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Everything posted by darthjonathan12

  1. Hello all, I just purchased a small UPS (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FWAZEIU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and it is working great, I have been tired of these constant power outages with the weird weather we have had since November. I have my router and modem with Unraid plugged into the UPS with no monitor or any other device connected. However according to Unraid, depending on what the server is doing I will range from 11 to 19 minutes of run time before the battery is depleted, I understand that upgrading would give me more time but I was hoping someone has some tips on making my server more power efficient. It is mainly used as a Plex docker with Sonar, Radar, and SABnzd, as well as a steam storage and file storage for all my stuff. I have my VMs off by default and only turn them on when testing software or preforming certain tasks. This is my hardware. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tQd4V6
  2. I've been using Unraid for months and have been loving it. I expanded my array yesterday to include a new additional hard drive and everything is running smoothly, however I am confused in how adding another drive doesn't require an immediate parody check. If parody is based off of a simple math problem of 1's and 0's how does adding a new drive not mess with that without rebuilding parody?
  3. For some reason my Plex and deluge vpn dockers will not allow me to launch their Web UI, they do not share the same port mappings as far as I can tell but they will not allow me to use their Web UI. tower-diagnostics-20181220-2104.zip
  4. Ok its rebuilding disk 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything is great!!!!! I'll run a parity check once the disk is rebuilt and hopefully I can get a refund on the 2 month old drive that failed on me. Thank you so much trurl and johnnie.black!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ok as a newbie you mean I should just paste that line directly into the terminal without anything in front of it?
  6. Ok I decided that my time was more important than money and caved and bought an 8tb from Best Buy just now so I wouldn't have to wait for shipping, I am ready to get this server back up and running.
  7. a few days ago I accidentally bumped the power cable on the drive and unraid refused to run off of it. So I ran a new config so It would read off the disk again and it rebuilt parity and was fine, Today I tried to add some ssd's and bumped it again, so I ran the new config but this time the drive won't spin up at all.
  8. I have a drive (disk 2) that has refused to spin up, I've tested it on a few different systems and it still won't spin up. So the array restarted and now It says that all the data on the parity will be overwritten. it also thinks that the parity and disk 1 are new drives when they are not. How do I start up the array with the disk missing so I can access the data until the new replacement drive shows up? If I can't start up without a new drive How do I start it up without losing any data?
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