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Everything posted by TCosta29

  1. Yeah, well I'll try to use that video to see if it works out Update: followed those tutorials and it worked just fine! Thanks for the assist!
  2. Yes I'm using "MyDomain".duckdns.org/nextcloud to acess to my nextcloud and plex. I followed this tutorial to setup my letsencrypt docker. https://cyanlabs.net/tutorials/the-complete-unraid-reverse-proxy-duck-dns-dynamic-dns-and-letsencrypt-guide/ Atm I don't have any include in the site-confs/default file, but I'll add that one that you mentioned and try if it works!
  3. Thanks! That did solve the cerificate problem, but now it falls back to my Nextcloud docker instead of my git one. Whenever I type git."MyDomain".duckdns.org it falls back to git."MyDomain".duckdns.org/nextcloud I must be missing something. Do I need to add a new location in the NGINX site-confs/default file? I did create the file inside proxy-confs/gitlab-ce.subdomain.conf but do I need to import this file somewhere? I'm trully confused with all of this.
  4. I changed my git extra parameters to --env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url 'https://git."MySubdomain".duckdns.org';registry_external_url 'https://registry.subdomain.duckdns.org';gitlab_rails['gitlab_ssh_host']='git."MySubdomain".duckdns.org';nginx['listen_port']=9080;nginx['listen_https']=false;nginx['hsts_max_age']=0;registry_nginx['listen_port']=9381;registry_nginx['listen_https']=false;registry_nginx['enable']=true;registry['enable']=true;" And I created the file in proxy-confs/gitlab-ce.subdomain.conf with the info that you've provided and I still got this "Not private connection" stuff http://prntscr.com/ln9n0x Am I missing something?
  5. Not really, I've tried everything I now and I could not make this work. My "solution" atm is to only push my changes when I'm inside the local network.
  6. Hello guys! I've been reading this thread in order to figure out how can I setup my GitLab Docker with my letsencrypt docker. Right now my letsencrypt docker is like this : location /gitlab { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; } and my GitLab docker is like this :http://prntscr.com/l1gatc Extra Parameters: --env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url 'https://"subdomain".duckdns.org/'; nginx['listen_port'] = 9080; nginx['listen_https'] = false" But for some reason, when I try to connect to my gitlab through https://"subdomain".duckdns.org/gitlab it show's me 502 bad gateway error. If someone could help me, I would be very gratefull Also I'm still new to this unraid and docker stuff so please be patient with me.
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