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Posts posted by ksd2kd

  1. 20 hours ago, SimonF said:

    What device is providing the gateway on vlan 40?

    I use pfSense and it was your question that got me to check the vlan config again. I had bound vlan40 to the wrong interface. I switched it to the unRAID interface and all is working now. I was just too focused on the unRAID settings trying to troubleshoot and got tunnel vision. Thanks!

  2. I've have a few vlans setup for use by some docker containers and it all works as expected. However, when I tried to set up a VM on one of those same vlans I can't get it to work. All the setting look ok as far as I can tell but I can't get network connectivity on my win10 vm. Can someone take a look at these configs and tell me what I've done wrong. 











  3. Unable to remove partition.


    unRAID: v6.6.6

    UD: v2019.03.22 


    - Enabled Destructive Mode

    - Unmounted disk

    - Clicked the '+' icon next to drive icon

    - Clicked the red 'x'

    - Typed 'Yes'

    - Clicked 'Remove'

    - I can see the red removing spinner pop up next to the partition for a second or two.


    The partition is not removed. I can remount it and access all the files. I've tried a few times and I know I've done this before. 



    Just tried reinstalling UD, same result



    After rebooting, the drive is now showing up as unformatted. Clicked Format, after a few seconds the same partition shows up again but this time it's empty which is what I wanted so I guess I'm good to go.

  4. I'm getting an error while starting elasticsearch via docker

    max file descriptors [40960] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536]
    max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

    What's the right way to tweak those params? I've looked around but didn't find a definitive answer.


    Should I just add this to /boot/config/go?

    ulimit -n 65536
    sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


    unRAID v6.3.2

  5. How do I persist Settings across restarts? I changed the listening port to suit my needs and disabled DTH and PEX but after restarting, they're all back to the defaults.



    Just read this on the github repo for this app:


    "Settings, changed by the user through the "Settings" panel in ruTorrent, are valid until rtorrent restart. After which all settings will be set according to the rtorrent config file (/config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc),this is a limitation of the actual apps themselves."



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