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Everything posted by Globby

  1. One more question, if you don't mind. I was wondering what would happen when the VPN connection is terminated (for any reason). Would the container attempt to re-connect automatically? Would the proxy still happily serve the requests over unprotected network? Would deluge happily download/upload stuff even when there is no active VPN connection? (I sincerely hope not!)
  2. Sorry, I mixed up things a little bit (1.5GB was the used RAM in the container when it was downloading the torrents, heh). The image size I get is 1.08GB, via command: #>docker image ls binhex/arch-delugevpn latest 632ac0a72aee 12 days ago 1.08GB Thanks for quick response!
  3. Dear binhex, Many thanks for the excellent docker image, it works exactly like I wanted and saved me quite a lot of time for configuring the whole thing. One question remains, and it was probably answered somewhere, I just don't find any info. Basically, the deluge+vpn image quite huge, almost 1.5Gb. Is there *anything* I could do to minimize the size of the image/container? For example, my own deluge container (that has no vpn and no privoxy) is about 100mb. Would it be possible to somehow reduce the arch-delugevpn image size? What is taking so much space? Thank you!
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