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Report Comments posted by xruchai

  1. Yes, I saw it late and then processed my post. I don't use telegraf.

    There is also no activity on the hard drives, only on the SSDs, but that's how it should be. It's strange when I manually put the hard drives on standby, they stay in that state.

    As indicated, I haven't changed anything after the update from 6.8.3 to 6.9.0 that could influence this behavior :(.

  2. 3 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    If you click spindown button on main do they spin down?


    Also autofan is reading temps. Not sure where it gets them from but if doing smartctl will spin up disks if not using -n standby.

    If I set the HDDs to standby manually and then run smartctl -n standby -i / dev / sdb, I get the message: Device is in standby mode.

    The hard drives remain in standby so there is no access, that works.

    To me it looks like the timer isn't running or the spin down task isn't triggered?


    I don't use telegraf.

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