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Posts posted by RevelRob

  1. Hi,


    I posted this Saturday and thought all was good, but I've been experiencing additional issues that are odd: 

    I am in the process of preclearing a new replacement disk for the one that is failing. I've turned VMs and Docker off so that there are no additional resources being used elsewhere and to not stress out the parity drive that would e emulating the disabled disk. The problem is, after a period of time, the server becomes unresponsive with no gui loading nor am I ale to SSH in. Even sending an orderly shutdown via IPMI fails. So I have to power cycle via IPMI. It also runs extremely slowly now even after a reboot. I was on an older version (6.12.6) and updated to 6.12.8 to see if that was the issue. I ran a smart test on the new drive to see if it was the issue but it came back no errors. Can anyone tell me idf they see something awry from the diagnostics file I pulled just now after a restart and pre-clear start? It also took the diagnostics almost 20 minutes to generate.



  2. On 10/7/2022 at 2:57 PM, trurl said:

    Do any of your other disks show SMART warnings on the Dashboard page?

    Only the cache pool; however, it is only CRC Error Count issues which I have read could be due to bad sata cables. I ordered replacement ones in which will hopefully help. I am rebuilding the dead drive with a replacement now. I was wrong about the dead drive being a Seagate barracuda by the way. It’s a Seagate ironwolf which should be better quality than a barracuda.

    Also, I ran a pre clear on the dead drive for fun and it just finished. Here’s the finished status preview:

    #                               Unraid Server Preclear of disk Z730W84C                            #
    #                            Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64.                           #
    #                                                                                                  #
    #   Step 1 of 6 - Pre-read verification:                   [6:27:17 @ 129 MB/s] SUCCESS            #
    #   Step 2 of 6 - Erasing the disk:                        [6:21:54 @ 130 MB/s] SUCCESS            #
    #   Step 3 of 6 - Zeroing the disk:                        [5:48:43 @ 143 MB/s] SUCCESS            #
    #   Step 4 of 6 - Writing Unraid's Preclear signature:                          SUCCESS            #
    #   Step 5 of 6 - Verifying Unraid's Preclear signature:                        SUCCESS            #
    #   Step 6 of 6 - Post-Read verification:                                          FAIL            #
    #                                                                                                  #
    #                                                                                                  #
    #       Cycle elapsed time: 18:38:14 | Total elapsed time: 18:38:14                                #
    #   S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default)                                                       #
    #                                                                                                  #
    #   ATTRIBUTE                   INITIAL STATUS                                                     #
    #   Reallocated_Sector_Ct       1000    -                                                          #
    #   Power_On_Hours              33334   -                                                          #
    #   End-to-End_Error            0       -                                                          #
    #   Reported_Uncorrect          37      -                                                          #
    #   Airflow_Temperature_Cel     36      -       ->Failed in Past<-                                 #
    #   Current_Pending_Sector      800     -                                                          #
    #   Offline_Uncorrectable       800     -                                                          #
    #   UDMA_CRC_Error_Count        0       -                                                          #
    #                                                                                                  #
    #                                                                                                  #

    In case that is hard to read, here’s a screenshot:


    and here are the errors from the log:



    looks like it’s a goner. After only 3 years.

  3. Hi there,


    Apologies for my ignorance.

    Is it safe to assume that the attached smart report for a disabled drive is a dead drive that should be replaced?

    Also, what part of it should I be looking at to tell that it is a bad drive?

    Lastly, I probably bought this drive along with quite a few other of the exact brand and size (Seagate Barracuda 3TB) over the course of maybe 1 year around 3 or 4 years ago and this is the 2nd that I've had issues with. Am I ignorant to assume that they should last longer? I switched to buying 8TB WD Elements/MyBook for the last bunch of drives since they started coming down in price a few years ago. I also believe that they are higher quality WD White drives than the desktop based Barracudas.

    Anyways, Thanks in advance for any help with the above questions!


  4. On 4/3/2021 at 6:37 AM, cap089 said:


    Hi, it seems that in the meanwhile the product ID again changed (?) Because I made these adjustment and he cannot find this ID or rather according the logs its freezes at:


    2021-04-03 12:19:08,755 Selected macOS Product: 071-05432


    How can I find the new ID to download Big Sur?


