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Posts posted by dee31797

  1. 1 hour ago, mattgob86 said:

    the recordings converter is money, drop a file and bam it just got it done and placed it where it needed to be.  Are you suggesting handbrake in place of that?  Is there a way to automate handbrake to do the same? 

    Unmanic can do that. It has an option to only watch .ts files (or a combination of file extensions) like recordings converter did.  Set the watch folder with the "/library" directory and there's tons of other options to customize the output's codec, subtitles, etc.  It's on CA apps.

  2. On 8/9/2021 at 4:28 AM, Opawesome said:



    This is some real bad news. The MotionEye and Virt-Manager docker containers are important to me.


    I am sorry that your work got screwed by DockerHub's new policy @dee31797


    Virt-manager https://hub.docker.com/r/patricol/virt-manager image- patricol/virt-manager:latest


    Motioneye (official, made by motioneye dev) https://hub.docker.com/r/ccrisan/motioneye image- ccrisan/motioneye:master-amd64


    Uget hasn't had an update in over a year, I recommend finding a different downloader, maybe Jdownloader2??


    Glass-isc-dhcp hasn't had an update in over 2+ years


    Krusader use binhex-Krusader on CA apps


    Handbrake https://hub.docker.com/r/zocker160/handbrake-nvenc image- zocker160/handbrake-nvenc:latest , Unmanic does just about everything Handbrake does, GUI, auto encode, intel, nvidia, or software accelerated encoding, different audio/video codecs, etc.  I don't think Unmanic can rip from Discs, or combine multiple files, maybe 1 or 2 other Handbrake features I'm forgetting.


    Recordings Converter - Unmanic does everything this does and more.  You have to do more configuring in Unmanic instead of just start up and done, but it's worth it to get the added features.




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  3. 10 minutes ago, vincentslapchop said:

    I've updated to your new release of handbrake from 3 days ago. Now NVENC HEVC x265 hardware encoding no longer works. Fails right away trying to encode. I'm using GTX 960, and was working with this encode method before updating.


    This is my conversion log:

    [14:24:11] file is MPEG Transport Stream with 188 byte packets offset 0 bytes
    [14:24:11] sync: expecting 53779 video frames
    [14:24:11] encavcodecInit: H.265 (Nvidia NVENC)
    [14:24:11] encavcodec: encoding at rc=vbr, multipass=fullres, 30.00
    [14:24:11] encavcodec: encoding with stored aspect 1/1
    [hevc_nvenc @ 0x14ad282daa80] Lossless encoding not supported
    [hevc_nvenc @ 0x14ad282daa80] No capable devices found
    [14:24:11] encavcodecInit: avcodec_open failed
    [14:24:11] Failure to initialise thread 'FFMPEG encoder (libavcodec)'
    [14:24:11] Failure to initialise thread 'FFMPEG encoder (libavcodec)'
    [14:24:11] ac3-decoder done: 0 frames, 0 decoder errors
    [14:24:11] mpeg2video-decoder done: 0 frames, 0 decoder errors
    [14:24:11] sync: got 0 frames, 53779 expected
    [libfdk_aac @ 0x14ad28274a80] Ignoring attempt to flush encoder that doesn't support it
    [14:24:11] Finished work at: Tue Jul 27 14:24:11 2021

    I removed the docker, image, and template and re-installed fresh from community applications but still no longer works. I attempted to roll back the docker version but I noticed you are not using tags, I am unable to roll back.


    NVENC X264 still works fine and I can see it using nvidia-smi command. x265 software encode still works. Just NVENC X265 is not working.


    Could you help with this error? I have tried changing the settings in the Video tab but still receiving this error for lossless encoding not supported.


    Could you provide a way to roll back the docker version? Tags would be much appreciated!



