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Everything posted by unidentifiedme

  1. Still have the unabled to connect. I noticed this in the unraid logs. Where there are no port numbers being displayed. I was wondering if this had anything to do with it.
  2. I didn't realize I was still using one of the .ovpn files with a static IP. I switch to use the name server. Still seems to be doing the same thing. I used the exact same file and was able to connect on my other machine. I logged into the docker and checked the IP in the docker and it is correctly connecting to the VPN with no leaks. I added my supervisord.log again with the new .ovpn file running supervisord.log
  3. So will this container only work if the VPN has port forwarding? I was using ProtonVPN not to long ago and everything was working fine. I then restarted Unraid and every time I try and connect to the web client, I get the Unable to connect. I tried redownloading, clearing out all configs and trying it again. Still nothing. I added the *.ovpn file in the correct folder. I get my vpn IP back when I run these commands docker exec -it binhex-delugevpn /bin/bash dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com I tried digging through the forum and haven't found anything that worked. Network Type: Privileged: ON Host Port 1: 8112 Container Port: 8112 Host Port 2: 58846 Container Port: 58846 Host Port 3: 58946 Container Port: 58946 Host Port 4: 58946 Container Port: 58946 Host Port 5: 8118 Container Port: 8118 Host Path 2: /mnt/cache/torrent-completed/ Container Path: /data Key 1: yes Container Variable: VPN_ENABLED Key 2: * Container Variable: VPN_USER Key 3: * Container Variable: VPN_PASS Key 4: custom Container Variable: VPN_PROV Key 5: Container Variable: VPN_OPTIONS Key 6: yes Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD Key 7: yes Container Variable: ENABLE_PRIVOXY Key 8: Container Variable: LAN_NETWORK Key 9:,,,,,,, Container Variable: NAME_SERVERS Key 10: yes Container Variable: DEBUG Key 11: 000 Container Variable: UMASK Key 12: 99 Container Variable: PUID Key 13: 100 Container Variable: PGID downloading: /mnt/user/torrent-downloading/ Container Path: /downloading completed: /mnt/user/torrent-completed/ Container Path: /completed supervisord.log
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