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Everything posted by kas123tt

  1. a good spot, yes your quite right, getting the public ip is a tad tricky as i dont think i can get the info from openvpn, but i have a method i can use. Here's the line in the script I used before that was giving me the real outside ip of the VPN connection: current_remote_ip=$(curl --connect-timeout "10" -s https://ipinfo.io/ip) Not sure if that can help or not.
  2. Found out a weird setting done by some of your process. I've been using it for 3 days and I was wondering why there was almost no upload going on even with all the proper settings. The issue was in the reported IP to tracker. The IP reported is the internal ip of the VPN connection and not the real ip that the outside see. The TUN0 adress is I can see it's also what the log show: 2017-02-04 19:57:37,316 DEBG 'rtorrent-script' stdout output: [info] rTorrent listening interface IP and VPN provider IP different, marking for reconfigure [info] Attempting to start rTorrent... [info] Removing any rtorrent session lock files left over from the previous run... But nobody will ever be able to acces that adress, except maybe people on the same VPN server. The real IP of the server is As soon as I updated in ruTorrent the reported IP to be the real IP, upload starting going as they were before when rTorrent wasn't in a docker container but with a manual package install and a manual VPN connection. Just letting you know, not sure if you can do something about it but since the IP get updated by a script I guess you can fix it. Thanks!