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Posts posted by Sn3akyP3t3

  1. My resolution for this all was to recreate the docker image using the previous apps feature.  Rather than attempt the possible fate of resurrecting the nondeterministic behavior with custom networks I've decided to go whole enchilada with vlan tagging instead.  This provides the desired network segregation similar to what I was getting with custom networks, but probably far more granular and likely enables possibilities that I'm not yet aware of.

  2. 20 hours ago, Vr2Io said:

    If that, does it make conflict ? What special of that custom networks must preserve and no other method to eliminate it. 

    No idea at the moment.  I have kept the docker image around for now in case there's some means to exhume some information that would be helpful to answer that question.  The logs from docker in this area are quite insignificant at identifying what exactly the root conflict really is:


    failed to start containerd: timeout waiting for containerd to start

    I suspect the problem to be related to "custom networks", but I have no solid proof.  Only that the relief in bringing the docker image back into service had to do with disabling preservation of custom networks and that one of the qwirk behaviors observed while I was able to operate in this degraded state was that selected custom networks deslected themselves whenever a docker container updated itself with the auto-update feature.

  3. Updated to 6.12.10 today.  The problem now is that the mentioned workaround above no longer works.  I'm unclear what triggered this to begin in the first place.  I'll be rebuilding my docker container structure tomorrow in an attempt to recover from this situation.


    I also saw the comments in the release notes about changing from macvlan (which is the setting applied currently) to ipvlan, but that appears to be greyed out.  I don't know why I would have switched to macvlan, but if they're required for docker custom networks then that is likely why.


    I did notice one awkward behavior never observed before while operating in this manner.  Whenever a docker container updates it deselects the custom docker network that was previously using.  This might be expected per the setting to `Preserve user defined networks: No`, but I wouldn't know for sure as I was only doing this because this is the only combo selection of settings that worked.

  4. Went through a diagnostic log after being anonymized by the UnRaid server and found some areas that were not anonymized that I thought should and some that clearly are just missing coverage.


    The following are generically not anonymized:

    The following files had sections not anonymized



    read list = NOT_ANONYMIZED







  5. I think I narrowed down the problem to "custom networks" and I did eventually mount and load all containers from the original docker image, but I don't understand how or why it is working now if that is the correct root cause.

    To start with I decided to update to 6.12.9 from 6.12.8.  Immediately after the update I saw on the web Docker tab "Docker Service Failed to Start".  I checked the logs and saw a lot of this repeating endlessly:


    Mar 30 14:20:34 FakeServerName unraid-api[3848]: ✔️ UNRAID API started successfully!
    Mar 30 14:20:35 FakeServerName unraid-api[3848]: ⚠️ Caught exception: connect ECONNREFUSED /var/run/docker.sock
    Mar 30 14:20:35 FakeServerName unraid-api[3848]: ⚠️ UNRAID API crashed with exit code 1

    I figured that the update must have done something bad so I tried to downgrade back to 6.12.8, but the issue with Docker unable to start persisted.  I don't know what to make of that.  Only that the trigger seems to have been the update.

    After reading up on possible failures I figured perhaps there was a problem with I/O.  The cache drive where the appdata is stored and the docker.img is loading from had only around 50% utilization so it wasn't out of space.  I didn't see any OOM exceptions.  I figured maybe then the docker.img file was corrupt or out of room.  I grew the Docker image size from 200GB to 400GB without remembering that I can't reduce it once going up (will have to revisit that later).  I mounted the array to start Docker again and got the same error. Next I set the vDisk type from btrfs to xfs and UnRaid created a different filename so the old was remained preserved.  I rebooted and found docker could mount and I was able to install apps, but as expected there were no docker custom networks.  I shutdown docker and restored the vDisk back to btrfs.  From here I figured there must be something to do with networking.


    I had been using a static IP up until now with static DNS set in UnRaid network config, but I figured maybe I botched that so I had my router setup with a static route for the MAC of the UnRAID eth0 connection and that seems to preserve the need for the static IP.  I also had set the box to use VLAN, but never got around to putting that into effect so I disabled that.  Starting docker with that change did nothing.

