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Everything posted by gatorgrabber

  1. I appreciate the help, thanks! That part I understand but it also was giving me the same message (about the parity disk being invalid) yesterday morning before I started this thread. Perhaps the message this morning was a relic of the browser (not Unraid) holding the message in cache; I've seen that before. Well, all seems to be fine so I'll just let it be for now. Trurl mentioned having my system share stay the cache; any suggestions on that since I've got you?
  2. It was the alert (red) notification that the parity disc was invalid. I got the same report below this morning while the rebuild was in progress. After it was finished, all seems well?? Unraid StatusNotice [TOWER] - array health report [FAIL]Array has 6 disks (including parity & cache)alert Parity - WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K1ULAPSS (sde) - active 91 F [DISK INVALID] Disk 1 - WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N7JRHV3Z (sdg) - active 91 F [OK] Disk 2 - WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N6TL8FD5 (sdf) - active 93 F [OK] Disk 3 - WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N6LL04CK (sdd) - active 91 F [OK] Cache - CT1000MX500SSD1_1919E201FCEC (sdc) - active 88 F [OK] Cache 2 - CT1000MX500SSD1_1919E201F026 (sdb) - active 91 F [OK] Parity sync / Data rebuild in progress. Total size: 4 TB Elapsed time: 2 hours, 6 minutes Current position: 1.05 TB (26.2 %) Estimated speed: 132.7 MB/sec Estimated finish: 6 hours, 11 minutes Sync errors corrected: 0
  3. Well, I just wandered in and saw that my parity disk is actually in the green (active) and healthy, at least according to SMART. Parity was shown as valid...๐Ÿ˜• I ran another diagnostics report and have attached it below. I haven't rebooted or modified it in any way, wary that I'll anger the disk gods hiding in my server! tower-diagnostics-20210411-0854.zip
  4. With the rebuild just about done (1 hr to go), I got the same message about a possible issue. Attached is the diagnostics report, taken without rebooting this time. Disk on the way out? If so, bummer since it's not even 2yrs old and the youngest in the array. Perhaps go with another mfg for a replacement?? tower-diagnostics-20210411-0630.zip
  5. I followed the directions and the parity drive is being rebuilt. I'll report back once it's complete and before I do anything else! After that I'll address getting the system share on the cache. I thought I'd done that before but I'm guessing not... Thanks trurl!
  6. Thanks for the quick assistance! I'm setup for notifications, it's just that I don't see them when I'm in the field (wildlife biologist) until I get back in. Your step by step is very useful, thanks for that. My only question involves how to properly unassign the disk...that I don't want to screw up! Also, I have already shut down the server and checked the cables and power to make sure nothing was loose; nope. Thanks!
  7. I take a quick look at my Unraid box ( Supermicro X10SRH-CLN4F, Version 1.00A) every day and noticed this afternoon that I had a warning the Parity drive was disabled. I had just upgraded to 6.9.2 this morning, so I tried rebooting the computer to see if that would help...nope. I then looked to see if anything about the disk's health jumped out at me...undecided on that point, so I moved on. I then reverted to the last OS (6.9.1) to see if that changed anything...nope. I did download a couple of diagnostics ZIP files along the way, which I'll attach below. I'm by no means a Unraid guru, so it's time for professional help! I've been searching but I'm not crazy about just throwing things at the wall, hoping for a fix. The two things I listed above hopefully didn't make the situation worse. Any words of advice? tower-diagnostics-20210410-1621.zip tower-smart-20210410-2007.zip
  8. A followup to my previous post, along with my less than elegant solution. After lots of searching, I discovered linuxserver.io and installed the Digital Devices (Github) 6.8.0 image. This got binhex-plexpass running again but now it didn't recognize my WinTV-quad tuner card. After a few more quarters in the ol' swear jar, I utilized my best SWAG abilities and tried the LibreELEC 6.8.0 image...success! I'm not really sure how I got here but it's alive and running again. Happy New Year!
