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Everything posted by Buddy1913

  1. Hi, This is very likely me being very thick headed and not understanding exactly how things work but here we go: I'm running the ZFS pluigin on my Unraid box, as such all of the drives that i am using for ZFS are appearing in the unassigned devices section. when i go to a disk's settings sometimes the "Passed Though" option isn't there, others it is there but will not stay active. is there a way i can hide the disks from the Main window of unassigned devices?
  2. Hi Mudislander, Due to some changes on how OpenRA dedicated servers work you now must spesify the ExternalPort and ListenPort variables to be the same if you are running more than one server on a host in addition to the standard port assignement for unraid itself. just a heads up :) https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/issues/14832 https://puu.sh/AP3YD/809a917522.png