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Everything posted by Wouter

  1. Finally it's working Thank you very much for your patience with me. Now I can eat and sleep again.
  2. Like this if i want it to a sub directory?
  3. This is what i ment. Before i used media instead of downloads
  4. Yes I already tried a different share but i got the same results
  5. permision to the folder denied how can i fix it?
  6. I removed the log file again. restart deluge and it is not creating a new log file. The openvpn file i used is from your link but for some reason the webui is working but now the torrents give an error and won't download.
  7. I changed it to Germany and it is not working anymore. Could it be that some old files from my old deluge image (I reinstalled unraid) are still there and are messing things up?
  8. I changed it to the netherlands and it is working. Thanks a lot I have access to the webui. Is the netherlands still an endpoint that supports port forwarding? if not which endpoint would you suggest?
  9. I'll change it. I surched with the wrong words to find it.
  10. I check my username and password on the pia site and they worked. i changed the openvpn file to sweden which is to the pia site a endpoint with port forwarding. It is still not working. hereby the log again supervisord.log. Also what line in the log is the sensitive information that i need to change? I don't see anything special in it.
  11. I think i did everthing according to the newbie vpn section. Did you mean this file supervisord.log? I can't find login credentials that needs to be censored in it.
  12. I have installed binhex delugevpn on my reinstalled unraid server. I used the youtube video of spaceinvader one which was very helpfull.  I think i have all the settings right but when I want to open the webUI my browser says error connection refused. When I turn of the VPN section everything is working. Can somebody help me? Below is my docker configuration and the files in my openvpn folder in appdata/binhex-delugevpn
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