  9. Thanks for getting back to me! So I don't post a bunch of useless stuff, where do I find this info? Under docker container/advanced view, I see the log file. Like I said, I'm a newbie here. I've attached the diagnostics file. tower-diagnostics-20191231-1700.zip
  10. I'd put off installing the 6.8 OS upgrade until this morning and have run into an issue with binhex-plexpass not starting (auto or manual). Since I'm an Unraid newbie, I'm hesitant to start tinkering without a bit of adult supervision. ๐Ÿ˜ All plugins are up to date and the box has been restarted...no joy. I only have one docker container, the one for binhex-plexpass. Search has revealed several threads with somewhat similar issues but the solutions seem obscure. I was running 6.6.7 before the upgrade. Is there a thread that may help me with this issue? Thanks!
  11. I'd put off installing the 6.8 OS upgrade until this morning and have run into an issue with binhex-plexpass not starting (auto or manual). Since I'm an Unraid newbie, I'm hesitant to start tinkering without a bit of adult supervision. ๐Ÿ˜ Since the sole purpose of this computer is Plex, I'd like to get it going again. All plugins are up to date and the box has been restarted...no joy. I only have one docker container, the one for binhex-plexpass. Search has revealed several threads with somewhat similar issues but the solutions seem obscure. I was running 6.6.7 before the upgrade. Do I install another docker container with binhex-plexpass installed there? Thanks for the help!
  12. What do you know, it wasn't borked after all. ๐Ÿ˜œ I was still looking at it via the attached monitor. Nice call, thanks!
  13. I went to that location and the Unraid os box is already checked. The box is booting to the flash but still defaults to the command line in the blue box. I did notice the text in the area under unraid os (above) is different from what I'm seeing: kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot Above has 'mitigations=off' after bzroot, if that means anything.
  14. Wow, that was quick! Both of you are describing what I'm seeing. So how do I set the default to GUI when I get to the blue screen-not-of-death?
  15. I've been running Unraid on an older Xeon PC for the last couple of years with no real issues and finally decided to upgrade the hardware. I read quite a bit about moving to a different MB, so there was little drama with the migration. What is happening is when I restart the server, Unraid goes thru the lengthy setup process like I saw when it was first installed years ago, right down to asking what interface (command line, GUI, etc.) I would prefer. It never did this with the old box so I'm assuming there's a demon-tweak that I missed somewhere along the line. Once booted up, everything works just like before; smooth as silk. Any suggestion as to what I might need to modify? I'm hesitant to go rummaging around in the OS without adult supervision...that never ends well! Thanks
  16. New guy here. I've been browsing thru this thread, among others, and I'm not certain I see an answer. I just updated the OS to 6.7.2 from 6.6.7 and I've lost access to the Plexpass (binhex-plexpass). The docker will not start, auto or manually. All had been working great until this evening with both the server and Plex. The OS update went smoothly and I rebooted after it was finished. I still have full access to documents and other files on the server, just have no Plex. Any suggestions or links I can check out? Thanks!
  17. I need a bit of advice...I've been running an Unraid/PLEX server, built from an old workstation PC, for the last 2yrs. While it's still running great, I've decided to build a dedicated PLEX media server using modern components. I've been searching the forums for days but have yet to find what I'm looking for. If there's a link to point me towards, please do. Here's the pertinent info: Download OTA (PLEX DVR) using a HAUPPAUGE WinTV-quadHD card Attached streaming device will be an Amazon Fire device Transcoding no more than 2 streams (rarely) at a time Serving movies over my wired network in 4K HDR Power and memory enough to get the job done...smoothly No gaming, no streaming shows to wireless devices, no anything else; I'm just looking to build a strong, reliable PLEX media box. Any MB/CPU/memory suggestions for this task would be very appreciated. Much of what I've been reading involves doing much more with the server than I have planned. I'm of the school that if it's not needed, I don't want it hanging around waiting to cause problems. The goal is to build a quality, dedicated device without all the weirdness of a computer that's being asked to do a bit of everything. Thanks for the help!
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