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Report Comments posted by Brydezen

  1. 26 minutes ago, mikeg_321 said:
    • I know hard to believe right!  but Correct.  Fully functional, Unigine Benchmark numbers are real good. Same or better than 6.8.3 VMs
    • unRAID 6.10RC2 (Suspect 6.9.2 will work)
    • Looks like I settled on Q35(5.1) and OVMF-TPM. Suspect newer version will work too.
    • Was a recent fresh install - few days old with a lot of trial and error miles on it. So not virgin (I was able to enable MSI on it taking it from dead to working in obvious fashion)
    • Nvidia driver is the Studio series (not Game Ready): (I don't believe the studio thing matters, it was just something I had tried before that didn't work out - i.e. it was still BSOD on that version before enabling MSI's)


              Release Date:2022.1.4

              Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11

    • Attaching my VM config so you can see others things I have in there.  It does have a couple of the KVM hiding options in there (the stuff from one of your earlier posts).  


          <hidden state='on'/>

    • Also passing in my GPU BIOS but that may or may not make a difference.  All my VMs on 6.8.3 don't need the BIOS to run but I pass in anyhow.  

    • NOTE: the VM config file is from when I had VNC and GPU enabled - 2 video cards essentially.  After it was working I just deleted the video lines pertaining to VLC and saved the config.  Booted up fine and ran benchmarks like that.

    Agreed. It was needed just for audio in past.  This is the part that confuses and slightly worries me.  I thought mine were MSI enabled too when I went from 6.8 to 6.9.  So either they were not or the upgrade itself triggered the Nvidia driver to disable it or there's more here than I thought. (Hope not).  Acid test will be when I migrate my main server past 6.8.  I think I'll go to 6.10RC2 in the next little bit here.


    A tool to handle this would be great. Just not sure how it'll work when you need to install the driver first then run the tool... but the install of the driver crashes the machine.  I could only work around that by going to safe mode but sounds like you have some ideas here which would be fantastic!  Maybe just run the script from Safe mode or early in the boot process before the GPU inits fully.


    Good luck and let me know if you need any other info.  I'll keep an eye on this too and post back once I get my main system past 6.8 too.

    Workig_VM_Config w MSI ON.txt

    That was my next question in regards to how you installed the nvidia drivers. Because loading the VM up with no graphics driver but MSI enabled works fine. But halfway through it might crash because it maybe changes the device instance path because of the update. So you just installed them in safe mode? Because having the installer crash midway is for sure gonna cause some kind of weird problem if it's not allowed to finish fully.


    Think I might prep a fresh new VM in Q35 5.1 on my 6.8.3 machine and try and migrate that to either 6.9.2 or 6.10RC2

  2. 14 hours ago, mikeg_321 said:

    To enable MSI's we'll need to:


    1. Boot into the VM with only VNC graphics enabled
    2. Enable Safe Mode via MSCONFIG (use Search and type in MSCONFIG and click or run the program "System Configuration."
    3. Go to the Boot tab and select safe boot and I always enable network but is not necessarily needed for this.
    4. Press OK and power-down the VM




    1. Now within the unRAID VM interface - change graphics adapter and assign your Nvidia GPU (passed through to the VM as typically done for 6.8 and prior.)
    2. Boot back into the VM (The GPU should display Windows content to your display and be usable, but is not using the NVIDIA driver so should not crash.  This is important because we need the GPU ID.
    3. Go to Device Manager --> Display Adapters -->GPU Properties. Click on Details and change drop-down to Device Instance Path

    Copy or note down the entire address as you'll need to locate that in the Registry.




    1. Now open up Regedit (Run:regedit)
    2. Find the device instance under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\<your device instance info> (screenshot Green boxes)
    3. Add 2 new keys and 1 Dword as per the screenshot - red boxes.
      1. new key: Interrupt Management
      2. new key: MessageSignaledInterruptProperties
      3. new Dword: MSISupported
    4. Set the DWORD value MSISupported to 1 for enabled:
    5. Close Regedit



    1. Now go back into MSCONFIG and disable Safe mode (reverse of enabling).
    2. Reboot and if all went well the GPU will function as expected.


    Reference to this post on enabling MSI's (It has more details and is where I heard of MSI's a while back) - note there is also a utility to enable MSI's but it doesn't seem to work in Safe Mode so the manual implementation is needed in this case.

