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Everything posted by Allram

  1. It still says "1". Also tried to increase the timeout to 20 and still got "1". root@Tower:~# /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/timeout 2 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/ &>/dev/null'; echo $? 1 root@Tower:~# /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/timeout 2 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/ &>/dev/null'; echo $? 1 root@Tower:~# /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/timeout 20 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/ &>/dev/null'; echo $? 1 root@Tower:~# /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/timeout 2 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/ &>/dev/null'; echo $?
  2. The result was "1". root@Tower:~# /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/timeout 1 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/ &>/dev/null'; echo $? 1 root@Tower:~#
  3. Tried the new UD_diagnostics, seems like since the server is not answering on ping (ping_status.txt) it automatically sets it as offline? It works fine on my other UnRaid server with an older version of the plugin, so is this something new? If i ping from the Unraid terminal, the server responds as normal. ud_diagnostics-20240423-075626.zip
  4. Tried again: Removed the share in UD Rebooted Let the server start and wait until all is started readded the share (UD finds the server and i can browse between the 3 shares that is available) UD says "Remote server is offline" and can't mount. New diagnostics after those steps are added here. tower-diagnostics-20240422-0812.zip
  5. Diagnostics added. UnRaid 6.12.10 tower-diagnostics-20240421-1759.zip
  6. Updated the plugin (about 3 weeks since the last update I did) and now it won't connect to an NFS unRAID server connected trough Tailscale. It finds the device when I add a new share, but it refuses to mount it: "Remote server is offline", but it is indeed online. Any tips on how to solve this?
  7. This seems great! I'm struggling with a piece here, the user-script: #!/bin/bash /usr/libexec/zfs/zpool_influxdb | curl -X POST 'https://<VMIP/HVMHOST>:<PORT>/write?extra_label=job=Unraid' --data-binary @- What should i put in here: https://<VMIP/HVMHOST>:<PORT> I don't understand what you mean with HVMHOST and which port? Edit: I tried with VictoriaMetrics IP and port 8428 and i get this in the script log: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 144k 0 0 100 144k 0 20.2M --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 23.5M Script Finished Aug 24, 2023 11:33.02 But there is no need population on the zfs dashboard for pools etc? Edit2: Got it working! The extra_label=job=Unraid' need to match the job set in VictoriaMetrics prometheus.yml file, so as in this guide it need to changed to: extra_label=job=unRaid'
  8. I run this on Windows Server 2022 and it works awesome. Just changed what the OP said I use RDP via Apache-Guacamole.
  9. Mine uses C6 states as well. Might be one of your dockets or schedulers that is keeping it from using the C6 state.
  10. I solved this to create a folder inside the /tmp, so in my docker config i have this set for t.ex Plex: /tmp/Plex/ Then Plex creates it's needed folders inside the /tmp/Plex folder with the correct permissions.
  11. I just did this myself, you need to do the following: 1. Boot into your array controller and delete all existing array disks that you have created. 2. Install Linux mint on a Bootable USB drive. 3. Download hpssacli-2.10-14.0_amd64.deb from here: https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp/pool/non-free/ 4. Install the package 5. Go into the folder of installation: /opt/hp/hpssacli/bld 6. Write: ./hpssacli 7. Write: 8. Reboot and you should be all set with JBOD.
  12. Running this on Unraid 6.9.0-Beta30. It seems like it's polling the drive temperatures from the drives that i specifically unchecked on the 'Hard Drives to Poll:' settings. I have removed 4 disks from there that are around 34degrees *C. All other drives are around 17*C. But the IPMIplugin sees the HDD temp as 34*C. Any tips on how to force it to not count those drives temperatures?
  13. This is the error message i get if i try to start a script running in the background: Oct 22 20:58:35 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/showLog.php Out of Memory Oct 22 20:58:35 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/showLog.php Out of Memory
  14. Seems to work great for me! Had to disable this as the Array did not come online with this enabled: # Runtime PM for port ata od PCI devices #for i in /sys/bus/pci/devices/????:??:??.?/ata*/power/control; do # echo 'auto' > $i #done Also did add this: # VM writeback timeout for i in /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs; do echo '1500' > $i done Have a Supermicro X9DRi-LN4+ MB
  15. Since you are running a single disk now. What speeds do you get if you format the drive to XFS?
  16. Running the latest beta 6.9.0-beta25 Formatted my SSD's to the new partition alignment. Massive boost in speed on my Samsung 860Evo and Qvo drives! And not locking up when I do alot of transfers as they have done earlier.
  17. Mine actually got better when i turned off NCQ (set it to NO), changed Scheduler to None and changed md_num_stripes to 8192. Don't know which one gave the best effect as i turned it all on at the same time, but now everything works even tho i have big transfers to btrfs cache drives and running mover.
  18. Use the script posted here and it will show up in Netdata. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/77813-plugin-linuxserverio-unraid-nvidia/?do=findComment&comment=728822
  19. Hello, I have Binhex-Plexpass installed and got HW transcoding working with plex, but i get this errors when a user tries to play a file that need SW transcoding, then the app for the user disconnects/shuts down. The problem seems to be only on movies (the movie folder is placed here: /mnt/user/Filmer), all movies i before had on a Synology NAS has been moved over. The old movies fails transcoding, but all new movies i have added after i moved Plex over to unRaid works just fine. The thing is that Series, Documentaries and Concerts works just fine and they have been moved over the same way as i did with movies. Anyone got a solution or tips for me? I have done the edit on the GO file to add "dev/dri" support for HW transcoding. I have also tried to run the Safe Docker new perms and checked that all files have the correct permissions. Have also tried diffferent Plex docker containers to see if it was only a problem with Binhex's version, but the error is on every Plex docker container i have tried. 2018-03-24 20:43:12,328 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output: libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/dri/i965_drv_video.so 2018-03-24 20:43:12,328 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output: libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_0 2018-03-24 20:43:12,329 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output: failed to open /data/jenkins/pms-deps-universal-v2/BUILD_TAG/linux-ubuntu-x86_64/output/pms-depends-linux-ubuntu-x86_64-release-9e65d6a/lib/dri/hybrid_drv_video.so Failed to wrapper hybrid_drv_video.so libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
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