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Everything posted by SirCaveman

  1. Only NZBGet and Deluge may go out and in through VPN yes, Sonarr and Radarr don't need to I think. Plex will always stay on host and i will need my unifi controller to stay on bridge i assume because it needs to work with my USG ofcourse. But if i assign br.051 (pfsense lan) to all containers, will my letsencrypt still proxy the 3 specific containers correctly? i'm having a hard time getting my head around the way proxy sits between pfsense and my actual internal network... I'm using cloudflare with my own domain for dns and letsencrypt btw.. Do you have your current setup also with just one nic? because the reason i set it up with a pfsense vm is because i only have one nic on the unraid machine.... otherwise i could have routed traffic through another nic etc..
  2. Hi aptalca, ok so my setup is like this: (My USG is my gateway with ) letsencrypt ==> sonarr radarr ombi ==> pfsense VM WAN = pfsense VM LAN = and then there are some containers on bridge (172.17.0.x ==> So am i correct to assume that indeed sonarr and radarr are unable to ever connect with the other containers with the current setup? It took me quite a bit to get my head around the pfsense vm and making it route traffic from specific dockers(nzbget, deluge, sonarr, radarr) ONLY through OPENVPN which is also setup in pfsense. But if i have to abandon this to get ombi to work with sonarr and radarr i will have to rethink everything... Although even if i bin pfsense and setup a openvpn container and try to route traffic through there i probably still need to use a macvlan for that...
  3. Ok so just to confirm, with macvlan you mean this VLAN (VLAN pfsense) ? : My custom network for ombi and other proxy containers are on the br.fc02.... and the br0.51 is the pfsense network: If in my case there is no way to do it with Unraid, is there another possibility through my unify controller? i also have a ubiquiti managed switch i was hoping to use in case i can't config it within Unraid... Thanks for your help aptalca!
  4. Hi there! I hope i'm at the right address here, no pun intended I have configured the lets encrypt docker successfully and running 3 containers (heimdall, nextcloud and ombi) on the network i called "proxynet" and all of them are externally working. The only thing I can't fully work out yet, is how i can let Ombi communicate with Sonarr and Radarr, which both are on a different vlan due to vpn purposes inconjunction with a pfsense vm in that same vlan (this way nzbget only downloads anything through a vpn through pfsense). I do not want to expose Sonarr and Radarr through proxy, just through the separate vlan. I hope i'm clear, its a bit of a somewhat complex setup 😊 So i hope anyone can point me in the right direction, if at all its possible to have a proxy-ed container on a vlan talk with a container on different vlan within Unraid...
  5. I’ve had 3 different machines at home with different content on each and it was really a mess to handle everything. So when I found unraid, i decided to build ONE machine that does it all with low power usage. Been using unraid for a month now and will buy a license for sure, its freaking fantastic!! Love this community and all the support from Limetech, happy birthday and keep it up!
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