    Can you post or PM me your .xml from flash drive config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ , should be name something like "my-Handbrake.xml"

    • Like 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, brent3000 said:

    Yeah its just  strange that during a session it dosnt show on the smi at all :/ i did see there is a driver version available for the Nvidia system so i may need to do that one weekend and see if that changes anything as i know the new driver is still getting these in this new setup :) 


    Ill report back when i have updated and rebooted, but yeah maxes the CPU and nothing on the GPU, unless it dosnt show in the nvidia-smi? 


    There was no changed needed to the docker since the nvidia driver changes in the lattest unraid? 


    Just did a test, it shows handbrake process on the gpu for me in nvidia-smi


    Can you please triple check that you are using the nvidia codec, screenshot on the selection in a previous post.





  5. 5 minutes ago, brent3000 said:

    I actually have this all setup correctly and using the correct encoder but it dosnt seem to use the GPU still (checked with nvidia-smi) 


    Keeps maxing the CPU on convert vs using the GPU :/ Any suggestions?

    You're missing something. If you have it all setup and you are using the nvenc codec, and the conversion worked, it used the GPU.  nvenc codec only works with the gpu. 


    Please keep in mind, every video transcode, including gpu transcode, has some CPU load. Lastly, the nvenc codec only does the encoding (think of nvenc as NV for nvidia and enc for encoding), the decoding is still 100% CPU based.

  6. 2 minutes ago, frodr said:



    I can not get Handbrake to run the GPU. GPU is running latest driver and working with FaH and Plex. The other Handbrake docker in the App Store is the same. Handbrake is running though, only using the cpus. 


    Any ideas?


    Common issue is not selecting the codec that is GPU accelerated.


    Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 10.23.32 AM.png

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  7. 1 minute ago, Eviseration said:


    I can see the PID, but zero utilization from it.

    This is an auto start, using these settings.


    Ok so everything is working fine, for that job it's not an intense demand on your GPU.  That job is only using 64MB and a very small load on the GPU chip.  

    If you want to see a larger load on the GPU, try a 4k video encoded to the highest quality setting (slide the CQ setting all the way to the right).  That will use more memory and GPU chip load.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Eviseration said:

    I'm unable to get my Nvidia card to work with Handbrake on Unraid 6.9.35.  It's working with Plex, so I believe I have it configured correctly.  I am trying to use the H.265 NVEnc encoder.  


    But when I look at my GPU stats, it says it's idle.



    I have host key 6 set to all (NVIDIA Capabilities) and the GPUUUID set in the handbrake docker image.


    Any thoughts?

    my-HandBrake.xml 16.12 kB · 1 download

    When you start the Handbrake conversion with nvenc H265 selected what happens, as in does it give an error or does the conversion complete?  If it completes the conversion, can you play the video?

  9. 15 minutes ago, comet424 said:

    where do you add 

    " -e 'DISPLAY_WIDTH'='1920' -e 'DISPLAY_HEIGHT'='1080' "  

    in the docker template.. and where abouts


    i been lookinmg through all the settings in  krusaders headings  and settings


    edit: those variables should already be there, but if not...


    In unraid, you'd use the docker tab, krusader settings. 

    Using “Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device” at the bottom of the page, key is before the = and value is after the =

  10. 1 minute ago, comet424 said:

    been bugging me for a while.. and cant find it in the settings

    how do you resize Krusader.. to full screen.. all the tab Full screen does is make the browser full screen.. so i still have same size Krusader yet bigger gray area.. how can i fill krusader 200 % the size it is say.

    you can change the variables DISPLAY_WIDTH and DISPLAY_HEIGHT.  It's default to 1280x768, but for example I use -e 'DISPLAY_WIDTH'='1920' -e 'DISPLAY_HEIGHT'='1080' 

  11. 5 minutes ago, comet424 said:

    @dee31797 what is the unraids CLI?


    as for the 2nd part what does touch do..