    I figured then something might be editable with the Docker config itself so I started playing with networking settings from there alone.  Turns out that changing this


    Preserve user defined networks:  Yes

    To This


    Preserve user defined networks:  No

    was the only necessary hat trick required.  I truly don't understand why, because when I started up Docker after that and checked for the docker custom networks listing, "docker network ls", they were all there.  A log snippet showed one error, then rode on some degree of success.  Its been running happily now for hours, but I think this is a dangerous state to operate in for me since I don't want to lose the custom network settings.  A logging snippet of that said success:

    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName emhttpd: shcmd (1199): /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName root: starting dockerd ...
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName unraid-api[7190]: ⚠️ Caught exception: connect ECONNREFUSED /var/run/docker.sock
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName unraid-api[7190]: ⚠️ UNRAID API crashed with exit code 1
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName avahi-daemon[7169]: Service "FakeServerName" (/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName avahi-daemon[7169]: Service "FakeServerName" (/services/smb.service) successfully established.
    Mar 30 14:21:15 FakeServerName avahi-daemon[7169]: Service "FakeServerName" (/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
    Mar 30 14:21:21 FakeServerName unraid-api[7697]: ✔️ UNRAID API started successfully!
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]: [2024/03/30 14:21:36.755237,  0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:398(become_local_master_stage2)
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]:   *****
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]:   
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]:   Samba name server FakeServerName is now a local master browser for workgroup FAKEWORKGROUP on subnet
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]:   
    Mar 30 14:21:36 FakeServerName nmbd[7060]:   *****
    Mar 30 14:22:01 FakeServerName kernel: docker0: port 1(vethb1f1076) entered blocking state
    Mar 30 14:22:01 FakeServerName kernel: docker0: port 1(vethb1f1076) entered disabled state
    Mar 30 14:22:01 FakeServerName kernel: device vethb1f1076 entered promiscuous mode
    Mar 30 14:22:04 FakeServerName kernel: eth0: renamed from veth71d8bae
    Mar 30 14:22:04 FakeServerName kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethb1f1076: link becomes ready
    Mar 30 14:22:04 FakeServerName kernel: docker0: port 1(vethb1f1076) entered blocking state
    Mar 30 14:22:04 FakeServerName kernel: docker0: port 1(vethb1f1076) entered forwarding state
    Mar 30 14:22:04 FakeServerName kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): docker0: link becomes ready
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: br-659b348d1ec9: port 1(veth8cc6977) entered blocking state
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: br-659b348d1ec9: port 1(veth8cc6977) entered disabled state
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: device veth8cc6977 entered promiscuous mode
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: br-659b348d1ec9: port 1(veth8cc6977) entered blocking state
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: br-659b348d1ec9: port 1(veth8cc6977) entered forwarding state
    Mar 30 14:22:09 FakeServerName kernel: br-659b348d1ec9: port 1(veth8cc6977) entered disabled state
    Mar 30 14:22:14 FakeServerName kernel: eth0: renamed from veth90def87

    Before I signed off that this was the only setting needed to flip I recreated the blocker with the same UnRAID API crashing behavior just by flipping this back:


    Preserve user defined networks:  Yes

    and just as before flipping it back to No allowed me to bring Docker back online with all those custom networks still readily available. At the first occurrence of success I decided to re-apply the upgrade again back to 6.12.9.  I flipped the "Preserve user defined networks" a handful of times because I couldn't believe what I was observing and thought maybe I had done something more significant that I had forgotten, but nope.  It was that simple.  The logs may be confusing when observing the errors coming and going at the trailing end.  (This would be the definition of madness I guess.)

    Just in case asked, yes, I am using those custom docker networks.  They're not vestigial.


    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/7/2024 at 1:42 AM, Generic said:

    Hi All,


    I've had Gitea running for quite a while and it's all been working great. However, that was with all the repos set to public, I've now changed it so that some repos are private and am now struggling to access them through Git CLI. It still works perfectly through the browser and I can pull public repos with no issues.


    When I try and clone a private repo using HTTPS it first opens a login page on my Gitea instance and then when I log in it redirects to an error page, with firefox saying:


        Secure Connection Failed


        An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

        Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG


    This is consistent on other browsers and I haven't been able to figure out why it is happening.


    Looking through the socker logs as I request the repo shows:


        024/03/07 17:26:35 ...eb/routing/logger.go:102:func1() router: completed GET {REPO}.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack for, 401 Unauthorized in 4.4ms @ repo/githttp.go:532(repo.GetInfoRefs)

        2024/03/07 17:26:40 ...eb/routing/logger.go:102:func1() router: completed GET /login/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={VALUE}&state={VALUE}&code_challenge_method=S256&code_challenge=k_{VALUE}&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2f127.0.0.1%3a50480%2f for, 303 See Other in 14.8ms @ auth/oauth.go:362(auth.AuthorizeOAuth)



    Which doesn't seem to show an obvious problems? Again, I can access everything perfectly normally through the browser it's just trying to pull it over Git CLI.



