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  1. Thanks trurl, I completely missed that. It's a bit late where I'm at. I've been using the script for quite a while but always assumed the cached directories are saved in some file. I was confused as to why the script caused a lot of disk activity for some time after a reboot, it makes sense now.
  2. Couldn't find any info on where the cached folders are stored. Does anyone know? Does it go to the boot usb stick?
  3. Hi Unraid-Community, I have over provisioned a new SSD, it's a Crucial MX500. I followed this guide: SSD Overprovisioning. I already did this with a Samsung EVO 256GB a few years back and I noticed one minor difference. In the guide the over provisioned area is called HPA, whereas when I did it with the new SSD it was called ACCESSIBLE MAX ADDRESS. I couldn't find too much by googling so I proceeded with the tutorial. Everything works as expected, however I'm quite curious what the difference might be. Please let me know if you have heard about this. The message I expected: root@unraid:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdb /dev/sdb: max sectors = 312581808/312581808, HPA is disabled The message I got: root@unraid:~# hdparm -N /dev/sdb /dev/sdb: max sectors = 312581808/312581808, ACCESSIBLE MAX ADDRESS is disabled
  4. However to be honest, I had once HGST Enterprise 4TB 7200RPM HDDs installed and noted only a small performance increase compared to WD Red 4TB. Wasn't worth the energy consumption and noise for me. Just to cheer you up a little.
  5. No you can just let it fill up. Unraid will write a file to the next disk if the file is larger than the space left.
  6. This should answer your question: TL;DR: Not recommended, it will work but performance will degrade as the SSDs get filled up.
  7. The CPU is quite capable, you could even setup a few VMs and a bunch of dockers with this processor and RAM. What exact transfer rates did you get when transferring files? With modern HDDs you should get something in the range of 50-110MB/s. And as long as you're connected via ethernet the network shouldn't be an issue. If you're really just want your server as a NAS the CPU is probably overkill, on the other hand I don't think it makes sense to buy a lower end CPU if you already got this one. (Also note a cache drive is essential when talking about dockers and VMs, because in my experience they tend to generate quite high IO on the array. But as always it depends on what you need it for.)
  8. Ouch. Okay thanks to all from preventing me to waste even more time on this 😅 So what is exactly the difference between the "powerdown" and "shutdown -h now" command? I used to use the "shutdown" command but it almost always lead to unclean shutdowns, so I guess "powerdown" triggers all the routines to bring the array to a stop correctly. Is there any more to that?
  9. Okay, so I looked at this again today. I specifically found this: function stopArray(form) { $(form).append('<input type="hidden" name="cmdStop" value="Stop">'); swal({title:'Proceed?',text:'This will stop the array',type:'warning',showCancelButton:true},function(p){if (p) form.submit(); else $('input[name="cmdStop"]').remove();}); } function stopParity(form,text) { $(form).append('<input type="hidden" name="cmdNoCheck" value="Cancel">'); swal({title:'Proceed?',text:'This will stop the running '+text+' operation',type:'warning',showCancelButton:true},function(p){if (p) form.submit(); else $('input[name="cmdNoCheck"]').remove();}); } function pauseParity(form) { $(form).append('<input type="hidden" name="cmdNoCheck" value="Pause">'); $('#pauseButton').val('Resume').prop('onclick',null).off('click').click(function(){resumeParity(form);}); form.submit(); } function resumeParity(form) { $(form).append('<input type="hidden" name="cmdCheck" value="Resume">'); $('#pauseButton').val('Pause').prop('onclick',null).off('click').click(function(){pauseParity(form);}); form.submit(); } function shutdown_now(form,cmd) { $(form).append('<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="'+cmd+'">'); swal({title:'Proceed?',text:'This will '+cmd+' the system',type:'warning',showCancelButton:true},function(p){if (p) form.submit(); else $('input[name="cmd"]').remove();}); } function toggleApply(checked) { $('input[name="#apply"]').prop('disabled',!checked); } All commands that do not lead into an confirmation can just be called like this for example:<insert_token_here> However as soon as I try to click, let's say the shutdown button I think the WebUI shows the apply button. Is there any way to directly call the apply button, or how would I proceed at this point?
  10. Thanks Squid, I tried a few different things now, however I only got the one in the thread you linked working: <? $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); exec('wget -qO /dev/null "http://localhost:80/update.htm?cmdStop=Stop&csrf_token='.$vars['csrf_token'].'"'); ?> When I tried to adapt to the shutdown command none of these approaches worked: <? $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); exec('wget -qO /dev/null "http://localhost:80/update.htm?shutdown=apply&csrf_token='.$vars['csrf_token'].'"'); ?> <? $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); exec('wget -qO /dev/null "http://localhost:80/update.htm?cmdShutdown=Apply&csrf_token='.$vars['csrf_token'].'"'); ?> <? $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); exec('wget -qO /dev/null "http://localhost:80/update.htm?shutdown=shutdown&csrf_token='.$vars['csrf_token'].'"'); ?> I think my main issue at this point is, that I don't know how to find out which command corresponds to shutting down. Is there any chance to find that out?
  11. Hi Guys, I'm trying to shutdown unraid via curl, so I can do a proper shutdown in the terminal. The main reason I want to do this is that I want to shutdown my server with Google Home. After reading here that there is no completely clean way to do this directly from the terminal I figured why not just press the shutdown button in the webinterface. I already tried instructions from unraid v5 (see link) however this did not work for me. These are the commands I tried: curl -u root:<password> http://<server-ip>/update.htm?shutdown=apply curl -u root:<password> http://<server-ip>/webGui/include/Boot.php Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  12. Hey guys, so somehow my array performance got way worse in the last two months, I'm getting about 20MB/s whereas before I got about 60-80MB/s. I tried to use the search function to find a thread on how to approach such things, but I didn't find any helpful info. I assume it might be a docker or application I'm running. How do you approach such problems? Are there any tools which can analyze the IO operations of dockers or in general of the array to find out whats been causing the bad performance? Any info on how you guys deal with such problems will be appreciated.
  13. So I kinda figured it out now, I think my browser somehow used what was in the cache and showed the old template, further confusing things. Now that I've set XML view as default and cleared the cache the XML stays the way it is. Thanks.
  14. Yes I've got the Dynamix S3 Sleep plugin, putting the server to sleep works like expected, but I have to shutdown my VM first and then use my laptop/smartphone to put the server to sleep. If I press the sleep button in the webinterface while the VM is running, it freezes and shuts down, resulting in windows complaining that the system was not correctly shutdown. I tried to put a command like "virsh stop Daedalus" in the custom commands before sleep, but when I press the Sleep button in the unraid webinterface, It does not care what I wrote down there. Strangely the commands after wakeup work. I was thinking that my issue was that the "virsh stop Daedalus" command exits before the VM is shutdown so I tried a few scripts which wait until all VM's are shutdown, but none of them worked. Has anyone got a working VM stop script, that waits until the VM's are shutdown? Also are there any other services that should be stopped before a sleep?
  15. Hey Guys, I've got a VM with GPU passthrough running, basically my unraid server is my main rig at the moment. I would like to refine my experience with a few tweaks. First of all is it possible to use the power button of my case to send my unraid server to sleep? Or has someone an idea how you could write a script that sends the server to sleep a few seconds after the VM is shutdown? Also any suggestions how you made your life easier while using an VM as your main rig are welcome.