    and what I was doing was 

    on Unraid Share  "Backup of Files"   I made a folder under it  "1TB SSD Backup"  and what I was doing was moving the Entire  hard drive off the SSD   since windows doesn't always let you move all files  I shoved the SSD in Unraid and I wanted to move all the files off  so  I moved all the Root Files and folders to that 1 directory..   wasn't just a specific file


    and why does Krusader sometimes give me issues  if I have a Folder say "test" on Source and "test" on destination I can not move "test" from source to destination it will say something that the directory already exists..  well I know that  I don't care I still wanna move it... like I can in windows   write into  krusader uses doesn't  work if your moving the same directory  but files  in that directory.. its hit and miss anything I can fix that too?


    but I can give it a try again  the touch and cp    but the cp is a copy not a move?  but ill give it a try again today see what happens

    as not all the files are moved off


    The touch command used in that manner just creates a file, in this case name "testfile.txt". You can use any file really.  I was just suggesting trying that because if Unraid can do that action from the CLI, then Krusader should be able to as well or I hope.


    When I copy a folder from one place to another with the same name I get a dialog box that mentions "write into" or something similar and asks me to confirm.


    I also use a NTFS unassigned disk on Unraid and everything works great for me.  I had hoped that I could package up this Krusader image and everyone would get the same great experience I do.  Recent complaints from several users recently has altered my perspective on that vision.  I'm not a developer/programmer or anything just a normal user so when things go wrong I can mostly only offer trial-and-error type troubleshooting.


    An alternative to this image is binhex/arch-krusader which is maintained by a talented developer based on the work I've judged for myself.

  12. 9 minutes ago, comet424 said:


    my user and group I have set to 0 0  since I had issues with the default settings..  I use the default setup  from the krusader setup

    and not sure what the sourcen and desitination permissions are?

    if you mean the drive   …  Source was Unnassigned NTFS drive   Destination was the Unraid Array


    I think the user/group 0/0 should fix any permissions problems, but to verify I would try it from Unraid's CLI.


    touch /mnt/disks/{yourNTFSmounted-drive}/testfile.txt
    cp /mnt/disks/{yourNTFSmounted-drive}/testfile.txt /mnt/user/{unraid-share}/testfile.txt

    if possible try to use the exact same folders on the ntfs and unraid shares that failed in Krusader.  If that works, it's most likely an issue with Krusader.

  13. On 10/31/2020 at 12:40 PM, comet424 said:

    what does this error mean  when I trying to move files off a NTFS unassigned drive in krusader  not bin krusader


    I never seen that error but I believe it's a permissions issue. Hard to troubleshoot but check the user id Krusader is setup with (USER_ID=) and that user has permissions to both source and destination.

  14. 4 minutes ago, aurevo said:


    Which docker do you use exactly? Is there a Unraid Template or Docker Hub Image?


    I think I understand the function and logic behind your CLI command.


    Is there a way of doing it for a whole folder or mount?

    That would be the same I wanted to do with your Recordings-autoconverter.

    The Recordings-autoconverter was not working with German umlauts and the Unmanic alternativ has other problems.

    The docker container image used is in the command, and is on the docker hub.  No template though only CLI.

    Only does one file.

  15. On 10/4/2020 at 8:17 PM, aurevo said:


    Is there any alternative, which is using FFMPEG for hardware accelerated decode and encode? 

    Yes there is, I use FFmpeg in a docker container but it's not an easy straight forward process.  I've tried to show others these steps before with little/no success.


    From the Unraid CLI:


    docker run -d --rm \
    --runtime=nvidia \
    -v "/mnt/user/videos_to_convert/:/input:rw" \
    djaydev/ffmpeg:latest \
    "-hwaccel cuvid -c:v mpeg2_cuvid -deint 2 -drop_second_field 1 -surfaces 10 -i /input/my_video_file.mkv -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset:v hp -level:v 5.0 -rc:v vbr_hq -rc-lookahead:v 32 -brand mp42 -ac 2 -c:a aac -b:a 192k /input/converted_video_file.mp4"



    You'll have to change the following values to your specific folders and file names.