    As a bonus question, does anyone have a guide for setting up SSH? I can't figure out how that works either. I have a SSH key (called "id_ed25519") in ~/.ssh which I have registered with the SSH agent as described [here](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent#adding-your-ssh-key-to-the-ssh-agent) as well as adding and verifying the key on my GItea account through the browser.


    When I then try and clone a repo using the address given on the browser, `git clone ssh://git@gitea.{MY_DOMAIN}:24/{REPO}.git`, then it just times out and says the host is unreachable. I realise SSH is typically port 22 but that is already used and so the container won't start if it tries to use that port so it is changed to "Git over SSH container port 22, host port 24". and shows up as SWAG connecting the host port 24 to the container port 22. SSH is enabled in the app.ini file for Gitea.


    I can post any more configuration files if required but am honestly not sure what is pertinent.


    Thanks in advance.

    I don't think I have a silver bullet solution to your particular problem, but I do believe you can benefit from some trial and error with suggested settings and revisit your current setup if you wish to apply another layer to what you have which might actually solve your issue.

    So I was getting similar symptoms you described with



        An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

        Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG


    and I'm not exactly sure what the cause or fix was, but I suspected it had to do with TLS error that was showing itself in the Gitea logs.  I don't know what I changed that fixed the problem, but this is what I did along the way so pick at it for details and see if one or more helps you:

    • Settings in Gitea's App.ini need tweaking or triple checking:
      • PROTOCOL must match what you're doing in the reverse proxy
      • DOMAIN, SSH_DOMAIN, and ROOT_URL also must agree with the reverse proxy config
      • I downgraded TLS for now since there was talk about it being a culprit:
        • SSL_MIN_VERSION = TLSv1.0
        • Also downgraded minimum on Cloudflare to TLSv1.0 which may not be applicable to you.
      • Above and beyond, but set FILE_MAX_SIZE to something high-ish like 512.  (located under [repository.upload])
    • Triple check your reverse proxy config.  Adopt SWAG docker container and/or view this mighty fine template and conform it to your environment.
    • Walkthrough the guide from Cloudflare for setting with GitLab.  Note the comments at the bottom of that page for dealing with push/pull over SSH.  This might be a good use-case for routing it through Cloudflare Zero Trust.
    • Combine the previous guide from Cloudflare with the IBRACORP guide for setting up a Cloudflare Tunnel. NOTE: I found this guide invaluable in getting things setup right.
  7. Any chance Python can be updated to mainstream 3.11 since it has a ton of speed improvements among other things.  Also, Python 3.12 will be available Oct. 2023 with another set of speed improvements so I'll likely request that be targeted as well when that time comes.  Thanks for this plugin.  I use it with local Docker containers for automatons requiring Python.

    I may migrate to Automation Studio in the future, but for now I'm loving how this adds value.

  8. On 12/15/2022 at 5:59 PM, slimshizn said:

    Also https://github.com/HStep20/Ultimate-Unraid-Dashboard-Guide for anyone else looking for more help.

    I have impeccable timing!  I'm just researching dashboard technologies and wanted to know what made this one tick, but of course its currently in some sort of limbo state.  The link way at the bottom was what got me the information I was seeking:


    "With the removal of the original forum post, you can view those instructions here on Internet Archive's WayBackMachine: https://web.archive.org/web/20220616040234/https://forums.unraid.net/topic/96895-ultimate-unraid-dashboard-uud/ "


    • Haha 1
  9. Trouble with multiplayer realms seems to come and go with MC updates with some fixes server side and some client side.  Playing local LAN multiplayer is how its done in my house and there hasn't been any noticeable lag with 1.19 as others appear to be reporting.  We are keeping view distance at or around 10 which has helped keep some lag noted with the release of 1.18 down, but takes away from enjoyment of exploring across the surface campaigns which we have learned to plan for and temporarily increase viewing distance to at or around 12 during those campaigns taking the punch for lag during that time.

  10. MVP Request

    I like that I can re-order Docker applications on the Docker Tab to tailor desired visible order. However, searching for them by name is tedious sometimes. I suggest adding a built-in filter on the Docker page to filter out or put into focus the desired Docker container(s) that match the search criteria.  The text should match with partial search as well as full text match.


