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Posts posted by luowilliam

  1. 2 hours ago, trurl said:

    Why are your appdata, domains, and system shares set to cache-yes? They should be prefer. After you get them moved to cache then cache-only would be even better.


    This isn't the likely cause of your issues though. Just a likely cause of decreased performance due to having these on the array impacted by parity writes, and also causing array disks to spin since these are always in use.


    Did you try deleting the appdata for these dockers? Of course that would be starting them from scratch.

    Deleting the appdata and reinstall the docker worked. Thanks!

  2. Hi guys,

    I have been having different problems with my server so I decided to reinstall unraid but try to keep the array.

    The reinstallation went good. I still have my array but needed to reinstall dockers I had. For most of the dockers after resintall from Community Application, the content of the docker was restored automatically and all good. But for Transmission and OpenVPN-as, after resintallation of docker, I can't get into web interface anymore.

    Transmission says:

    This site can’t be reached

    192.168.1.xxx refused to connect.


    OpenVPN-as says:

    Your connection is not private. Gives the chrome page that says the certificate is no good. It doesn't even give you the option to say advance anyway and ignore the warning like some of the other websites that doesn't have "valid" certificate.


    I've tried deleting the docker and re-installing them without any difference.

    Need help on what to do next. Any help is appreciated.



  3. Still can't figure out what the problem is. 

    It not my network speed as I get same speed as WIFI

    The SATA cable was switched out as well.

    I would expect the read speed to be low for files that have not been copied before but writing to the cache drive should be as fast as the network speed, no?

    Please help.


  4. 21 hours ago, itimpi said:

    Is the cache drive a SSD?    If so do you have the CA Trim plugin installed to do periodic Trim operations on it?   Is the drive attached to a motherboard port or one on a HBA?

    Yes, the cache drive is a SSD. It's attached to motherboard port. I will install the CA trim and try.

  5. 22 hours ago, Marshalleq said:

    I'd try SATA cables.  Also, be real sure the cache is set to the mode you think it is.  And if you're copying over the network - make sure you're over a cable not wifi and all of that kind of thing.  Lots of small files copying will be a slower MB/s so depends if you're doing that.  I'm just guessing though as you don't say what you're trying to copy etc.

    I tried copying a movie file over ethernet connection from Windows and MAC... It's just super weird it was working fine up until a week ago. Tried to switch SATA cable didn't make a difference.

  6. I have a 240GB cache drive on my unraid server. I have been getting the maximum writting and reading speed from the server limited by only the Gbit network speed. I think aorund 110Mbps.

    However recently, the speed dropped way down to 40ish Mbps. It almost seem like the cache drive is no longer working. I checked the cache drive it has no error and I re-formatted the cache drive as well. No change.

    Any idea where to go next for troubleshooting?


  7. On 5/27/2016 at 5:14 PM, Kuroyukihimeeee said:

    Worked perfectly, ended up keeping my go file for some custom network binds and ensuring that all disks were in the right place so no data was lost.


    Only thing i had to do was set all shares to use cache drives again and that was pretty much it.


    Running much more stable now, excellent work on the wiki page. Hell, even my array is performing almost double its old speed in some cases! Something must have been really wrong with my old install.

    What would happen to the installed dockers? Will I need to reinstall them and configure them from scratch?

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