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  1. Ah, I see what you're talking about. Yeah you'd think that would be cleared out. Appreciate that!
  2. Thanks. I had the Anonymize diagnostics checked, but I guess that didn't matter.
  3. I don't use the docker image file, I'm using the directory, so I'm not sure how the image get be corrupted or getting filled up. Like I said, other containers work fine and update fine. Diagnostics attached.
  4. Getting an odd error trying to update Luckybackup to the most recent version. I did an uninstall on it and reinstall, and I'm still getting the error. Pulling image: ich777/luckybackup:latest IMAGE ID [995095759]: Pulling from ich777/luckybackup. IMAGE ID [e9995326b091]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [7ffd6c2f1d35]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [d6276708addb]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [55497894789e]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [b9b53c6477e6]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [723f47b26624]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [2fed92c09f0f]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [a1063aaa0fc0]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [bf6130e4dcab]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. IMAGE ID [97c82dbb912f]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 177 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [a2c08ebca08f]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Download complete. IMAGE ID [1ea2d71905e2]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Download complete. IMAGE ID [e48f1fd1e16c]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Download complete. IMAGE ID [cb789845174f]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 359 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [9169d6962369]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 450 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [e5226bdcf121]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 151 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [39fc8179513d]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 133 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. TOTAL DATA PULLED: 312 MB Error: failed to register layer: stat /var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/3f9b25f0a5e5fd41668734cffe3951f784f2d7a965eaa411c3ec43794e0eb9bc: no such file or directory The /var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/3f9b25f0a5e5fd41668734cffe3951f784f2d7a965eaa411c3ec43794e0eb9bc folder itself doesn't exist inside of my /var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes folder. Any ideas? I'm not familiar with that folder, so I'm hesitant to just create a folder named 3f9b25f0a5e5fd41668734cffe3951f784f2d7a965eaa411c3ec43794e0eb9bc in there. Other containers are working fine, I can install new stuff, uninstall, etc just fine as well.
  5. @hernandito Any chance of adding a "Disabled" folder icon? I'm open to any theme or animation really.
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