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  1. I had Privoxy working for about a week by launching fresh without any files in the session folder, then loading (and rechecking) all of the torrents from a watched directory. For some reason, the Privoxy folder is only created the first time I launch with no other files in the config folder except those created by running the image. As soon as I restarted it, I see no other message in the log except for "[info] Privoxy not running" exactly like the second log I uploaded. I agree it is likely a permissions thing that I don't understand how to fix. The permissions seem correct when I look at users, groups and the shared folder on my Synology DSM. If I am to troubleshoot this by trying a run command with a different umask, user, or group, do I need to delete the "perms.txt" file in the config folder before running everything again?
  2. Yes my LAN matches exactly with what is shown in the example. Privoxy will load up and connect if I launch the container with an empty session folder under /config/rtorrent/session, but as soon as I move all of the .rtorrent files etc back to the session folder and relaunch, it doesn't work. There are close to 4000 torrents total.. maybe that is just too many?
  3. I still cannot get Privoxy working. Any ideas?
  4. When I delete the /config/privoxy folder, it does not re-create a new Privoxy folder when I relaunch rtorrent. I have Privoxy enabled in my run command. This is the only line related to privoxy in the log file when I launch: "[info] Privoxy not running". If I move/delete all of my config folders except for openvpn and run it again, it will connect to privoxy only that one time. Once I move my (rather large) session folder and the rtorrent.rc file back over, Privoxy no longer works. Any ideas? Privoxy will not start any other time.rtf Privoxy launched successfully.rtf
  5. Privoxy has stopped working for me after pulling the latest version of this. I usually use Privoxy with Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr/Jackett but they no longer work when I use hostname: localhost and port: 8118. I noticed that there were some new settings for RPC2 and RPC2_AUTH. Is there some sort of username and password required for Privoxy too now?
  6. Damn.. I broke everything again after rebooting my Synology DS918+ NAS. Good news though! I stumbled across the above post after searching the delugevpn support thread for "tun.sh". These commands are absolutely essential for getting rtorrentvpn and delugevpn containers to run properly using Docker on Synology DSM 6 or higher. Unless the above commands are used, neither will work at all and the logs will likely say an error such as this: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19) I hope that other Synology users find this useful. I have no idea what these commands do, but they solved my problem and are worth a shot if you have having similar issues.
  7. Just spent another couple of hours trying all kinds of different settings, even deleting the rtorrentvpn image and downloading the latest version. It seems like everything is working again, though I don't know exactly why.. I think that when I set up a bonded dual gigabit connection on my NAS, I set up a different "default gateway" on the NAS as which functions separately from my router? I had to use instead of my router's default gateway that I had set up before.. probably It seems that fixed the "Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19)" by using this combination of things early in the run command. --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --device=/dev/net/tun \ I think that deleting files/folders within the /config folder also helped fix things.. though I am not sure what or why. The most useful thing that I figured out is that I can move, modify, or delete all of the config folders except for the "openvpn" one and the "rtorrent" to help troubleshoot things, and as long as I don't delete the rtorrent one, I won't lose my rtorrent session and have to recheck all of my files again. I will post my supervisord.log (minus my PIA login info) if I run into any other issues. I plan to not mess with NAS network settings, drives, SSD cache, etc anymore now that everything is working to my liking. Sorry that I am so ignorant. Maybe another newbie like me will find my posts useful.
  8. Welp.. I was up and running so nicely for a while. I broke my container again and the only thing that I did was shut down my NAS and install two M.2 solid state drives to use as a read/write cache. Every time that I try to load it now I get this same error: Wed Jan 17 01:32:14 2018 ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19) 06:32:14 Wed Jan 17 01:32:14 2018 Exiting due to fatal error I tried a couple of things that I found when reading about this error in other threads.. but it didn't make any difference. I know just enough about this to get into trouble. Here is one thing that I tried adding to the run command to no avail: --privileged \ --device=/dev/net/tun \ Any ideas? I feel like such a noob..
  9. I mentioned in the post above theGrok. I posted the run command as well. I am only able to see the Flood UI. Even if I disable Flood using -e ENABLE_FLOOD=no \ or if I remove the line about Flood entirely, I can't get the standard rutorrent ui to show up on port 9080 or 9443. And regarding the rutorrent settings, I thought that I had it figured out.. but I didn't. I eventually made things worse by messing with the rtorrent.rc config file and then nothing would download at all. I could only force recheck and seed completed torrents. I'm using docker on a Synology DS918+ and I'm brand new to this. I was able to get Delugevpn to work properly pretty easily, but I feel like rtorrent may end up being a better solution for seeding lots of stuff if I can get it working. Question: Since Rutorrent is only a GUI for rtorrent , does that mean that ALL settings changes must happen by editing the rtorrent . rc config file before launching the container? Or do the settings that you choose from the menu (gear icon) at the top of Rutorrent change the settings in that file in realtime once the container is started? **EDIT** Okay I got the standard Rutorrent GUI to load up. I think the reason was I was stupid and assumed my router's IP address was the normal because that is what I use to log into it, but apparently, I needed to use the "default gateway" as shown in my router's settings for the "LAN_NETWORK=" part. This video made it clear what needed to be done for that @ 5:32: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AEzm5y2EvM **EDIT #2** After a bit more screwing around I think that everything is working properly. Normal Rutorrent GUI is working now, VPN is working, both private and public torrents download and seed without issue. I am still a little confused about whether or not the settings window in Rutorrent GUI works properly. I was able to use the settings window to enable a watched folder of my choosing.. but in order to change the default download location, I had to stop the container and edit the rtorrent.rc file.
  10. I am also using PIA. Once I got this to load properly, the port was forwarded automatically and everything regarding the VPN and torrent client being connectable were good to go. I have been having more issues with the GUI and also not understanding how to configure the Rutorrent settings.
  11. Brand new docker user here.. I have been able to successfully run arch-rtorrentvpn on my Synology DS918+ after LOTS of trial and error. I am ONLY able to see the Flood UI though. Even if I disable Flood, the standard rutorrent ui cannot be accessed from port 9080 or 9443. (EDIT: I think that I have figured this out.. seems to be a couple of settings that are not enabled by default in rtorrent, that most other clients do have enabled by default?) I am also having an issue where torrents from public trackers are not downloading properly. I can seed one that has already been completed, but when starting a new one (whether.torrent or a magnet link) it has no activity. Anything for a private tracker works as expected without issue. Any ideas? Below is the docker run command that I used. Sorry if this is is a stupid mistake or a simple fix. This is the first docker container that I have ever run! I'm amazed that it is working at all :-) docker run -d \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ -p 9080:9080 \ -p 9443:9443 \ -p 8118:8118 \ -p 3000:3000 \ --name=rtorrentvpn2 \ -v /volume1/downloads/c:/data \ -v /volume1/docker/rutorrent:/config \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e VPN_ENABLED=yes \ -e VPN_USER=removed \ -e VPN_PASS=removed \ -e VPN_REMOTE=ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com \ -e VPN_PROV=pia \ -e STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes \ -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=no \ -e ENABLE_FLOOD=yes \ -e ENABLE_AUTODL_IRSSI=no \ -e LAN_NETWORK= \ -e DEBUG=false \ -e PHP_TZ=UTC \ -e UMASK=000 \ -e PUID=1026 \ -e PGID=101 \ binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn
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