    So you are saying that you now have a fully functional VM with a GPU passed through with no hickups at all just by enabling MSI interrupts?


    Also have some other questions about your VM:

    what bios and version did you use?

    Did you do a fresh reinstall?

    What Nvidia driver did you install?

    Do you have HyperV enabled on the VM? if Yes, then what do you have in their?

    Any other special XML you have added?

    Tell as much as you can. So I can try and recreate on my own machine 🤞🏻


    I thought it was mostly enabled if you had audio issues on your VM. Looking at the lspci -v -s <ID> I can se my current VM on 6.8.3 does have MSI enabled on the GPU. Just seems odd it's should all be down too that. Maybe someone can or have created a script for manually check if it's enabled on every boot.


    EDIT: This little snippet in powershell can grab the "DISPLAY" aka GPU installed and give you the patch. Will see if I can get some sort of script up and running for check if MSISupported is set to 1 or not. 

    gwmi Win32_PnPSignedDriver | ? DeviceClass -eq "DISPLAY" | Select DeviceID

    EDIT 2: Think I have most of the pieces for creating a noob script. I'm no way good at powershell. This is my first ever attempt at creating on. But it will: Check if their is a graphics card - Get the Device instance path. Check is the "MessageSignaledInterruptProperties" exsist in the registery keys. And then check if "MSISupported" exsist and what value it has. And based on what value it has it should change it. And if it changes I will make it do a automatic reboot (maybe) Or maybe just a popup saying its been changes and you should reboot.

  3. UPDATE:
    I pulled the plug spend over 5 days trying to fix it. So rolled back to 6.8.3 - before I did I also tried 6.10-RC2 as last straw. I read somewhere that the linux kernel had problems with VFIO passthrough in version 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 - and unraid just updated to 5.1 in 6.9.2 - so I blame it on the kernel choice. I hope later versions of unraid could advance beyond those kernels with potential problems.



    EDIT: Not saying he is right. But seems odd that so many are having problems with the 5.1 kernel in unraid 6.9(.X)

  4. On 1/9/2022 at 7:17 PM, mikeg_321 said:

    @Hetimop.  Sorry to hear you are having trouble too.  What Motherboard are you using?  I have this theory that the issue is linked to certain Motherboards maybe but would like to dis-prove that.  Also thinking it's something in newer Kernels that disagrees with KVM/Nvidia and another factor (Maybe Motherboard or BIOS or the like...) 


    I wonder if one of the unRAID 6.9 RC versions had a Kernel less than 5.4.34.  I would like to try that just for fun if a person could find an RC release somewhere.  Anyone know where I could get an old 6.9 release candidate to test with?


    @Brydezen.  What did you want me to try out? The first part hiding the KVM stuff? or the 2nd part patching the driver?  I have done the KVM hiding stuff already and didn't work 100% like you are seeing.   That last part (Patching the driver) guide you posted is very outdated and I'm afraid would not even work any longer. Someone on the last pages basically stated that. What Nvidia driver version did you use where you are seeing the code 43?


    When I have a chance hopefully this week I'll run through the first guide (hiding vm with commands) part again and see if any luck.  I'm also going to try the Nvidia studio driver instead.  I used that in a Win11 VM recently and it fixed some other unrelated issues.  

    Wanted you to maybe try a new Windows 10 VM on 6.9.2 Q35 with all UEFI booting. 

    I just tried it. And seemed to still give me error 43. Then I tried pulling out my old main VM vdisk. I created a new template for it. And low and behold it somewhat worked. It was not unusable but still wasn't able to play any games. I then tried to upgrade to the latest Nvidia geforce game ready driver. Using a "clean install" in the advanced section. And after doing that it went back to totally unusable. I blame nvidia for the issue now. But hard to say for sure. Before it was running 471.68 (nvidia driver) - Not sure what to do now. Maybe I will try this guide and see if it can fix the VM for good. 

