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Everything posted by Raistlfiren

  1. Hi, I have been running into a problem with my server completely locking up after two to three days. I have no idea why it is doing it and I can't understand what could be causing it. This is what I have done and it still persists: Ran memtest86 on RAM for the night and no errors Rebooted unraid in safe mode without plugins (Still crashed) I do want to note that I have a monitor connected to the computer and it does display the login, but I can't type anything into the page with a keyboard. I have attached my syslog to this post along with my diagnostic information. If anyone has any ideas, then it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! syslog(1) tardis-diagnostics-20210111-1803.zip
  2. Hi, I am running into the following issue when trying to install LibreELEC v6.6.7 - Now installing LibreELEC version 6.6.7 Base URL: https://lsio.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/unraid-dvb/6-6-7/libreelec TO AVOID CORRUPTION DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW UNTIL YOU SEE THE DONE PROMPT Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzimage ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response) Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot-gui ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzmodules ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response) Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzfirmware ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzimage.sha256 ... failed (Invalid URL / Server error response) Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot-gui.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzmodules.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzfirmware.sha256 ... done Checking SHA 256's: failed! Thanks!
  3. Hi, I have a SuperMicro X8DT6 motherboard with a LSI SAS 2008 onboard controller. On the controller I am running version (2011.02.18) firmware. I was hoping to upgrade the controller to the latest version to get 3TB drive support, and maybe higher? It looks like this post is telling me to download the following drivers - https://wiki.unraid.net/Crossflashing_Controllers#LSI_SAS2008_chipset Although, I noticed SuperMicro has a newer patch here - https://www.supermicro.com/wftp/driver/SAS/LSI/2008/IR_IT/Firmware/IT/ Should I update my controller using the SuperMicro firmware or the link from the Wikipedia article? If I use the SuperMicro firmware, then should I be flashing IT or IR mode? I am assuming IT, but I do want to verify. Thanks!
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