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Report Comments posted by Allram

  1. 20 hours ago, ab5g said:

    Possible issue - with 6.10-RC1 most of my community dockers have started complaining of no access to /tmp within the docker. I need to change the permission manually to 777 within the docker for it to start working e.g. maridb, owncloud, onlyoffice document server. Has anyone else also seen this ?




    I just reinstalled the flash drive again. Copied contents from the old /boot/config directory and I am seeing the same errors related to permission on the /tmp. Any ideas fellas ? 

    /tmp inside the docker is not mapped to the host then why are dockers complaining of issues accessing it?



    I solved this to create a folder inside the /tmp, so in my docker config i have this set for t.ex Plex: /tmp/Plex/

    Then Plex creates it's needed folders inside the /tmp/Plex folder with the correct permissions.

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