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Everything posted by seefilms

  1. I am currently using Plex Version It says there is an update but no matter what I do, I cannot get it to update. I have done everything from restarting my entire server to turning the plex server off and restarting it to just checking for updates on the server itself. Nothing is updating this thing and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. It has updated in the past but now refuses to do so. I am currently running Unraid 6.1.9 using Linuxserver/plex:latest container volume: /config host path: /mnt/user/appdata/plex/ with read/write access container volume: /mnt host path: /mnt/ with read/write access Please, help. Thanks!
  2. I'm using Version It's telling me I need to manually update it. I restart Plex via the docker and I get the same thing. When I download the latest Unraid Plex Media Server it's version 1.0.3 What gives?
  3. bjp999 gives us direction on how to convert from RFS to XFS. Which I am grateful for. However, in his directions he leaves out what is likely ridiculously simple and obvious stuff for some, but has me completely stumped. There are 22 pages on this thread and I think it would be really helpful if bjp999 edited his post on page one to include what I would like to call "STEP 0". bjp999 says: So how do you move from RFS to XFS? First, you need to buy (or free up) a disk as large as your largest data drive. If it is a new disk, you have to preclear it and add it to your array like any other new disk. My problem is "freeing up" a disk as large as my largest data drive. I could buy another drive (which frankly is the easiest option), but my array is already larger than I would prefer. So, given that I'm wanting to free up a disk... This is what I would like to call STEP 0. I've looked through multiple threads to find the best way to do this and I have come up with ... a headache. I saw people talking about rsync stuff. I've tried to read up on rsync and what it does/can do/should do. I don't really get it. And maybe I don't need to get it. Maybe I just need a command to get done what I need to get done and not worry about the whys and hows of it. I'm assuming there are only a few different scenarios here in freeing up a drive (but maybe I'm wrong), this would mean needing only a few different standard lines of command depending on the situation. Scenario 1. Freeing up a drive by transferring all data from source RFS drive to a destination XFS drive that has enough space to take all the data from one drive. This would be one command needed. Scenario 2. Freeing up a drive by transferring all data from source RFS drive to multiple destination XFS drives (because no one drive has enough space to take all of the data). This would be another command needed. Scenarios 3 and 4. the same thing except transferring from RFS to RFS to free up a drive. Last of all, thanks for anyone willing to tackle this. It would be extremely helpful to me. Thanks.
  4. It doesn't seem to be updating automatically. It was. But now, while at Version it is telling me to update manually. I don't know how to do that. However, I have completely reinstalled the docker. And I'm still at this version. I'm hoping to get Version Any thoughts?
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