

    Are you able to share the process for the Silverstone ECS04 to IT mode?

    Hi Devar, apologies for not replying for so long. Life in general has been very busy. I was sick the day I did it and in a bit of a fever state so my memory of the day is a bit foggy... which is the why I didn't get around to updating the day after.

    As it's been quite some time, I'm not sure I could write accurate instructions on how I did it. From memory, the link I provided wasn't far off what I did, it was just getting the USB stick to boot into UEFI mode was the issue. I had to find a 32bit version of UEFI as the the program that patched the firmware was 32bit.

    I hope that's of some use?

  3. Hi all,

    I recently decided to move from my onboard sata to a raid card and purchased a Silverstone ECS04.

    I read on a reddit post someone saying it shouldn't need IT mode, but I don't want to waste countless hours testing to find I need IT mode.

    Here's the device: https://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=706&area=en

    If it does require IT mode, can someone point me in the direction of what's required to flash? I can see various posts around on how to do it, but the Silverstone page doesn't appear to have firmware or instructions on how to flash the firmware. The device uses the LSI SAS2308 chipset. Can I just get firmware from the chipset website?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.





    On the LSI website (which redirects to broadcom.com) I found the chipset here:


    ^ this does not have any drivers, but if I go to related devices,


    ^ I find a LSI device which has all the drivers, etc


    If I follow the instructions here: https://www.bussink.ch/?tag=sas2flash

    Will this work for my device?

  4. On 11/27/2019 at 4:42 PM, aptalca said:

    You should let limetech know about your issues and concerns. After all, it's really limetech who should be providing you with a solution, not a third party like us. We do what we can (chbmb and bassrock put a lot of work into it) but there is only so much an outsider can do when they only have partial info and have to reverse engineer everything.


    As an example, qnap worked directly with plex employees to make sure their OS included the necessary drivers and packages to make sure transcoding worked with plex on their devices. We are neither the OS provider (limetech) or the client (plex/emby). We're just folks trying to give back to the community.

    Hi aptalca. Appreciate the work the team does.

    I've filled out the contact form on the unraid website and expressed my interest for you guys to get the assistance you need to fix the issue.

    Hopefully others do as well.

    • Like 1
  5. 20 hours ago, HaveAGitGat said:

    There's a new community plugin for you. Give it a test. 5.1 and 7.1 audio not in ac3 will be converted to ac3.

    Desc:If the file has surround sound tracks not in ac3, they will be converted to ac3.

    Did some testing, now I've scanned my library after health checks and left it running over night. So far, so good. Thank you for the speedy response.

    Are there any plans to simplify the GUI for creating plugins? Perhaps having tick boxes for common settings or fields with descriptions and parse those as variables to the script? Just thinking of you and not getting bugged by end users as much if the process was simpler?

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your hard work... just a suggestion to potentially improve things.


    Thanks again!

  6. Can anyone offer advice on creating plugins?

    What I want to create seems simple enough.

    I want to convert any video file that has surround sound that isn't ac3, aac, or mp3, and transcode to ac3, and copy the rest (video, subtitles, etc).

    It's late here and I'll have another crack at it on the weekend, just thought if someone could steer me in the right direction.


    tl;dr, I have 10 year old surround sound that doesn't support DD+, DTS-HD, and most other modern surround sound files. As a result, I want to convert my videos with surround sound audio to something that will play on my speakers.



  7. I've posted a bug report on the GitHub page for this project, but I'm linking it here to see if other unraid users can reproduce it. 


    Can others take a look and confirm if they have the same problem? 

    Basically having issue not converting a file if the container is the same, copy the video stream, and convert the audio stream. The worker will ignore the file. 

  8. 18 hours ago, tobytl said:

    I'm seeing the same behavior as @IamSpartacus, including the OOM reaping with any memory limit set (up to 8G).


    Beyond that... Welcome to the madness that is linux memory management...


