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Posts posted by anderbak

  1. @DZMM 

    That's the same permission issue I ran into when creating the setup.sh file using notepad++ and putting it in adb's appdata folder.


    Start by opening the adb container's console.


    Check your permissions by typing

    ls -alh /config


    I corrected mine using

    chmod 777 /config/startup.sh


    chown root:root /config/startup.sh

    I also noticed in your post the same formatting errors that I had from c/p with notepad++. Your issue may just be c/p to your post, but verify you don't have the two "(anglebracket)" in your script.




    If you're not familiar with vi, it's unintuitive at first.
    After typing

    vi /config/startup.sh

    move your cursor to an area where you need to make a change. Hit "i" on your keyboard. Make the necessary changes. Hit the "esc" key when you're done making changes. Type ":wq" to write the changes and close the file. Restart adb.

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  2. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else lands here like I did.


    I'm traveling for work and not at home, so there was only so much I could do, but based on my limited success, I can shed some light on getting the docker container config set up on unRAID along with the sh command that seems to be a point of confusion in this thread.


    Thanks to the video posted by @DZMM, I was able to figure this out fairly easily.




    I had also initially created the setup.sh script in the /config folder using notepad++, as this is how I frequently do it for Home Assistant, but there were formatting and permission issues (the latter was warned in the video) so I just recreated the file using vi from the container's terminal and presto.




    ADB isn't enabled on my TV at home, which is the limitation I mentioned earlier so I get the "No route to host" error, but I'm fairly confident this will work when I get it enabled.


    Good luck!

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