    Edit: Okay do not know which I have done different but after I tried it again it actually fetched the correct BaseSystem.img and now I can install Big Sur.

    macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 is 071-14766. Bear in mind, it does take awhile to download though. check the logs in:



  5. 1 hour ago, RevelRob said:

    This is great!

    Is it possible to create a client who has remote tunnel access to the internet but no LAN access?

    ie. Same public IP?

    So I kind of figured it out. Under "Local tunnel firewall" I entered my lan subnet and "Deny".

    The only problem is that my UnRAID server is in that subnet and I still have access to it. Even if I put the UnRAID IP in there, it still allows it through. Obviously because that's the tunnel address. I assume there's a way to do this that I'm just not seeing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    (I'm trying to provide my family with a remote PiHole but don't want them to have access to my UnRAID IP).


  6. On 4/8/2020 at 5:41 PM, wesman said:

    Changed the time on my bios, got me past that error to: 


    cp: cannot stat ‘/boot/custom/docker-shell’ no such file or directory


     still stuck 

    Ever figure this out? I'm in the same situation right now.

  7. Yup, flash disk is definitely corrupt. Took it out and put it in a separate machine and it gives me errors when trying to copy over certain files.

    Also checked some of the xml files that the ui complained was corrupted against an older backup and it looks like they are:



    I went ahead and made an order for a new flash drive but in the meantime, I plan to format the corrupted one I'm using and try it again until I receive the new one (to keep uptime and to avoid the "changing flash drives too often" UnRAID rule).


    Would there be any issue with using a backup from June 28?

    Unfortunately, I only backed up the "config" directory.

    If no issue with an old backup of only config, am I correct in saying that I only need to re-make the usb, replace the new config directory with my old one, execute the proper "make_bootable" file (mac), then insert and boot?


    Thanks again.

  8. 1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

    It appears you're already using an USB 2.0 port, can still try a different one, if the same happens it's likely the flash drive.

    Yes, it's the port on the motherboard. I'll try to put it on an external port and see if that helps.



    Besides that, is there anything else that may be causing issues that you may have noticed in my diagnostics?




  9. Hi,

    I am having an issue with my instance of UnRAID.

    I'm running 6.7.0.

    Firstly, I haven't really had time recently to play with it (UnRAID, not my peter ;-)) so I've been sitting on 6.7.0. I hope to update soon when nobody is using the server.

    The UI has gone a bit crazy and is showing me this, which is different than the usual dark mode:


    I assume it has to do with this:


    Which is also leading to this?:



    Also, it says that VM and Docker is down but my containers and VMs are working fine (as far as I can tell).


    Just wondering if my fix is to buy a new USB stick or is there something else in the diagnostics file that says otherwise?


    If USB is it, I hear this one is great: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B006W8U2WU/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_8UBoDbETEF34F


    Further info:

    - My SATA controller is a Marvell 88SE9215 which I hear is not the worst offender of Marvells.

    - I have been seeing crc error counts every once in awhile. Since I can't read diagnostics files well, I was wondering if it looks like that problems have been resolved (I think my SATA cable was just loose the last time I saw it. Around the end of June.)


    Thanks so much for the support here everyone. Probably the best community for getting incredible and friendly help when you're tech savvy enough to want to play around with this cool software/hardware but not savvy enough to understand the inner workings. It is truly appreciated.

  10. 5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    That error message suggests that the BIOS has lost its setting for which is the bootable drive?     I assume that you subsequently managed to boot OK to be able to get diagnostics.  Did you have to do anything specific to achieve that?

    I put the USB in my workstation and downloaded the diagnostics file.

    You may be right though as I invoked the boot menu and unraid booted up fine.

    Weird because in the bios, the first option is the USB.

    1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

    Unrelated to the boot problem (or maybe related since some bios change boot order when a device is added or removed) but one of your cache SSD devices dropped offline, causing the docker image to corrupt:

    Jun 20 14:56:13 Tower kernel: ata8: reset failed, giving up
    Jun 20 14:56:13 Tower kernel: ata8.00: disabled

    Check cable but it it's on a Marvell controller which are known to drop devices, also see here for better pool monitoring.

