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Everything posted by CapriciousCrawdad

  1. Info about this change can be found at this issue on the imagegenius github page. The suggested fix worked for my instance. I'm up and running again without any apparent issues.
  2. Hey sorry for the late reply, I haven't had time to fiddle with this until now. Thanks for the instructions. I've used this rollback process before for another container and it is simple enough. I was able to pull down the 1.3.15_18_ge050905b2-1-01 bulid. Unfortunately none of my torrents appear in the client after reverting. Looks like I'm just going to have to add them all back in manually. No worries though, I will just continue to use the latest build with sonarr/radarr on the trackers that are compatible and create a new instance with 1.3.15 so I can keep seeding until the rest of my trackers add support for V2. The new interface is really flying and I am loving it. Thanks again for your hard work and assistance, binhex. You are the man!
  3. Yeah, this update to v2 is actually a real problem for me as well. @2twisty You probably need to update your thin client to 2.03 in order to get it to connect to your Deluge daemon in the Docker container. Larger issue for me is that v2 is not supported by any of the trackers that I use (in fact a few of them have blacklisted it). The remote interface is far more responsive than it was with 1.3.15 but I cannot make the switch to v2 until my trackers decide to add support. Does anybody know if there's an easy way to roll back without having to re-check all of my torrents? Can I just use the "state" folder from my updated v2 instance in a new instance that is running 1.3.15?
  4. Oh man, I was SO EXCITED when I saw an update available. I should've checked here before upgrading but now I've got the same issue as above. I know you'll get it sorted but I just wanted to say - Thank you so much for your work on this container! I am blown away by the rapid progress of this project and I'm excited for it to fully replace Plex.
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