    Add-On Request

    As an extension to my previous suggestion to add filter/search capabilities on the Docker Tab this is an enhancement to that. Please see the other request for full context. I didn't want to submit these together in order to avoid confusion and reduce Minimum Viable Product development stalling. I'm very forgetful and struggle with remembering specific details like exact names of products and tools. However, I can remember very definitive descriptive words about said product/tool with a high degree of accuracy. I suggest adding a tagging mechanism to Docker containers to allow for use of these key words. Those key words can then be used in the previously described filter/search suggestion. If you need a loose example of how this could work please check out Firefox bookmarks. They're called Tags and can be used to search in the Awesome Bar of Firefox.  Folks that may be familiar with Microsoft ADOS (A.K.A. TFS) may be familiar with the concept of filters using tags.  If not, here's some details on how it works https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/backlogs/filter-backlogs-boards-plans

  11. In regards to the recent zero day log4j exploit found in Minecraft.  The client (old and new) is patched automatically when running the launcher so the only remaining thing to do is to ensure you're running MC server 1.18.1 to be fully patched.

    If you choose to run an older version of MC server you're going to need to add an extra flag in the startup config as per


    Happy safe and secure gaming!

    • Like 1
  12. Heads up to anyone with public facing Java MC servers hosted out there!  Got a vulnerability that any script kiddie out there can do in their sleep that's about as severe as it can get (full server control)!


    Shut them down and apply the mitigation until a patch is rolled!  Do it right meow!

    Full details and code example: https://www.lunasec.io/docs/blog/log4j-zero-day/

    Borrowed explanation from MCEdit Discord


    This vulnerability has the potential, with the right keystrokes, to allow anyone to run arbitrary code on your machine by writing something to the server chat. This vulnerability has been observed to exist since Minecraft 1.12. Un-whitelisted players can trigger this exploit even if they can't join.


    As for right now and until Mojang can patch this exploit, here's how you can protect yourself (for both clients and servers): - Put this java argument into your launcher/server arguments (before the -jar flag): -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true


    3rd party server software, like Spigot/Paper/etc. may have patches in-place for now but their patches won't be as effective in preventing this exploit like using the flag will and the extent at which their patches are implemented to fix this aren't 100% known.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 hours ago, WildManAK said:

    Hey Guys, Following this thread has helped me tremendously. I had no issues running a 1.18 server, or running a 1.16.5 (preferred)


    My biggest questions is How do I add mods to my server? I've tried adding the normal 'mods' folder with mods in there, like we would with standard Minecraft. I will normally use CurseForge to install and run my mods, not Forge. But it doesn't seem to load the mods when i restart the docker.


    Does anyone know the best way to add mods to your server?

    I don't have any immediate need or desire to play around with running a modded server, but in the coming month I probably will give it a shot just for sake of learning and seeing how bad resource consumption really is with some modded servers.  Also providing support in MC forums is somewhat necessary when mod questions come up so it would be helpful to have a test server available on demand.


    I recommend you review some of the key points mentioned in this video:

    being careful of course not to walk away with everything he says in that video pertains to this server install!  What I think you need to scrape from that video is mostly the steps needed to prepare a modded server to that folder he sets up on his desktop and move any necessary files over to the UnRaid folder where your server is running from.


    The last piece i don't know how to solve yet is the Forge launch.  He runs a .bat file to kick it off, but perhaps you can read that and extract the flags used from there to use in a docker config in the Extra Parameters section.

    • Like 1
  14. On 11/12/2021 at 11:11 PM, SavageAUS said:

    After lots of research i have come up empty handed.

    My son would like mods added to this server.

    I have no clue how, where or anything to do this.

    He plays on an ipad / iphone so i would like to know if i can put mods on the server side and they work for him.

    If i can where abouts do i get the mods from and where do i put them on my unraid server.

    MC Bedrock doesn't really support the same mods mechanism that Java uses.  I believe they call them add-ons.


    So the phone install process seems similar to the desktop process, but the difference seems to be who do you trust more/less.  You can pick sources from the Google Play store, but if you don't trust that option there's plenty of alternatives such as this:


    This won't help you with the phone situation, but seems straight forward for desktop playing. 


  15. @NLS I'm not familiar with Crafty Server, but I've been struggling to get reverse proxy to work with my setup at home and I found the reason I can never get it to work is because of my ISPs over the past decade have been either mobile carrier hotspot plans or Starlink.  Both of which are limited due to use of GGNAT.  If that applies to you then try getting around that limitation with ngrok https://ngrok.com/ or Cloudflare https://blog.cloudflare.com/tunnel-for-everyone/.  I've not tried Cloudflare so I can't say it is applicable to anything beyond serving web pages.


    If you are able to use reverse proxy I would suggest using the user defined custom network option described in this video.  Keep in mind the video is a bit dated, but can be applied to swag as a drop-in replacement.


