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Everything posted by bjmcintosh

  1. Thanks Kevin/aptalca. I changed the transcode directory in the Plex gui and saw activity on my transcode share mapped to the cache drive.
  2. Hey, everyone. I have a transcode question. I am using LinuxServer's plex docker and I am wondering how to set up my docker so it uses my cache drive for transcoding. I had loads of trouble with the official Plex docker, and decided to use the Linuxserver docker instead. The Official Plex docker had a place where you could put the transcoding path in - but not the Linuxserver one. Anyone have any ideas? Cheers, Brian PS: I have heard that all the Plex dockers may be abandon in favor of the official Plex docker. The only issue I have is support - it looks like there are loads of unanswered question on the Plex forums - and it takes a long time for them to get answered. Would be a shame to see the Plex docker support disappear from the Limetech forums. I'm just saying ...
  3. Thanks, Binhex. I will consider this closed as it doesn't seem to interfere withthe operation of SAB.
  4. I have seen this error in SABNzbd - doesn't seem to be stopping SAB from downloading: ------------------------------------- [09/Jul/2017:15:47:31] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start self.tick() File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s) File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap server_side=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket _context=self) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__ self.do_handshake() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake self._sslobj.do_handshake() error: [Errno 0] Error -------------------------------------------- I see the SSL references in the error, I presume it is the same cert errors discudded in previous posts? Brian
  5. Thanks - I figured this was the way to go. Thanks for the confirmation. Brian
  6. I am going to use unbalance to move some files around and make room for a new disk in my array. Would it be easiest to shut down ransomware protection, then recreate bait files as if it is a new install?
  7. Trurl - thanks for the reminder. Duh - did not have notifications set up at all. I will play with a ransomware file and, when triggered, I should see a notification. Thx, Brian PS: Squid - thanks for the Canada rant!
  8. Squid: I will chime in and give you a big 'thanks' for the plugin. Installed and seems to be working great on my rig. One thing that would be nice - I would like to get an email whenever the system detects and sets the shared to read only. I see that there is the ability to run a custom script on detection. Would you or anyone else out there be able to knock up a quick email script that would work with GMail? I do not have the Linux chops to pull this off in any reasonable time. I figured if I had to do this myself, email would be obsolete by the time I was able to make it work I figured it would be pretty trivial for someone to throw a script together. I am OK to make modifications to a script, but would like to see a sample. Cheers, Brian (fellow Canuk, by the looks of you signature)
  9. Jobine: Switch to the advanced docker view (switch in upper right part of the docker screen) and select 'force update' See if that works. Brian
  10. Version An update is available. Please install manually. This is what I see on the Plex server GUI after upgrading the Limetech Plex docker. The update is saying that 1.7.1 is available, as I am a plex pass sub. Brian
  11. I have an issue with my Plex docker - I put in an incorrect share path name in the config file within the docker gui in unraid 6. The docker failed to restart, and I now have an orphaned docker image. If I could find the config file to edit and change the path name error, it should come back to life, I presume. If I reloaded the plex docker, I am guessing I will remove the config files associated with the docker. Anyone have a safe way to recover the Plex docker? I could not find the path to the Plex config file that contains the path names - can anyone point me there? Brian
  12. I have a newbie question - keep in mind that I don't know how to run any chron jobs or anything line that. I had FileBot stop on me, and once I restarted it, it worked perfectly as before and renamed/moved everything as required. I know there is a dicker command, something like 'docker FileBot restart'. I would like to run this every 24 hours or so, just in case FileBot hangs again. Am I on the right path? Could anyone point me to some instructions, or give me some detailed instructions on hoe to get this done? Cheers, Brian
  13. Awesome - thanks coppit for the reply. I tried modifying the default script to place files at the root of the output directory. For future reference, here is what I did: original section in filebot.sh: # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4 # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4 SERIES_FORMAT="TV Shows/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}" The files that were renamed were going into a folder called 'TV Shows'. I wanted them to go into the root of the folder as defined by my outpur file setting in the docker config. I guessed that this should work (simply go up one level in the folder structure): first attempt at modifying the section in filebot.sh: # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4 # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4 SERIES_FORMAT="/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}" OK - after RTFMing and reading the replies to this thread, I realized what I wanted was this: working mod to filebot.sh: # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4 # TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4 SERIES_FORMAT="/output/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.${QUOTE_FIXER}.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part $1')}{'.'+lang}" This placed the output files in the root of the directory defined by the docker 'output' field. Works like a charm. All my series management is now fully automatic ... thanks coppit and squid.
  14. I did not notice that, but I suspect that is something in the logging. The input directory seems to be OK as the script is finding a file change in that directory and located a file to be processed. The issue seems to be in the access denied error when copying to the target directory: [COPY] Failure: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show I will look at the configuration of the app again. Thanks for the reply. Brian
  15. Hi, everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster (and newbie) I have installed the filebot docker and seem to be having some permissions issues. My input/output paths are as follows: /mnt/user/Movie/TV_move/ (in) /mnt/user/TV/ (out) I am testing with a couple of files, and am seeing this failure in the logs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: Finished running command. Exit code was 1 [2017-04-16 07:44:15] FileBot: Waiting for new change [2017-04-16 07:55:17] FileBot: Detected change to file /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv [2017-04-16 07:55:17] FileBot: Waiting for watch directory to stabilize for 10 seconds before triggering command [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: Watch directory stabilized for 10 seconds. Triggering command. [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: Running command with user ID 99, group ID 100, and umask 0000 [2017-04-16 07:55:36] FileBot: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [2017-04-16 07:55:36] User "user_99_100" already exists. Skipping creation of user and group... [2017-04-16 07:55:36] Running command as user "user_99_100"... Locking /files/amc.log Run script [fn:amc] at [Sun Apr 16 07:55:37 MDT 2017] Parameter: ut_dir = /input Parameter: ut_kind = multi Parameter: music = y Parameter: deleteAfterExtract = y Parameter: clean = y Parameter: excludeList = /config/amc-exclude-list.txt Parameter: movieFormat = Movies/{n.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')} {' CD'+pi} Parameter: musicFormat = Music/{n.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')}/{album.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')}/{media.TrackPosition.pad(2)} - {t.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""')} Parameter: seriesFormat = /{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '""').replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart(', Part ')}{'.'+lang} Use excludes: /config/amc-exclude-list.txt (1) Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S02E04.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4 Ignore extra: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E16.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/sample-the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4 Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E16.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4 Input: /input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S02E04.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4 Group: [tvs:the drew carey show] => [the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv, the.drew.carey.show.s01e16.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mp4, the.drew.carey.show.s02e04.dsr.x264-regret.mp4] Rename episodes using [TheTVDB] Auto-detected query: [The Drew Carey Show] Fetching episode data for [The Drew Carey Show] [COPY] From [/input/The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E03.iNTERNAL.DSR.x264-REGRET/the.drew.carey.show.s01e03.internal.dsr.x264-regret.mkv] to [/The Drew Carey Show/Season 01/The Drew Carey Show - S01E03 - The Joining of Two Unlike Elements is a Mixture.mkv] [COPY] Failure: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show Processed 0 files AccessDeniedException: /The Drew Carey Show Finished without processing any files Failure (°_°) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It looks like there is a permissions error in the target directory?. The target directory permissions are as follows: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 48 Apr 16 08:04 The\ Drew\ Carey\ Show/ Does anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Cheers, Brian
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