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Everything posted by ZachOly

  1. I should have mentioned it in my original post, but I'm also using Amazon's cloud backup for my RAWs When I get home from a wedding, my workflow would be is: SD/CF card (from camera) to workstation's WB Black HD (working drive for undelivered files) RAWs from WD Black to ACD (and forgotten about) RAWS from WD Black to unRAID (to be added) Delivered JPEGs to client gallery and a copy to Google Drive
  2. Wedding photographer here. I shoot about 2TB of RAW files a year. I currently backup using x2 WD My Books that I purchase every two years (manually mirrored). After 5 years, it's a total mess. I want to build a 8 bay tower that will allow me to add drives as my budget allows; but also pop in some of my My Book drives and use those, too. Some are 5TB WB Blues. I'd also like it if my Windows workstation could see this tower as, basically, a large external hard drive. It would would ideal if I could work off of this. Can unRAID work in my situation? I figure I'd check before looking at hardware.
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