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Everything posted by Fl4shBack

  1. Awesome ! Thanks a lot ! Didn't think it was possible, I should have tried
  2. Hi binhex ! First I'd like to thank you for your awesome container. Seriously, I've been using it for almost 2 years and it never failed me ! I'd like to ask you if it is possible to add a second "lan" network in the iptables via the environment variables or something. When I'm home I don't have any issues connecting to deluge web or the gui. To connect remotely when I'm not home, I have a VPN set up on a my NAS but the ip it gives to my client is not in the range of my "normal lan" and I have no way to change that. So of course I'm unable to access deluge. Do you have any idea on how I could alter the setup to make It work ? Ideally I'd like to add the ip range of my local vpn to the container but I don't think I can add 2 "lan" networks with the env. vars. Thank you again, for the container and for your time !
  3. @raf7913 I’m having the exact same issue with my qnap for a month or so. I suspect it has to do with the latest qnap firmware updates (2 or 3 last versions). Haven’t been able to fix it yet. Seems to go temporarily when restarting the nas though.
  4. Hi erveryone ! I have been running this container for a few months without any issue. But since last week, I have a lot of python errors in my log files and the VPN tunnel seems highly instable (it seems like it fails to connect about 90% of the time). OpenSSH seems to be crashing non stop and the python errors seems to happen when updating deluge ip/ports. Tried to recreate the container, the image is up to date and tried to change vpn endpoint without any success. Does anyone have any idea of what could be happening there ? Thank you very much for your time and assistance in this matter Fl4shBack supervisord.log [EDIT] Python and curl errors seems to be gone after rebooting the NAS but they come back after some time...
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