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Everything posted by niz180sx

  1. Awesome...! Forced an update and it kept the previous connection. I additionally removed the docker completely and removed the appdata folder and started afresh. The connections are now able to be successfully retained through a restart and a stop/start of the container. Many thanks @dee31797, all is working well now.
  2. Thanks dee31797... Yes, am using Unraid version 6.8.3 and Docker version 19.03.5. I tried with USER_ID = 0 and GROUP_ID = 0, which correlated to the root user when I checked in the container. Feel free to let me know if any further info is needed.
  3. Have gone through the the container and the "machine-id" file doesn't exist at those locations, not sure when it is supposed to be created. I've also tried reinstalling the docker and that file certainly doesn't get created. I did some Googling on how to create the "machine-id" file and I've been able to temporarily add the file with the following lines at the bash prompt: dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id dbus-uuidgen --ensure And this fixes the error in the logs and allows the directory structure and file (that was previously described) to be created. I also tested and the connections are able to be saved now. This is only temporary though, as when I reinstall the docker or "force update" the docker, the file becomes missing. Not sure what else I should do on this end... Can you please help to check and let me know how I could make this more permanent? Many thanks...
  4. Hello @dee31797... Was going through the logs and just noticed this: "(virt-manager:812): dconf-WARNING **: 14:16:30.348: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot spawn a message bus without a machine-id: Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id or /etc/machine-id: Failed to open file “/var/lib/dbus/machine-id”: No such file or directory" I'm guessing since it's related to dconf (part of the directory structure you previously mentioned), that this message is related to why my connections are not being saved. But am not sure where to start to fix this? Any ideas definitely appreciated. Thanks...
  5. Hello @dee31797... Thanks for the quick reply, the way you described is exactly how I would expect it to work, but for some reason my connection(s) are not being saved... You understood what I meant exactly and I've checked for "config/xdg/config/dconf/user" and this (for some reason) does not exist for me. I've manually tried and created the directory structure to see if that would help, but nothing gets saved into that location. I'm guessing when you say "USER_ID", I'm guessing you mean the account that I'm logged in as. I'm currently using my "root" login and checking within the docker it does only recognise the "root" user account as being logged in. But the mentioned directory for some reason doesn't get created by the docker. I also created variables "USER_ID" and "GROUP_ID" as per the Github description of environments to see if that would help, but that hasn't changed anything either. Any hints for where I should look? Must be something to do with my setup, just don't know where to start to look. Thanks.
  6. Hello @dee31797... Thanks for the updates and new docker applications awesome work! Exactly what I was looking for... One concern though, with the Virt-Manager, after you've entered and used a connection once before, does the connection stay persistent in the list so that when I stop the Virt-Manager docker and/or restart the docker the previous connection is still in the list? I may have setup something incorrectly or missed something and it's probably only a minor thing, but everytime the docker starts up or is restarted, all the previous connections is lost and I would need to re-enter the details again. Just not certain whether that's expected. Thanks... I also had a quick look in the appdata folder, but didn't see any noticeable file that could potentially be edited to add the server details. PS - I've gone through the thread to see if anyone mentioned the same concern and the closest thing mentioned was in saving snapshots persistently and also using SSH keys to eliminate multiple prompts in connect to the server. I also searched the forums, but this didn't seem to be mentioned. Thanks again for the great work...
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