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Everything posted by Cathnan

  1. Also running plex and also had tempfs at 100%. Reboot of the Plex container reduced tempfs usage to 7%. Also attached the band-aid of --no-healthcheck. Will see how it goes. Just curious now. Is that something Limetech, Plex or Docker needs to fix?
  2. Same here. It's on the plugin's tab for me. Uptime at the moment is 20 days. Iirc it was due to this message that I rebooted last time. Both times so far for me, the status for all plugins states "not available" trinity-2-diagnostics-20230523-1655.zip
  3. Hi, I have a very weird problem and couldn't find anything about it. I set code-server up as to run through a nginx reverseproxy on a vm that also serves everything else I run. I changed self_signed_cert to no and changed the password, that's it. The config on the reverseproxy is as follows: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name code.my.domain.net; return 301 https://$server_name:443$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name code.my.domain.net; # Use Mozilla's guidelines for SSL/TLS settings # https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ # NOTE: some settings below might be redundant ###SSL Config include /etc/nginx/ssl.conf; location / { # include /etc/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection upgrade; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding gzip; } } The problem I have is, whenever I try to access the site through firefox, I get prompted to download a tiny file, but don't get forwarded to the site. When I do this in firefox private mode, I get forwarded, but it seems to not work properly. For example I don't get the previews for the designs. In Edge, regardless of mode, I always get prompted to download the file. In Brave however everything seems to work as it should. I'm totally at a loss here. I also didn't find any hint in the log. Do you guys have any ideas? I've attached an example for such a tiny file and a recent docker log. If you need any other info please let me know. GpsP1_ti d8b806ed92f95d825a4e3c095d683e7000691c6dc4804a58c194887937518140-json.log
  4. Thank you, deactivated both DHCP pools and now it's there
  5. I tried to set up pi-hole in a docker for which the interface custom:br0 is necessary. But it is not available for me. I've searched the forum and googled for it, so I know I'm not the first one with this problem. But the solutions that worked for others for some reason don't work for me. From all I can tell I've set everything up correctly - although presumably I have not, since it doesn't work. I also tried this command I found on the forum to no avail rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db /etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart My config are as follows: I don't have any other network cards in my server, so interference on that side can't be it. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this config?
  6. Hi, I set up the container and the IPv4 update works perfectly and I can reach nextcloud no problem at all. But it seems that in the default configuration my IPv6 is not updated. Is there a way to update the IPv6 as well?
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