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Everything posted by Foereaper

  1. I'm curious, have you noticed any audio/video desync using the VM as your daily driver? I ran a similar setup for a couple months, but the desync was unbearable to the point where I had to switch back to separate machines. None of the recommended changes to fix said desync worked at all, so I just gave up in the end.
  2. Hey there! I am currently facing some issues regarding crossflashing this card. I have attempted to crossflash using EFI, as my motherboard won't run the sas3flash.exe in DOS (PAL error), however when I attempt to list the card using sas3flash.efi -list it doesn't show the card at all. I have checked and the card shows like it should during boot and also in bios. From what I can understand, the card not listing is due to it not running native LSI firmware, but rather some Fujitsu firmware. What I can gather from other threads, is that I'd have to erase the native Fujitsu firmware before sas3flash.efi is able to pick up the card to be able to flash in IT mode, no? My understanding is that I have to use MegaREC, however from what I can gather this has to be ran from DOS, which won't work I assume, due to the mentioned PAL issue? Also, the MegaREC guides I can find seem to all be Dell related, is it safe to assume this would work for this Fujitsu card as well? Thank you for any help, let me know if any more information is needed!
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