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Everything posted by Trasrik

  1. I also want to push this topic. I´m using Telegram for multiple notification purposes (my webserver, FHEM, ...) as well as my personal communication. It would be great to integrate my unRAID server into this environment. The solution provided by Bokonon above (thanks a lot!) is ready to run, so it should be no effort at all for you to integrate this into the unRAID release. Here a step-by-step description on how to get this running (user perspective): Log into your unRAID server´s shell (e.g. using Putty, the IP address and the credentials of your root user). Add Bokonon´s code to "/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/include/NotificationAgents.xml" (just above the last line "<Agents>"), e.g. using the commandline editor "vi". Unfortunately, this file seems to be replaced during updates (at least it was replaced by version 6.5), so this manual step can be necessary repeatedly. So it would be really awesome if this could be integrated in the next unRAID release. Contact @Botfather in Telegram and create a new bot with the command "/newbot". You cann access / edit your bot(s) with the command "/mybots". Copy the bot´s API key. Contact @myidbot in Telegram and request your chat id with the command "/getid". Copy your chat id. Reload the notification app and add API key and chat id to the Telegram settings at the bottom of the page. These will still be saved even if the NotificationAgents.xml was replaced and will be available again after you restored the code. Select which information should be sent by agents. Thats it, you´re done. It really is as easy as this. So please, developers, add these few lines of code as a standard to unRAID. Thanks a lot! Joachim