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Posts posted by BelgarionNL

  1. so I got this all to work but then I ran into a problem with some shows not being recognized! for those that are interested:




    it boils down to too much artwork and mariadb craps out...


    so some shows werent scraping because in the logs it could not recognize the show so then I swapped scrapers for first time searching on a windows machine as suggested. Then game of thrones was recognized so I am at a loss...


    I also dont know how to change default tv show scrapers on the headless since I nice thorough guide on the first page is lacking :(


    edit nvm I also have a jellyfin server so I just installed the jellyfin official addon in kodi and bobs your uncle.

  2. so does this basically track your watched status and instead of having your db's on all clients you only have it on the server?


    I use trakt to backup my watched status and it syncs between my clients and jellyfin docker.


    question then remains: should I still install this? I think I see the benefits but this is not well documented in a tutorial as far as I could find so is it worth the hassle.


    edit: one of my kodi clients is a vero 4k+ running OSMC so I dont know if that complicates things.

  3. I want to use 2x old 2tb mybooks as a on-site backup of my more critical array data. but yea if it wont spin down I dont see that happening anytime soon.


    I get nuhll point of how it should be working because thats exactly how I want it to work too.

  4. I guess my APS ups is also not supported? bummer because I'd love it if we got this to work.


    getting the following error:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/src/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter.py", line 37, in <module>
    'OUTPUTV': float(ups['OUTPUTV']),
    KeyError: 'OUTPUTV'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/src/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter.py", line 37, in <module>
    'OUTPUTV': float(ups['OUTPUTV']),
    KeyError: 'OUTPUTV'


    my UPS details:


    APC001,036,0879DATE2019-02-12 21:32:40 +0100

    HOSTNAMESERVERPRIMEVERSION3.14.14 (31 May 2016) slackware



    STARTTIME2019-02-12 16:48:47 +0100MODELBack-UPS XS 1400U

    STATUSOnlineLINEV224.0 Volts

    LOADPCT9.0 PercentBCHARGE100.0 Percent

    TIMELEFT72.5 MinutesMBATTCHG50 Percent

    MINTIMEL5 MinutesMAXTIME0 Seconds

    SENSEMediumLOTRANS155.0 Volts

    HITRANS280.0 VoltsALARMDEL30 Seconds

    BATTV27.1 VoltsLASTXFERNo transfers since turnon





    NOMINV230 VoltsNOMBATTV24.0 Volts


    END APC2019-02-12 21:32:48 +0100

  5. Hi guys I hope you are able to give me a hint on how the fix the following:


    I used to have in grafana device = sde for example but that apparently changes on restarts so I thought OK no big deal I will change that to model = "insert type of HDD"


    Unfortunately I use identical drives and it only shows the first portion of that unique model type so for my 3 drives I only have 1 hit if I go by model number.


    is there a way to make this unique model number longer so it becomes unique?


    I used this portion (see below) from the guide linked in this thread for usage which works perfectly.



    How do you avoid changing drive names destroying your dashboard? -> Add this path to your Telegraf docker. Then edit your telegraf.conf and add device_tags = ["ID_SERIAL"] under [[inputs.diskio]]. Restart Telegraf and afterwards you can use the ID_SERIAL flag to access drives by serial number. If you're having issues, check out this thread on Github. Thanks for this to /u/sureguy.


  6. Hi I couldn't find an answer to this question anywhere so please either point me to the right direction or perhaps help me out with this issue.


    I would sometimes like to edit the config files from different dockers directly instead of going through the UI of the docker in question. 

    However I cannot seem to edit these config files directly because it wont allow me to save. What is weird is that I can move the config files to my pc and delete them in the appdata folder.

    This way I can at least still edit them on my pc and then copy them back in the appdata folder.. 

    Obviously I would like to just be able to modify them directly.


    I would really appreciate some help. I tried many things including using unraid to fix docker permission.

  7. Hi First off thank you for the videos. because of those on youtube I decided to try unraid first for my new server and so far I am absolutely loving it.


    On 5/2/2018 at 9:01 PM, Tal said:

    Just spent the last few hours rattling my brain after watching part 3. My board (MSI P55-GD65) has 2 network ports so I was thinking I could use one for the connection to the internet and the other to my internal network but I just cannot get it to work. If you could suggest where I'm going wrong that would be mighty helpful. Awesome videos by the way. You're videos are the reason I'm using unraid at all. ?


    Tal had the same idea I had and I was hoping I could get it work with the 2 nics on my board first for more testing to see if I actually like having pfsense on my server instead of a physical device.


    Would you be able to help us out and point us in the direction on how to use one for wan and the other for lan. this must be possible right?

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