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Everything posted by SumMarius

  1. Getting an error: Pulling image: binhex/arch-sickchill:latest IMAGE ID [1317023122]: Pulling from binhex/arch-sickchill. IMAGE ID [14385fa47934]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [682c4a50a8f4]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [9df9019461aa]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [4562141c74e8]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [d7a57f770328]: Already exists. IMAGE ID [0ee9483b4493]: Pulling fs layer. IMAGE ID [3cc7b2696a78]: Pulling fs layer. IMAGE ID [ed0589eda135]: Pulling fs layer. TOTAL DATA PULLED: 0 B Error: error pulling image configuration: unknown blob EDIT: Fixed now
  2. Seems this one has lost both TVDB and IMDB connection...Anybody know what has happened?
  3. ERROR: On Mar 19 there were 171 invalid login attempts. This could either be yourself attempting to login to your server (SSH / Telnet) with the wrong user or password, or you could be actively be the victim of hack attacks. A common cause of this would be placing your server within your router's DMZ, or improperly forwarding ports. This is a major issue and needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY NOTE: Because this check is done against the logged entries in the syslog, the only way to clear it is to either increase the number of allowed invalid logins per day (if determined that it is not a hack attempt) or to reset your server. It is not recommended under any circumstance to ignore this error Tried to monitor unRaid server using SSH from PRTG. That failed terrificly. Removed that surveilance...