70 When you hover over the text for the options your mouse pointer should change to a question mark thing and when you then click it will show a little blue help box.
But yeah there are a few that dont have it like Container/VM preview, if thats what you mean?
The add button also has a little question mark in the top left that will show some help info but that only seams to work for the webui option (will fix that). The Docker Action option will run docker start/stop/etc for all your containers in the folder. The Docker Sub Menu will show the menu for the selected docker in a sub menu (picture below shows). Finally, the bash option with run what ever you put in the cmd option e.g. could be the path to some script or just "cd /some/dir; docker-compose up -d"
Oh and the divider option just adds the small grey lines between the buttons to help things look nicer