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Posts posted by Rommel

  1. Hi, thanks for continue answer to this post.


    I'm attaching 2 of the syslogs from yesterday; the first one is the syslog file of the system as it works normally and the second one after turning docker service off. The following is what I noticed:


    1. 0 Syslog All On: From 20:28 to 20:44 the system was working fine, then, nothing was logged from that moment until 21:39, then at 21:45 the system trimmed docker and cache drives and finally at 21:50 it started messing with the memory.
    2. 1 syslog Docker off: From 22:20 to 22:34 the system registered me stopping docker service, looks like some packages were updated and finally it registered me triggering mover and scrubbing the VM drive. Then at 22:41 it starting messing with the system memory.

    Right now the system is on and the array is stopped, I'm just monitoring if it freezes at some point. Syslog server is on and saving the file to the USB drive.


    This is frustrating :(

    0 syslog All On 1 syslog Docker Off

  2. Hi, I adjust the sata cable and error stop.


    Now, regarding the OS freezing I tried 3 different things, all unsuccessful:

    1. Stop docker service from settings.
    2. Stop docker + VM service from settings.
    3. Stop the array

    In all 3 cases the OS stop working and freezes and logs always show as the last entry "OOM Kill inotifywait".


    Additional symptoms: As long as I have the WebUI open it does not crash, but if I close it, in less than 5 minutes is freezes and don't let me access the webUI and nothing works.


    At this point my guess is that it could be an issue with the USB Stick or RAM (?). It is weird for it to continue happening even when the array is stopped.


    I'll try a new ram kit today :( and see how it goes.

  3. Hi again JorgeB, I uninstalled the plugin and server have been up for around 1 hour and no issues yet. Before it the server freezes after 15-20 minutes.


    I'll report back tomorrow if no more freezes happens.


    Btw, after I turned on the server I got an error from one of my drives, it was associated to this: UDMA CRC error count. I read it could be because of a faulty sata connection/port; don't know if it is related or not to the freezes but will report back if the count increases, it currently is at 27.

  4. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Post a photo of the monitor showing where it's stuck.

    Hi JorgeB, I noticed that what I believe the error was wrong. The system load every time, but it looks like after a couple of minutes of activity it just freezes; everything stop working, from WebUI to the CLI (I tried this because I have a screen pluged to the unraid machine).


    I turn on Syslog Server (a copy is attached) and the last line looks suspicious to em:


    May  8 08:43:22 Tower kernel: oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/,task=libvirtd,pid=21996,uid=0
    May  8 08:43:22 Tower kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 21996 (libvirtd) total-vm:1389456kB, anon-rss:4040kB, file-rss:4kB, shmem-rss:3248kB, UID:0 pgtables:276kB oom_score_adj:0
    May  8 08:43:22 Tower file.activity: File Activity inotify exiting
    May  8 08:43:22 Tower sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root


    It says that system is out of memory and that something was "killed". Any ideas?


  5. Hi all, hope someone in here can guide me to fix this.


    Since the last month I have a problem with my unraid server, I noticed that after a power outage it turn on by itself but does not load the OS until I press the restart button in the machine.


    Before that it turn on by itself but there was no problem loading the OS; the problem started since a power outage 1 month ago, that power outage cause some problems in my docker image but I fix it by deleting it and recreating the containers, so, I know that this power outage screw up somethin in my machine.


    Is there something I can check in my logs to see what the problem was? I don't think it is possible since when it happens I cannot communicate with the server until restarted but at that moment everything works as always.


    Note: I know I need a UPS, will try to buy it as soon as I can.


  6. Hi all, in the past I haven't pay much attention to my cache drive since it has been working just fibe ever since. However, in the last 2 week I received 2 notifications about a high temperature in the drive. It was something around 49C, so, it was weird in my opinion since it hasn'e happened in the last 3 years.


    I noticed today that my cache has a total write operations (via WebUI) of a little more than 100 million. I start checking the disk activity and I noticed a constant spike of around 20-400 kb/s every few seconds. So, I use htop to try to determine what was going on since those spikes disappear when I disable the docker service.


    I found via htop that something called dockerd and shfs are the ones that usually appears when I noticed those spikes on the cache drive.


    So, my questions are:


    1. Should I be worried about those spikes on my cache drive?
    2. Are those 100 million write operations found via WebUI something to be worried? Server up time when I noticed that number was around 3 days.


