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Posts posted by Outlet6957

  1. Hey, sorry nobody has replied to you.  I've become very interested in the topic of the "best backup" solution for unRAID.


    Duplicati on the surface seems pretty awesome.  However, a lot of users including myself had nothing but errors.  It still needs a lot of heavy development.  


    I wrote a guide on combining RCLONE+BORG.  Borg does a really great job at creating your repos while utilzing compression, deduplication, encryption, pruning etc.  And you would then use RCLONE to push that BORG repo up to your offsite storage.  The guide is here https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/9md2hh/tutorial_rclone_borg_for_your_awesome_backup_needs/


    Lately though, I stumbled across Duplicacy.  This piece of software is pretty awesome as it's faster than BORG in some benchmarks AND it uploads to the cloud or locally without the need of using RCLONE.  @walle wrote a pretty cool guide here. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/73796-solved-install-duplicacy-install-binary/?tab=comments#comment-687737&searchlight=1


    Let me know if you have any specific questions.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, Stupifier said:

    Find an rclone docker that works for you or fire up rclone in a VM. THOSE are your only options. Don't think plugins can be assigned their own IP

    That makes sense!  Thank you.

  3. 7 hours ago, vw-kombi said:


    I use rclone to copy the ip cam footage that is FTP's to my unraid server to google drive every 5 minutes.

    Been working for ages well.

    I am slowly implementing QOS rules on my router.

    As I assume anything being sent (uploaded) from unraid goes from the same IP address (all the dockers etc), the rclone traffic is bundled up with any streaming I do from this same IP address to remote clients.

    Does anyone know what ports the rclone connects to google drive with ?  a source port would be good to use to differentiate traffic.



    googled it - source port is randon, target is port 443 (so I cant use that)

    Ah looks like you're trying to do the same thing as me.  I QOSed the GDrive IP addresses but they change so often, I have even done the enter subnet with a /16 but even that host IP changes. 443 is a catch all which like you said is no good. I wonder if there is a docker instead of a plugin that lets you change the IP that rclone uses.  

  4. 11 hours ago, dmacias said:



    I usually only update the packages if someone asks or there's a new version of unRAID that may cause conflicts. Sometimes I just go through and check for updates and see if there's conflicts. But most updated packages are compiled against Slackware current and unRAID is not always on the very latest. And for good reason till they've tested compatibility. This is the case for BorgBackup. I tried a precompiled package and needed many more packages as well and then it failed on openssl. Needs the very latest. I haven't tried to compile it myself yet.

    Awesome, I always wondered if you kept them up to date.  I have seen updates regularly though.  I was having a ton of issues with Duplicati and switched over to Borg + RClone which is working pretty nice.  I appreciate what you do, I asked you to add exiftool a few years ago and you did and that was awesome man.  I was high on percocet post surgery trying to build a server and organize my photos (photographer) due to boredom and being bed ridden lol. That exiftool really really helped me.  You're doing great things!


    Thanks dmacias

  5. Just updated to newest push and I get a


    2018-04-05 11:14:21,415 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx
    [warn] Exit code 7 from curl != 0
    [info] 6 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...

    Any ideas?




    Update, when I try to curl the IP address name servers that are in the settings for PIA they return a "Connection refused".  I didn't have this issue prior to the update...not sure if its a Deluge thing or a PIA thing.

  6. On 1/21/2018 at 6:18 PM, coppit said:

    Checking back in after months away...



    It's the bash quoting that's biting you. Try putting a \ in front of each of the $.



    It's not the container deleting anything. My guess is that it's some sort of filebot behavior to delete empty dirs after move is done. You could try putting some file in there like "dont-delete-this" that FileBot can't process. Then it will probably leave the dir behind.



    I've found the UI running in a container to be pretty... finicky. I had to modify the filebot startup to deal with some rendering problems. So it's possible that this is another rendering problem. I bumped the version of Java, which might fix this, but probably won't. I could try playing with this some if you can give me precise repro instructions. Does the log say anything interesting when you pop that window up? Does the close window button work?


    There's also a chance that this has nothing to do with the container or Guacamole. Maybe try asking your question on the FileBot forums.



    Dang! You're not kidding! I just pushed a new version that adds a new USE_UI config setting. The default "no" setting uses about 10x less memory and CPU!



    The base gui image spews a million errors and warnings, but seems to work okay. Are you seeing any real problems? Sadly, it doesn't seem to be maintained any more. There have been several forks, but it's not clear to me that anyone is providing a good alternative to the original image.



    Maybe? I don't know what you're asking exactly. The container looks at the file system for changes. Are you wanting it to somehow look for new files on the Internet, and copy and rename them to your local machine?

    Where does Filebot get it's information to name the files properly?  If that is a internet data pull....id like that to be behind a proxy.

  7. 14 minutes ago, unevent said:


    Most of my containers are from Binhex, though I don't use any of the VPN wrapped which was why I asked the question.  I've found them to be the most stable and not crazy-fanatical about updating on what seems like every breath as some others do.  Which reminds me, need to send Christmas gift to put some kick in the eggnog.

    Yeah I sent him an xmas gift today.  I like that it doesn't update all the time.  Updates make me nervous because it could break the kill switch which is no bueno. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, binhex said:


    my pleasure, cant let a shit ISP beat you now eh :-) 

    Haha no sir.  You're so awesome dude.  I as well as the community really appreciate the work you're doing here.  The killswitch thing is amazing and has changed the docker game so much!  Can I buy you some starbucks? If so can you PM me  your info?

  9. Hello binhex,


    I am currently using PIA for my VPN service.  The issue I have is, the country  I am in will not let my VPN traffic pass on whatever port is being used by the docker container.  I would like to use TCP port 80 to pass traffic.  Do you have any idea how to do so? Thank you

  10. Hello,


    I love this plugin.  I did have a question....whenver I had cron tabs running via /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/ I got an email after each cron task was completed.  When I run the same job via this GUI, I do not get an email alert with success or fail.  Any ideas?

  11. My final issue is my FTP user is setup as so in the description


    ftpuser /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam


    However my home directory takes me to the ProFTP setup


    EDIT ah it's the correct directory with a ProFTPd folder inside of it



  12. 34 minutes ago, SlrG said:


    Hmm... I just upgraded my system to unRAID 6.3.3. and the plugin still works as expected. The question is if something fails if it is installed on a new system. Do you still have the complete syslog from installing the plugin? Please upload it on a sharing service and drop me a link. If not, could you remove it completely and reboot your server and try again capturing the syslog this time?

    Thanks for the speedy reply.  I'll delete it and reinstall it and I'll post the snippet of that process.

  13. Did this plugin break with the new unraid update?  I just installed it and it wont start at all when I click start.  The page refreshes but it still says STOPPED. Nothing in syslog other than


    Apr 7 14:24:35 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable disable 8088
    Apr 7 14:24:37 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
    Apr 7 14:25:07 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable enable /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam 8088
    Apr 7 14:25:42 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
    Apr 7 14:25:52 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable disable /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam 8088
    Apr 7 14:25:56 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
    Apr 7 14:26:35 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
    Apr 7 14:28:57 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart


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