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Posts posted by bjmcintosh

  1. Hey, everyone. I have a transcode question.


    I am using LinuxServer's plex docker and I am wondering how to set up my docker so it uses my cache drive for transcoding.  


    I had loads of trouble with the official Plex docker, and decided to use the Linuxserver docker instead. The Official Plex docker had a place where you could put the transcoding path in - but not the Linuxserver one.


    Anyone have any ideas?





    PS: I have heard that all the Plex dockers may be abandon in favor of the official Plex docker. The only issue I have is support - it looks like there are loads of unanswered question on the Plex forums - and it takes a long time for them to get answered. Would be a shame to see the Plex docker support disappear from the Limetech forums. I'm just saying ...

  2. 3 hours ago, binhex said:


    There are two issues with SABnzbd:-


    !. SABnzbd wont start - this is due to the certs being too weak, delete cert and key, and restart to re-generate.

    2. SABnzbd shows a error message in the web ui (cosmetic as far as i know) - this is known bug, see here https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/853


    Both of these issues is detailed in the FAQ (linked in my sig).

    Thanks, Binhex. I will consider this closed as it doesn't seem to interfere withthe operation of SAB.

  3. I have seen this error in SABNzbd - doesn't seem to be stopping SAB from downloading:



    [09/Jul/2017:15:47:31] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
      File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
        s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
      File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
    error: [Errno 0] Error


    I see the SSL references in the error, I presume it is the same cert errors discudded in previous posts?




  4. Squid:


    I will chime in and give you a big 'thanks' for the plugin. Installed and seems to be working great on my rig.


    One thing that would be nice - I would like to get an email whenever the system detects and sets the shared to read only. I see that there is the ability to run a custom script on detection.


    Would you or anyone else out there be able to knock up a quick email script that would work with GMail? I do not have the Linux chops to pull this off in any reasonable time. I figured if I had to do this myself, email would be obsolete by the time I was able to make it work ;-)


    I figured it would be pretty trivial for someone to throw a script together. I am OK to make modifications to a script, but would like to see a sample.



    Brian (fellow Canuk, by the looks of you signature)

  5. I have an issue with my Plex docker - I put in an incorrect share path name in the config file within the docker gui in unraid 6.

    The docker failed to restart, and I now have an orphaned docker image.


    If I could find the config file to edit and change the path name error, it should come back to life, I presume.


    If I reloaded the plex docker, I am guessing I will remove the config files associated with the docker.


    Anyone have a safe way to recover the Plex docker? I could not find the path to the Plex config file that contains the path names - can anyone point me there?



  6. I have a newbie question - keep in mind that I don't know how to run any chron jobs or anything line that.


    I had FileBot stop on me, and once I restarted it, it worked perfectly as before and renamed/moved everything as required.


    I know there is a dicker command, something like 'docker FileBot restart'. I would like to run this every 24 hours or so, just in case FileBot hangs again.


    Am I on the right path? Could anyone point me to some instructions, or give me some detailed instructions on hoe to get this done?




  7. Awesome - thanks coppit for the reply. I tried modifying the default script to place files at the root of the output directory.


    For future reference, here is what I did:


    original section in filebot.sh:


    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4
    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4
    SERIES_FORMAT="TV Shows/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}"


    The files that were renamed were going into a folder called 'TV Shows'. I wanted them to go into the root of the folder as defined by my outpur file setting in the docker config. I guessed that this should work (simply go up one level in the folder structure):


    first attempt at modifying the section in filebot.sh:


    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4
    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4
    SERIES_FORMAT="/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}"


    OK - after RTFMing and reading the replies to this thread, I realized what I wanted was this:


    working mod to filebot.sh:


    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4
    # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4
    SERIES_FORMAT="/output/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}"


    This placed the output files in the root of the directory defined by the docker 'output' field.


    Works like a charm. All my series management is now fully automatic ... thanks coppit and squid.


  8. I did not notice that, but I suspect that is something in the logging. The input directory seems to be OK as the script is finding a file change in that directory and located a file to be processed. The issue seems to be in the access denied error when copying to the target directory:


    [COPY] Failure: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show


    I will look at the configuration of the app again.


    Thanks for the reply.



  9. Hi, everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster (and newbie)


    I have installed the filebot docker and seem to be having some permissions issues.


    My input/output paths are as follows:

    /mnt/user/Movie/TV_move/ (in)

    /mnt/user/TV/ (out)


    I am testing with a couple of files, and am seeing this failure in the logs:

    [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: Finished running command. Exit code was 1
    [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: Waiting for new change
    [2017-04-16 07:55:17] FileBot: Detected change to file /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv
    [2017-04-16 07:55:17] FileBot: Waiting for watch directory to stabilize for 10 seconds before triggering command
    [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: Watch directory stabilized for 10 seconds. Triggering command.
    [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: Running command with user ID 99, group ID 100, and umask 0000
    [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    [2017-04-16 07:55:36] User "user_99_100" already exists. Skipping creation of user and group...
    [2017-04-16 07:55:36] Running command as user "user_99_100"...
    Locking /files/amc.log
    Run script [fn:amc] at [Sun Apr 16 07:55:37 MDT 2017]
    Parameter: ut_dir = /input
    Parameter: ut_kind = multi
    Parameter: music = y
    Parameter: deleteAfterExtract = y
    Parameter: clean = y
    Parameter: excludeList = /config/amc-exclude-list.txt
    Parameter: movieFormat = Movies/{n.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')} {' CD'+pi}
    Parameter: musicFormat = Music/{n.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')}/{album.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')}/{media.TrackPosition.pad(2)} - {t.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')}
    Parameter: seriesFormat = /{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""').replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part ')}{'.'+lang}
    Use excludes: /config/amc-exclude-list.txt (1)
    Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv
    Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S02E04.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4
    Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E16.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4
    Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv
    Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E16.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4
    Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S02E04.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4
    Group: [tvs:the drew carey show] => [the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv, the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4, the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4]
    Rename episodes using [TheTVDB]
    Auto-detected query: [The Drew Carey Show]
    Fetching episode data for [The Drew Carey Show]
    [COPY] From [/input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv] to [/The Drew Carey Show/Season 01/The Drew Carey Show - S01E03 - The Joining of Two Unlike Elements is a Mixture.mkv]
    [COPY] Failure: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show
    Processed 0 files
    AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show
    Finished without processing any files
    Failure (°_°)



    It looks like there is a permissions error in the target directory?. The target directory permissions are as follows:

    drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   48 Apr 16 08:04 The\ Drew\ Carey\ Show/

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?







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