    /mnt/user/videos_to_convert = your folder path to your videos

    my_video_file.mkv = file name you want to convert

    converted_video_file.mp4 = name of the new file (but not the same as old file name)

  16. 7 minutes ago, Fpsware said:

    Ah.... I think I see where I'm going wrong here; the original media needs to be decoded (utilizing CPU), then is re-encoded by HandBrake (utilizing GPU). Correct?

    That's correct.


    Although, decoding h.264 480p/720p isn't that CPU intensive.  

    Make sure you're selecting the nvidia codec in Handbrake:


  17. Just now, Fpsware said:

    The media differs greatly, all downloaded TV/Movies. Looking at the recent downloads, most appear to be 264, either SD, 480p or at most 720p. 


    The original media makes very little (no) difference to the high CPU usage. 


    With NVENC encoding, I don't expect to see 60-70% CPU usage. If I use HandBrake on my Windows 10 PC and encode the same media with the same profile my CPU usage doesn't spike the same way. 

    Correction, the original media makes very much difference to the high CPU usage.


    NVENC is only encoding (hence the E in NVENC) but decoding of the video is done by the CPU.  It is possible to decode and encode with the GPU, but not with Handbrake.  You can try using FFmpeg directly, but it's not for the faint of heart.

  18. 33 minutes ago, Fpsware said:

    The HandBrake docker causes very high CPU usage even when using NVENC. 


    I can confirm the docker is correctly using the GPU, watch nvidia-smi shows ~7% GPU usage during encoding. But, the CPU usage is sitting around 50-70% when encoding. 


    My GPU is RTX 2070, CPU is i7-8700





    What are the details of the video you're converting? codec, bit rate, etc

  19. 9 minutes ago, comet424 said:

    i still cant move files  

    i even changed  user id group ID to 0 and 0

    when i try to move files off the Array to the Unnassigned drive i get 


    Error Krusader Root Privileges' 

    "there is not enought space on disk to write file:///unraid_shares/temp stuff is full


    so i not sure how you fix it even the other krusader would give me issue  same error

    Array has 10TB free and the unassigned drive has 4TB free  and  and i trying to go from array to the unnasigned  

    but i dont have the same issue if i using Windows Explorer  what is krusader doing different or what i need to do to setup krusader to stop  giving me privelege errors


    I also have an unassigned disk formatted as NTFS.  I've been able to copy files from the Array to the NTFS unassigned disk using the following settings.

    User ID 1000

    Group ID 100

    Unraid path "/mnt/disks/" mapped to Krusader container path "/unassigned" , Access Mode: R/W Slave



  20. 2 hours ago, comet424 said:

    i still have unable to move files from a array to unassigned drive


    whats the difference between this krusader the the bin-krusader  wish descriptions were more detailed   with the same wording its a flip of a coin

    is the key 1 key 2  on the other krusader as same as user id and group id   so change 100 to 0  and 99 to 0?


    i wish when there is 2 copies of the same program the description wouldnt be word for word

    I'm not sure of the exact differences line by line but I believe these two are both the same application. Both are built from Krusader repository at https://invent.kde.org/utilities/krusader.

  21. 2 minutes ago, aurevo said:



    regarding to "Recordings-autoconverter".


    All of my conversion with German "umlauts" like "ä,ö,ü" fail.


    Is there any way to fix this?

    I'm still having trouble figuring this problem out.


    A better alternative to Recordings-autoconverter is Unmanic.  It's available in CA Apps.

  22. 5 minutes ago, Ancan said:

    Thanks for the fast reply! Still doesn't work though. Now I've got two "TZ" in the docker startup parameters, and while "Europe/Stockholm" is what I entered "Europe/Berlin" is the same zone, so it should work. Can it be some daylight savings thing? I usually like troubleshooting things myself but this is a bit urgent.


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='motioneye' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'UID'='1000' -e 'GID'='100' -e 'TZ'='Europe/Stockholm' -p '8765:8765/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/cam':'/var/lib/motioneye':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/motioneye':'/etc/motioneye':'rw' 'djaydev/motioneye'

    can you send me a screenshot of the part of motioneye that has the wrong time?

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