    It is on a Marvell controller but supposedly, it's chipset is not one with the issues? It's 88SE9215. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    On boot, I see a "crc error count is 8" on the SSD connected to the Marvell controller so I will try to re connect the cables just in case.

  11. Hi,


    I was away on vacation and noticed my server went down. 

    Now, I get "this is not a bootable disk please insert a bootable floppy and try again" when I try to boot.

    I had an issue at the end of May where this also happened after an unclean shutdown so I have a feeling that my USB drive might be the issue.

    It's a 16GB USB 3.0 drive (I know, 2.0 is best).


    The diagnostics are attached:




  12. 21 hours ago, mfwade said:

    I used the following however, I am unable to provide the Time Machine screenshot as I did not configure my VPN to allow discovery.





    1024 MB is only 1 GB.



    5 hours ago, mfwade said:

    So, not sure if we should continue on with this thread or open a new one. Moderators, please advise.


    I tried once again this morning to get the Time Machine (via SMB) to work with 2 Mac computers. 1 running Mojave and the other running High Sierra, both with the same results. I create a share called 'Time Machine' or 'test-1', etc,. Assigned the following SMB attributes (export: yes/time machine, volume size: 60000 for 6TB, and security: private). When looking in either Mac's Time Machine properties, and attempting to add a new disk, the new share is not visible. However, if I mount the SMB share via Finder, Go, Connect to Server, then I am able to see and use the disk in Time Machine.


    I have also tested using AFP. When creating the same type share via AFP, the following settings were used (export: yes/time machine, volume size: 60000 for 6TB, volume dbpath: empty, and security: private). When I go to browse for the share in Time Machine, I am able to see it. The issue comes when I try to mount it in the Time Machine settings. It takes in upwards of almost 20 or so seconds to 'connect' to the drive. When it does finally connect, I am prompted for my credentials, and then it errors out. Unfortunately, I did not capture any screen shots of the errors this morning. I will take care of that when ai get home this evening and post them.


    So in summary, If I am not following the proper procedures when using an SMB share with Time Machine, please let me know. I am under the assumption that it will simply appear much like an AFP share. If others have been able to get this to work, please share your settings for not only creating the share but also how it is exported.


    I am attaching my diagnostics file. Maybe it will be of use to someone in the hopes of figuring this out.


    Thank you to everyone in advance for reading and providing commentary. The support you provide is sincerely appreciated.



    unraid-1-diagnostics-20190514-1050.zip 223.93 kB · 1 download

    Not sure if it's a typo but 60000 MB is only about 58.6 GB.

  13. 3 hours ago, limetech said:

    For those suffering Marvell-Dropped-Drives-Syndrome, please try this test:


    I'm still on 6.6.5 and was looking to update to 6.7.0. Figure I'd read through this thread first.

    Although I have a SAS2008 card for my HDDs, I am using a Marvell 88SE9215 card for my SSD Cache Pool... that I just bought too due to lack of SATAIII ports on my motherboard :( (and some issues I read about re: TRIM on SSDs on a SAS controller).

    This is what I see under Tools > System Devices. Can't tell if it's one of the problematic cards or not:

    `IOMMU group 18:[1b4b:9215] 06:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device 9215 (rev 11)`


    Would anyone know if this may cause me issues? Does anyone who has this card upgrade with/out problems?

    Would prefer to get feedback before trying to upgrade.


    Also, if there are problems with this card (or if I *should* eventually replace it), what card would be recommended for SSDs?

    Thanks for the awesome work Limetech team!

  14. 13 hours ago, jonathanm said:

    No. I wasn't clear enough in my explanation. You need to go through the application's internal configuration settings and check the paths there. As in, while logged in to calibre, go through the settings in calibre.

    Ok thank you. I'll have to peruse through RDP Calibre to see what's up. 


    I'm still curious as to how Heimdall can grow to now 9gb. I went through every setting and don't see anywhere where anything could be saved besides what's in /config. My log files are >100mb as well. Edit: I mean <100mb

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