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Posts posted by Frank1940

  1. image.png.fc3bc6b02e152fa971068c6dac204ca4.png


    I assume this is what you are talking about.  


    There is nothing wrong with Unraid doing what it is doing.   Both of these entries have different names---  ShoGun vs  Shogun.  (I can't do the mark over the 'o')   Your problem is being caused by whatever is generating these directories.


    By the way, as I pointed earlier,  Linux would accept ShoGun and Shogun ( the case of the 'g' makes them different!) as valid names for two different directories/files.  Windows would not allow you to create the second variation-- it would complain that the directory/file already exists.  If Linux were generated to such files, and you access from a Windows computer using SMB, you would only see one of them.  They other one would be completely invisible!

  2. The User Shares folder/directories should not be delete-able if you are accessing them via SMB. using a client  You can delete everything within a User Share but not the Share itself.  (Unless you have jumped thorough some hoops to make a SMB share for the   user    directory.)  For that you will have to use the GUI or the command line.  I seem to recall that you can't even remove the share using the GUI unless the share is empty.) 


    You should also make your shares using the GUI.  There is a button on the SHARES tab which will allow you to add a new user share.  That will guarantee that the owner, group and permissions are set correctly. 


    When setting up Unraid, the command line should never be needed.   If you think you need it, you are wrong and have missed the proper setting page in the GUI.  The command line is only be necessary for troubleshooting or fixing something because someone (or some Docker container) has screwed things up! 


    Access Permissions are done at the Share level.  You click on the share name on the SHARES tab and you will be taken to this page:



    You set the Export in the SMB Security section and the SMB User access section will appear.  You then can set the access permission for each user. 

  3. You still have not shown us the problem!  (You should be able to see the pattern for   ls -al   command.  Continue down the tree until you get to the spot with the duplicates and don't cut all off the file names when you do the screenshots!)


    EDIT:  What is 'media director'?

  4. Give us the screen shot for these two commands:

    ls -al /mnt/user/data
    ls -al /mnt/user/data/media


    And what you mean by 'duplication'?  (Give example or show in the screenshots)  Note that Linux is case-sensitive.   New.txt   and  new.txt    are two separate files in Linux whereas in Windows, they are one file. 

  5. OK.


    First thing first. 


    Are you logging into your Unraid server using a 'Share Users' login?  (You should be doing this using a Windows Credential if you are using a mapped drive.  Recent versions of Windows {by default} will not allow you access to a server without a valid login account on that server!)


    IF you need help in setting SMB correctly, see here:




    It is  much easier to set things up correctly than trying to 'hack' things to make them work.  (MS is determine to try and stop you from doing that!)  By the way, you turn-on SMBv1 (by enabling NETBIOS) which is a security risk and, additionally, is turned off by default in Windows anyway!  And, be sure to read that entire first post of this thread as it addresses some changes that MS has done to enhance security recently. 


    Next thing.  Using Windows File Explorer (or File Manager, to use an old term).   Type    \\HOMESERVER     in the address bar  and see what you get.  If that doesn't work, try the IP address of that server.    (My recent experience is that only one of the two will work...)


    One more thing, because Windows networking is very persistent about its 'state', don't be afraid to reboot the client often.  There is no way to reset things back to the bootup state from Windows itself.

  6. 7 hours ago, Godvader said:

    "can't connect to server"

    It is a very generic response from Windows and provide little useful information! 


    7 hours ago, Godvader said:
    • I can access SMB shares locally
    • I can't access the SMB shares remotely through Wireguard



    How are you attempting to access these SMB shares?   Is this an external computer to your LAN?


    The reason for these questions is that Windows will only allow a single connection to a server from a Windows client.  So it best that you are testing from a computer that is not attached to your LAN.  (I think a computer that is using a WIFI connection to a WIFI 'GUEST' network would be alright...)


    As I recall, SAMBA was upgraded from 6.10.X  for a number of CVEs.  It is possible that one of these is the source of your issues. 


    Are you logging into your Unraid server SMB services?   What security level are are using on your Unraid shares---  Public, Secure or Private?


    EDIT:  I forgot a vital piece of information.  I don't use Wireguard but from your description, I suspect a SMB problem rather than a Wireguard issue. 

  7. I think you need to provide the base addresses (it will be something like of both routers.  There are rules that routers use to determine where they will 'look' to find a devices based on the IP address.  If the IP address of your server is with the base range of IP addresses serviced by your friend's router, it will never look beyond that router to find your server.  Thus he can never see your server!    (I am not a networking GURU!  I know just enough to make me really dangerous if I had your problem.  I don't know why your friend has his own router but the two routers on 'one' network is a receipt for problems...) 

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  8. 1 hour ago, ztatzu said:

    I downloaded the Dynamix File Manager and I tried to look up some tutorials on YouTube but couldn't find anythin

    Look for the manual in the first post of the Support Thread:


    The support thread for all Dockers and Plugins on on the respective Docker or Plugin tabs. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, ztatzu said:

    I had quite a few different problems trying to transfer the files from the Unassigned Disk Device to the unRaid Nas through Krusader, lost connection many different times, not so sure how I can check the times it actually got disconnected,


    You might want to install the Dynamix File Manager plugin to move these files.    It eliminates one level of complexity.