  5. 3 hours ago, mikeg_321 said:

    I hope you are on to something!  I was headed down that road at one point too but stopped.  I was under the impression that with newer Nvidia drivers that VM's should no longer be an issue with error 43. Perhaps it's still an issue though despite them allowing VM's.  Worth a try for sure.  Let me know if you want me to test or check anything on my system.    NVIDIA enables GeForce GPU passthrough for Windows virtual machines

    If you don't mind trying it out? I have seen people talking about lower graphics driver versions. But I haven't tried it yet. My next move is trying to go back to Legacy. Right now I'm on UEFI. Wanna see if they gets me further. But installing the machine on Q35 and adding those lines to my template for sure got me further. Don't have time until Monday to work on it a bit more. But only gonna give it two more days before migrating back to 6.8.3 - can be spending this much time on something that should just work.

  6. I got some good news. I have been able to reinstall a new Windows 10 machine with only the GPU passed through and connect to it over RDP. Tho windows keeps reporting error 43 with the GPU in device management. I followed this guide to setup the VM itself: 

    I then also unticked the GPU from Tools > System Devices and added them directly to the flash drive command using: 


    but I have not overcome the error 43 yet. But it is for sure a step further than I have ever come before. Think I will try and follow this long guide next: 


  7. I just tried a completely new install of unraid. And at first glance everything seemed great. My main windows VM actually started up and was somewhat usable. WAAAAAY more than just updating the normal usb. But still not enough for me to be happy running on daily. So I decided to just try and make a completely new VM. Everything went great over VNC and the first boot with a graphics card also seemed fine. But after the nvidia drivers where about 15% into the installation the VM just freezed up. At this point I don't know what else to do. Can't be on 6.8.2 forever. I want to upgrade to 6.9.2 or beyond. But I don't know what to do at this point. I'm begining to give up on unraid. If it's this much hassle I might just end up switching to another hypervisor. I feel like I have done close to everything I can. Trying to run the VM in a bazillion different configurations: Hypervisor: Yes, No. USB: 2.0, 3.0 etc etc. More ram, less ram and so on. Once in a while it will actually start up into the desktop itself even with only the gpu and rdp. But crash after like 2 - 3 minutes

  8. 46 minutes ago, mikeg_321 said:

    Just FYI I'm on Legacy boot and have always been that way. (Click on Flash under Main and I have Server Boot Mode: Legacy & Permit UEFI boot mode unchecked.


    Have either of you tried a Seabios VM? That was going to be my next move and maybe booting in safe mode to eliminate docker conflicts (although that feels unlikely).  I think you can boot a VM in safe mode, but not sure.  I like your idea of a clean install of UnRaid.


    Attached my Diags for reference.  Will let you know if I get anywhere on this too.  Just not sure when I'll have time to go back to 6.10 and test.


    So you are running Legacy and i'm running UEFI. Same motherboard and both problems with nvidia gpu's. Seems weird. Have you done any customization outside of the unraid web gui? I have done a few things related to CPU's but now I can't remember exactly what it was. That's why I was thinking about doing a completly fresh unraid install and test. 

    I haven't tried any Seabios VM's. Seems like most people recommend OVMF so never really striked me to use the Seabios.


    if a completly fresh unraid install don't work i'm sadly moving to another hypervisor. Makes me kinda sad if it has to come down to that. But seems like no one is really interested in helping anymore.

  9. 4 hours ago, Dythnire2022 said:

    I am encountering the exact same issue with Unraid 6.9.2 and am beyond frustrated. I have followed every one of SpaceInvaderOne's tutorials, read countless forums, edited the XML, switched to Legacy, dumped vBIOS, tried i440 and Q35. Nothing, I repeat, nothing works. I am trying to passthrough an MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming GPU. I managed to get the card to show up in Device Manager in the VM but the second I attempt to install drivers, the entire server becomes unresponsive/crashes and I have to hard reset everything. PLEASE HELP!

    What motherboard are you using? And are you using UEFI or legacy boot? My problems also start the second a graphics card is installed. Work just fine with VNC. But a graphics card makes the VM unusable

  10. On 12/8/2021 at 5:53 AM, mikeg_321 said:

    Brydezen, Did you ever get this figured out?  I just tried to go from 6.8.2 to 6.9x and having what appears to be the same thing as you described.  I've tried a million things like fresh VM windows install, passing through bios and various settings and nothing fixes for me.  I am on a legacy boot too.   Same thing happens on 6.10RC2 too, I've gone back to 6.8.3 now.


    When I have more time I am going to go back to 6.9 and try posting a problem report with diagnostics etc and tackle further.   My AMD cards work fine. 2 Nvidia ones don't RTX 2070 and a 1060.  Only thing I have not done that I can think might have an impact is to remove all add-ons/plug-ins in case something conflixt but I kind of doubt it.  