    Also, it sounds like there might be a little bit of gross conceptual error going on with how Docker works just from observation of the last comments on server IP properties.  There are tons of resources explaining this and it can be experimented with as well to reveal lots of information, but this is a helpful video about Docker as it pertains to Unraid in case it helps you:



  16. Played around with this for about an hour and found a way to run the non-release builds of Minecraft server fairly easily.  Getting version 17 of Java was indeed solved by just capturing a new docker build binary, but looks like the script under /build/root/install.sh needs some additional configuration settings to target the non-release versions of Minecraft server.


    The down side of this is that MC pre-release versions of the server are churning really quickly now and if you're using the MC launcher you don't have any control of the client version offered (always latest... thanks a lot Microsoft!) forcing a new build of the server's docker container to maintain compatibility.  Still fun to play around with though.


    The attached patch reveals the code change necessary and an example of the docker build command needed to pick which MC server version wanted to pack into the docker container.0001-Change-target-release-of-MC-server-to-snapshot-and-p.patch

    Pick the desired snapshot name from the list of available versions from here https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest_v2.json


    To make use of the newly built container I installed the official docker registry https://hub.docker.com/_/registry/ on UnRaid.  You can probably just get the app store similar wrapped version in the app store.  Just search registry.


    Ran the following commands:

    docker tag arch-minecraftserver_local localhost:5000/arch-minecraftserver_local
    docker push localhost:5000/arch-minecraftserver_local


    Then used the existing arch-minecraftserver template to add a new server to test out 1.18.  Changed the repository to grab the local registry version just pushed recently.  Also +1 to each of the two ports.  JAVA_VERSION doesn't need changing from latest (also works with 17 if ya happen to gots some of that there OCD).


    From here its just a matter of launching Minecraft and under multiplayer you specify your network connection with this pseudo syntax:



    Using the above technique will let you run multiple MC servers on UnRaid all dockerized.  As many as you got resources to allocate for.  This also makes for fun experiments and checking out those special game seeds like Pillager Outpost.


  17. I was just giving MC server 1.18 pre 4 a try and found the required Java version runs into a conflict in the layers of support.


    Relevant log:

    2021-11-17 21:15:57.321425 [info] JAVA_VERSION defined as '17'
    2021-11-17 21:15:57.338131 [warn] Java version '17' not valid, defaulting to Java version 'latest


    I suspect latest has a max (currently 16) and that max aligns with stable release and not anything pre.


    I don't know the reasoning behind the need for version 17.  Only that its required as documented here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_1.18_Pre-release_2 and that the minecraft instance seems to be dead on container start further supporting its needed.  I don't see any logging showing any issues for the container.  The web UI has this post:

    There is no screen to be attached matching minecraft.



    After looking at the build script https://github.com/binhex/arch-minecraftserver/blob/245160ea1a0c347d32dba70f67a67d4c5ac76b51/build/root/install.sh I believe its just one of those timing of build container things where at time of build latest was 16, but around October 23 it seems pacman had 17 available.  This MC container was built on Oct 17th.  A re-build should capture that version 17 and whalla.


    I also newly discovered while playing around with this that MC 1.18 has a release date of Nov 30th.

  18. On 8/7/2021 at 9:30 AM, Masterwishx said:

    2. ther was no password asked (abc/abc) to me when app started

    The option to set a password appears to be available via a secret which uses a file stored in clear text on disk.  Its better than nothing I guess aside from running an instance of Kubernetes.

    Here's the documentation:

    Environment variables from files (Docker secrets)

    You can set any environment variable from a file by using a special prepend FILE__.

    As an example:

    -e FILE__PASSWORD=/run/secrets/mysecretpassword

    Will set the environment variable PASSWORD based on the contents of the /run/secrets/mysecretpassword file.

    • Like 1
  19. @showstopper I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but I run two instances (docker containers) of SWAG (formerly letsencrypt).  One for internal network redirection and one for externally accessible network redirection.  Essentially one instance per each network it would be mapped to for redirection within that network.  This doesn't solve an issue you encountered, but it would potentially mitigate the damage of changes made to that one network alone if you were making some experimental changes that could break other configs.

  20. I find this tool quite valuable in monitoring disk use growth so that I can project needed upgrades.  However, I'm not finding an easy way to automatically track duplicate files.  It would be great if UnRaid's file system took care of duplicates on its own, but it cannot so some additional manual effort is required here.  Thankfully Diskover provides means of duplicate file detection, but it's a chore to have to run it every time.  Is there any way to schedule this so it does it automatically after every scan it does?  I couldn't come up with something on my own to solve this so I'm asking the collective hive :)

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