    26 minutes ago, ztatzu said:

    It happens quite often than not, the unRaid looses connection then reconnects after shutting it down manually or after refreshing the browser many times, and last nigh


    Wait until the connection is lost and then capture the diagnostics.  If possible provide details including what you were doing, what stopped working, and a time window when the event occurred

  10. @JorgeB, Please have a look near the end of the syslog where this sequence is occurring:

    May 31 06:49:20 SEXYBARD webGUI: Successful login user root from
    May 31 06:49:21 SEXYBARD kernel: i2c i2c-2: sendbytes: NAK bailout.
    May 31 06:49:22 SEXYBARD kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] *ERROR* Unexpected DP dual mode adaptor ID 7f
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD network: reload service: nginx
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD nginx: 2024/05/31 06:49:36 [alert] 5911#5911: *65 open socket #21 left in connection 9
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD nginx: 2024/05/31 06:49:36 [alert] 5911#5911: *67 open socket #23 left in connection 12
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD nginx: 2024/05/31 06:49:36 [alert] 5911#5911: *110 open socket #22 left in connection 13
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD nginx: 2024/05/31 06:49:36 [alert] 5911#5911: *76 open socket #25 left in connection 14
    May 31 06:49:36 SEXYBARD nginx: 2024/05/31 06:49:36 [alert] 5911#5911: aborting
    May 31 06:49:47 SEXYBARD kernel: i2c i2c-2: sendbytes: NAK bailout.
    May 31 06:49:48 SEXYBARD kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] *ERROR* Unexpected DP dual mode adaptor ID 7f
    May 31 06:50:12 SEXYBARD kernel: i2c i2c-2: sendbytes: NAK bailout.


    He also appears to be using macvlan...

  11. 11 hours ago, ztatzu said:

    But after a while the browser disconnects from the Server, after an about under a minute or over after refreshing it logs back into the UnRaid and the Krusader which is still transferring files,


    Are you talking about the browser disconnecting the GUI from the server?


    I assume that you are copying from One Drive on your PC to your Unraid server.  Understand that this connection is not the same as the one used by the GUI.  (Think of connections being like radio stations.  Just because one station goes off the air doesn't mean you can't listen to another one.  And other people in your home can use their radios to listen to different stations at the same time.  You just have to know where to look to find the station you want to listen to...)


    To further complicate matters, Krusader is a Docker container which means it is a small VM.  That means that once Krusader starts something, it will finish it independent of the Unraid OS.  Some Docker containers can and do interface with Unraid OS but others, like 'Folding_at_Home', can't even access it.  

  12. Look in the settings for the Docker and see if there are container variables named   PUID   (set to 99) and   PGID   (set to 100)  


    If there is a UMASK container variable set it to  000  or   0000  (the number  zero...)  


    One more thing.  If this does not work, you should be posting the problem in the Support thread for the particular Docker container that you are using.  (There can  be problems with containers that are not specifically intended for use with Unraid if they write directly to the array...) 


    You can also look at the permissions of a file that you have permission issues with the following command (Run the GUI Terminal):

    ls -al  /mnt/user/{remainder-of-path-to-the-file-with-issue}


    You can take a screen shot of the output to post up if you have question...

  13. 5 hours ago, mad_dr said:

    ’d probably have to go for the external version due to lack of space and cooling in the server case. I noticed that on the 5 drive version of the external dock (Link) there are five SATA data connectors - 1 per drive - but only 3 SATA power connectors. I’m assuming that 3 SATA power connectors are enough to power 5 drives so the enclosure combines the 3 power inputs and splits it across the 5 drives? Presumably you can use a single SATA power cable that has multiple connectors along its length, from a single slot on a PSU, to power the 3 inputs in the enclosure?



    Regarding power splitter cables.  The problems with power is the SATA power connectors itself.  (It has very limited current handling capability.)  So you want one with MOLEX plug which is plugged into the PS.  Also there is/was(?) a problem with the molded-in SATA connectors.  See this YouTube video for explanation:




    I don't know if this issue was ever completely solved (X-raying every connector would find any with the problem but cost of that would be prohibitive!)  as PS now have more SATA connectors reducing the need for additional SATA power connectors. 


    Proceed carefully at this point.  I would also look at server-type computer cases.  I know they are expensive but so are external solutions when one considers the total cost.

  14. You can also get this HBA for external drives:




    If you purchase a LSI card for internal drives, I would look for one without the cables.  Most of them come with 1M cables and you end up with a cabling mess inside the box.  You can find 0.5M cables which will help with the cable dressing issues. 


    You can also have a look at these types of enclosures.  There do not seem to be as many them being marketed as in the past.  I, personally, have never used them but I recall that other Unraid have used them successfully.  (Be sure to read reviews...)



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