    I even ran with a VNC video and a 2nd vid card (Nvidia passed through).  You can actually see Windows halt with an error once the Nvidia drivers kick in and reboot after.  


    It kind of looks like we have some hardware in common too based on your diagnostics.  I'm running dual Xeon's on an Asrock EP2C602.  Are you by chance on that board or similar one too?

    I'm using the same motherboard. But I doubt it's the motherboard. But could maybe be the UEFI boot option. Will maybe try and do a complete fresh install of unraid with legecy and UEFI. Just copy over the disk and cache arrays. So everything else is totally clean. It's a long shot. But I can't keep staying at 6.8.3 - every plugin is getting outdated for my version. I just don't have that much time do deal with it. I need it to just work so it's really frustrating. Please let me know if you find a way to fix your issue

  11. I could not get it to even boot into legacy mode for some reason. It just kept telling me it's not a bootable device. So i'm giving up now. going back to 6.8.3 - don't wanna waste more time troubleshooting when nothing seems to help at all. Hopefully the next release will work for me.

  12. 16 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:

    Is your server UEFI or legacy? Legacy seems to have less issues.

    When you first setup you VM, are you using noVNC/RDP, then installing GPU drivers? are you installing the virtio drivers and guest agent?

    Pretty sure it's UEFI. I said yes to the UEFI option when running the make_bootable script. And made sure my boot order was using UEFI: General USB 1.0 or something. 

    I do install all the virtio drivers the vm needs. But not 100% sure I have installed the guest agent tho. I might need to try and do that using vnc


    EDIT: I just tried installing the guest agent. It had no positive effect on the virtual machine.

  13. 39 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:

    Try 5.0, instead of 5.1.

    One of my Windows VMs black screens on 5.1, but is happy on 5.0

    I just did a fresh install of unraid on my usb copied all the files over. Tried 5.1, 5.0 and 4.2 I still get the same result. Nothing seems to work for me.

  14. 1 minute ago, SimonF said:

    Have you tried other machine types.


    I see you are running now running -machine pc-i440fx-5.1,


    I think 4.2 was max on 6.8.3.


    If you revert then you need to manually add cache back into 6.8.3.


    This was on the announcement for 6.9.0.

    Reverting back to 6.8.3

    If you have a cache disk/pool it will be necessary to either:

    restore the flash backup you created before upgrading (you did create a backup, right?), or

    on your flash, copy 'config/disk.cfg.bak' to 'config/disk.cfg' (restore 6.8.3 cache assignment), or

    manually re-assign storage devices assigned to cache back to cache


    This is because to support multiple pools, code detects the upgrade to 6.9.0 and moves the 'cache' device settings out of 'config/disk.cfg' and into 'config/pools/cache.cfg'.  If you downgrade back to 6.8.3 these settings need to be restored.

    I have tried all the new machine types. And the 4.2 it was on when I ran 6.8.3. Don't seem to have any difference at all. I did see that in the announcement. I also had to reformat my drive for the 1MiB "alignment bug" as I was getting crazy read and writes for some reason. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:

    Try update the machine type to the latest (or even second latest version).

    My VMs with a GTX 1060 passed to it work fine in 6.9.2

    Weird. Maybe I will just reinstall my usb using the unraid tool. And transfer my settings files over. If not I will just downgrade I think. It's on my second day of troubleshooting.

  16. 1 hour ago, SimonF said:

    I haven't upgraded my Prod 6.8.3 to 6.9.x as yet so don't know if I will have a similar issue. Have you tried adding a vBIOS to the card. I don't have ones on my 6.8.3 machine but may be a requirement in 6.9.x

    I have tried using the vBIOS. Both one I dumped myself and downloaded. Nothing works with that either.

  17. Have been reinstalling my browser on a new VM (was switching VM anyways) and noticed before reinstalling, that my uBlock plugin in chrome was doing some weird stuff. I could not selective block an element and some other stuff. But after the reinstall of a new VM and doing all my browser extensions again, the image shows up. So even tho i whitelisted the entire page before just like now in uBlock it shows up. Don't know what happend to uBlock for it to act up so weird :S


    Sorry for the inconvenience I have made!

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