    Unraid cache drive settings shows a total of 20.4 TB written and and 12 TB read with a total of power on hours of 17909 hrs (2.04 years)


    I have to mention that I use my cache drive to copy there all my Sonarr/Radarr downloads and at around 10 pm transferr it to my array. I didn't move that much data this way, maybe around two 3 gb files every day. Cache drive is also configured to hold appdata; no VM's in my system.


    unRAID Question.png

  7. I was on 6.9.0-beta25 but start having issues with my dockers not updating, I tried 6.9.1 in the past but moved back to 6.9.0-beta25 because for some reason 6.9.1 does not recognize my drives on the LSI card.


    A few days ago I tried 6.9.2 and noticed that my LSI card drives were properly recognized. Personal opinion but it looks like the 6.9.x unRAID version release hasn't been as smooth as with other versions.


    Btw, thanks for your answer, looks like my only chance now is to wait for 6.9.3.

  8. Hi all,  my system has 2 parity drives and both are set to spin down 2 hours after something write to them; have been working like that for the last 2 years. System copy all new files to cache and around 10 pm unRAID transfer it to the array.


    So, I recently update my system to 6.9.2 and I start noticing that parity drive 2 is always spin up, even after I manually spin it down; additionally, after around a minute the Parity 2 Log shows something like this:


    May 16 09:27:10 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc
    May 16 09:28:12 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc


    It does not happens to Parity 1, it just shows this:


    May 16 09:54:07 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdf


    I have to mention that Parity 1 is plugged to one of the motherboard SATA ports and Parity 2 is plugged to a LSI SAS2008 Card.


    I already checked the properties of both drives and looks the same. Do someone faced similar issues? Do you guys know a way to fix it?




  9. Thanks, I was able to locate it using the command line, however, I would like to get there to edit a file in there. Is there a way to get there from Windows? I was trying Krusader but afetr I locate /usr/local/ I wasn't able to found /emhttp folder in there. I know it is there since I can access from command line.



  10. Hi, nice plugin. It is running in my UNraid box.


    Regarding the plugin I just havce one question: My server is set to copy new filkes to cache drive and at certain time of the day move it to the the main array. So, before the plugin first execution I just copy a new file to my server and as explained before it was located at my cache drive; then I execute the plugin command. Now I'm trying to guess if Unraid will be able to move this particular file from the cache drive to the main array.


    Just fro your reference this was the command I executed:

    /tmp/no_ransom.sh --lock-files 'yes' --media-shares 'Plex,General Data,system' --include-extensions '*.*' --debug 'yes'


  11. Hi all, hope some of you guys can help me.


    First I would like to provide you with some background of the hardware I'm running, these are the specs and configurations:

    • Processor: Core i5 8400
    • Motherboard: AsRock Z370 ITX
    • Hard Drives: 6 drives/4Tb each (1 Parity/5 for storage)
    • Unassigned Devices: 1 250 Gb SSD (Plex Database)/1 500Gb HDD (Downloads and files conversion to x265)
    • Expansion Cards: 1 SAS9211-8i


    I'm having problems with a drive on my UnRAID Box that appears as "Disabled" and its content is being "emulated" by parity. The one that is having problems is the array's 5th drive, it currently does not contain any data since I just added it to the array 2 weeks ago; the drive was precleared and SMART properties show no problems or rellocated sectors. Additionally, the 500 Gb HDD is also failing to be mounted/unmounted.


    You should know that the aforementioned failing drives are the only ones plugged to the SAS9211-8i expansion card, so, my guess is that the card has some kind of failure; I'll be buying a new one today.


    So guys, due to this situation I have some questions:

    1. Should I remove the SAS card and both hard drives?
    2. If I remove UnRAID's 5th HDD from the array a parity rebuild will be needed? If that's the case, do you know what steps are required to shrink the array?
    3. Is there a way to keep the "emulated" state on the array until the new SAS card arrives and then swap it, plug the failing 5th HDD and "clear" the "disabled" state?
    4. Since this 5th HDD was precleared and is untouched (it does not contain data), if I try to reinclude it as part of the array when the new SAS card arrives, a new preclear process will be required?


    By the way, if it helps attached are my system diagnostics.


    Thanks in advance for your help.


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