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Everything posted by H8ing-Life

  1. 4 days and still no joy, Love the repo binhex. I have been using it with great success, the issue is that i had to make some changes due to a network change. the config and docker file got corrupted no problem i removed it and reinstalled but now i cant access the deluge-web portal unless i kill the deluge-web process running as nobody and restart it (it will then start as root). Here is my file for docker generation: sudo docker run -d \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 8112:8112 \ -p 8118:8118 \ -p 58846:58846 \ -p 58946:58946 \ --name=delugevpn \ -v /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Torrent/Torrent:/downloads \ -v /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Torrent/Torrent:/data \ -v /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Torrent/Docker/delugevpn:/config \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e VPN_ENABLED=yes \ -e VPN_USER=-------- \ -e VPN_PASS="----------" \ -e VPN_REMOTE=nl.privateinternetaccess.com \ -e VPN_PORT=1198 \ -e VPN_PROTOCOL=udp \ -e VPN_DEVICE_TYPE=tun \ -e VPN_PROV=pia \ -e STRONG_CERTS=no \ -e STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes \ -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes \ -e LAN_NETWORK= \ -e NAME_SERVERS=,,, \ -e DEBUG=false \ -e UMASK=000 \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ binhex/arch-delugevpn Thank you again. supervisord.log