    For instance, in my case the issues start well before any errors ever crop up in any logs. After running the UFV container for a few hours, the Plex container starts getting weird, transcodes will be fine, but "Direct Play" content will suddenly disappear from memory while streaming which throws an error on the client about the server or connection not being fast enough to stream. A few hours after that, I'll start seeing unresponsive containers, they are running and the process inside them is running (and working), just not responding to input (webui/commandline/etc). And then after about a day of running the UFV container, the dreaded "unable to fork" and "resource temporarily unavailable" messages start popping up all over the place. All of this while the host still thinks only about 50% of ram is being used. Fun.


    Anyway, I'm currently testing with an enforced low JVM memory heap for the container to see if that helps. By default the unifi-video script sets a heap size of 1/4 of your system memory (8G in my case), but only 1548M on their nvr appliance. But, it also has an ENV override variable, so I added a variable to the docker template for "JVM_MX" set to a value of "1548M", and it worked in setting the heap size at least. So far a couple of hours in, and it's not using a ton of memory yet, and the early symptoms haven't started. Needs a much longer testing period though.

    Oh wow, I thought I was going mad when my unraid server constantly stopped responding since the weekend.

    I was wracking my brains, as one of my kids turned off my UPS which coincided at the same time the docker for Unifi Video updates that people are talking about in this thread. I also recently installed a new graphics card and set up emby/plex dockers to use it for transcoding (so I wasn't sure if something I did there caused it as well.)

    I was getting the "unable to fork" messages constantly.

    I posted in general support, didn't get a reply, then started trying different troubleshooting steps, etc.

    I finally had time today to properly troubleshoot and found the thread in top for this docker was hammering my RAM. Couldn't agree more about your statement about linux memory management. Couldn't understand why unraid was saying I had x memory, but I kept getting errors hinting at something was hogging all the RAM.

    Anyway, I can be at ease now I know the cause... I was about to give up.

  9. 1 hour ago, the1poet said:

    Is anyone able to provide some advice on how to get this to work behind Caddy?

    I followed these instructions here: https://techcoreduo.com/2018/04/28/how-to-install-nextcloud-on-unraid/#comments

    They advise to use LetsEncrypt, but I am already using a Caddy docker to reverse proxy to my other web based services.

    I've got this in my caddy config file for the server:

    nextcloud.mydoman.com {
    proxy / {

    Whenever I try to access the server via the URL, I get the following error from the Nginx built into the NextCloud docker:

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    I can access NextCloud internally without any issue. It's just the caddy redirect breaks something when forwarding to the server.

    After some googling, I found the solution here:


    Basically, I needed to add "insecure_skip_verify" to the block in caddy.

    It now works fine.

  10. 4 minutes ago, nuhll said:



      'trusted_domains' => 
      array (
        0 => '',





    Thanks. I added the domain to the config file, but I'm still getting the same error message.

    This is what my config.php file has now:

    array (
        0 => '192.168.1.x',
        1 => 'nextcloud.mydomain.com',


  11. Is anyone able to provide some advice on how to get this to work behind Caddy?

    I followed these instructions here: https://techcoreduo.com/2018/04/28/how-to-install-nextcloud-on-unraid/#comments

    They advise to use LetsEncrypt, but I am already using a Caddy docker to reverse proxy to my other web based services.

    I've got this in my caddy config file for the server:

    nextcloud.mydoman.com {
    proxy / {

    Whenever I try to access the server via the URL, I get the following error from the Nginx built into the NextCloud docker:


    400 Bad Request

    The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port


    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    I can access NextCloud internally without any issue. It's just the caddy redirect breaks something when forwarding to the server.

  12. Thanks for your work on the Cloud Commander docker. Just installed it and it's quite simple to use.

    Just a quick question, is there any easy way to set the username and password?

    I see on the official site there's a command line, but I wasn't sure how I'd pass that through to the docker.


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