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  1. This is really needed moving forward, Been a unraid fan for years back before Linus showed everyone the 2 gamers 1 cpu setup. Unfortunately many more application I'm running need gpu access and I don't need 2-8 gaming VMs I just need multiple VMs with GPU assist and compute help. Without making the change I'd have to have dedicated graphics for each, which is over kill. Hyper-v GPU-P is even looking like a solution at this point, but can't run unraid nested on it due to USB issues, so might just have to slowly start moving to proxmox and nest unraid if I decide to keep it. Love ya, but when needs are not being met relationships end PS Spent better part of 20 hours trying to work around to keep unraid with nested esxi or hyper-v but the shared gpu needs to be at host level and nested just doesn't work from what I've tried. Gonna give it some time as I've slowly been plinking away at the proxmox vgpu hack on unraid.... requires a lot more, but still only at the compile drivers part and I'm no expert. note for anyone trying the vgpu github has a 'merged' version of the hack for kernel 5.10 and up
  2. Ya, not gonna work unless someone does the vgpu hack and verifies getting it working on unraid. Hyper-v requires gen2 VMs to use GPU-P which can not be done nested. I was able to verify windows see's the GPU if passed through and even reports it partitionable, but can't do a Gen2 vm on the nested hyper-v so that's the stop there. Can't do unraid on hyper-v either due to USB issues. Can DDA a usb through to VM, but still fails to boot due to the way hyper-v just does not allow USB boot of guest. It's a dead end all around. looking to move to proxmox and use vgpu hack and just use nested unraid Would love anyone with good KVM experience to look at the vGPU hack that works on Proxmox and figure out how to get it working on unraid....
  3. Worked for me, from the VM template, flip toggle on top right from form to xml and made change, Thanks
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